如何设置输入法Unit One
OTHERWISE: 1) under other circumstances; (在其他情况下)2) in another manner; (其他方面)3)in other respects; (其他方面)
1.Unless in any enactment it is otherwi provided, the period of imprisonment, which may be impod by a magistrate exercising summary jurisdiction, in respect of the non-payment of any sum of money adjudged to be paid by a conviction, whether it be fine or in respect of the property the subject of the offence, or in respect of the injury done by the offender, or in respect of the default of a sufficient distress to satisfy any such sum, shall be such period as, in the opinion of the magistrate, will satisfy the justice of the ca, but shall not exceed in any ca the maximum fixed by the following scale.
2. Any person who by threats, persuasion or otherwi induces a witness or a party not to give evidence in any hearing before the Board commits an offence.
2.任何人以恐吓, 怂恿或以其他手段诱使证人不在仲裁处听政中作证, 即属犯罪。
1. A general disposition of property shall be construed to include any property which the testator may have power to appoint in any manner he may think proper and shall operate as an execution of such power, unless a contrary intention appears from the will.
1. 财产的一般处置必须解释作: 包括立遗嘱人有权以其认为适当的方式指定受益的任何财产的处置, 并按照该权力的执行而实施, 除非遗嘱内显示相反的意愿。
Law in Business
qq交友A person who is involved in business is also involved in the law concerning business. Making contracts and using negotiable instruments --- both of which are legal concepts --- are the esnce of business. Business and law were cloly associated even when there were few lawyers and business managers spent relatively little time with them. The growing importance of law in business, however, is shown by the rapid increa in the u of lawyers by people in business. In recent years, the number of corporate counl, the full-time lawyers who are employed by corporations, has been growing faster than the number in any other category of attorneys. Law firms that rve primarily business people have also been expanding at a great rate. Even the smallest business turn to lawyers frequently.
Almost every business activity involves legal risks and conquences. To avoid costly court judgments and to get what they are entitled to under the law, people in business need to be generally familiar with the law applicable to their activities.
The practice of preventive law requires a knowledgeable lawyer. The client needs to understand the l
egal system and the applicable law well enough to be able to communicate with the lawyer. As a client you need to know what information is releva nt and necessary to the lawyer’s opinion. Too often clients get in trouble becau they have not fully informed their lawyers. A legal opinion is no better than the information upon which it is bad. Clients also often apply legal advice to situations not contemplated by the lawyer. This can lead to a lawsuit, or it may discourage the client from doing something that is clearly legal.
Law is an important part of the culture of any society. Like its language, law reflects the values, history and current problems of a society. To learn something about law as an institution, how it functions in the society, and some of its basic concepts is esntial to an understanding of the society.
一个同商业打交道的人同时也在同商法打交道。订立契约和使用票据(这两者都是法律概念), 是商业的精髓。甚至在律师还寥寥无几而且相对而言企业经理还很少花时间向律师咨询的时代, 商业和法律就已经紧密地结合在一起了。但是商界雇佣律师的情况骤增这一事实表明: 法律在商业上日益重要了。
近年来, 公司律师(即由公司雇佣的专职律师) 的人数比其他任何一类律师的人数增长得都多。主要为商界人士服务的那些律师事务所也一直在迅速增长。现在甚至连最小的企业也常常去请律师帮忙了。
几乎每一项商业活动都有法律风险和后果。为了既可避免要求法院判决而破财, 也可以取得依法享有的权益, 商界人士必须对适用于他们业务活动的法律有一般的了解。
为了避免对簿公堂, 需要有精通业务的律师。当事人要能同律师互相交流, 必须对法律制度和所适用的法律有足够的了解。作为一个当事人, 你得知道在律师看来, 哪些信息是直接相关而且又是必不可少的。当事人往往由于没有把全部情况让律师知道而遇到了麻烦。律师提供的意见不可能比他所根据的信息还高明。当事人也往往把律师的意见用到律师所没有设想到的情况中去,这样会引起诉讼; 要不然, 也会使当事人产生顾虑--- 明明是合法的事情却不敢去做。
法律是任何社会文化的重要组成部分。像一个社会的语言一样, 法律反映某一个社会的价值观, 历史, 和现实的问题。对作为一种制度的法律, 对如何行使法律的社会职能以及对某些基本法律概念有所了解, 是了解一个社会所必不可少的。
Unit Two
SUBJECT TO: 以……为条件,根据……的规定,在符合……的条件下
1.Subject to this ction, an appeal shall be brought in such manner and shall be subject to such conditions as are prescribed by rules made under subction 5.
2. Subject to subction 4, the information referred to in ction 13 (2) and in ction 14 (2) may be required from a legal advir as from any other person, notwithstanding that the effect of compliance with such a requirement would be to disclo any privileged information or communication.
3. Subject to subction 3, the Board shall have jurisdiction to inquire into, hear and determine the claims specified in the Schedule.
If a Purchar shall make and insist on any objection or requisition either as to title conveyance or any matter appearing on the title deeds or particulars or conditions or otherwi the V endor shall be unable or on the ground of difficulty or expen or on any other reasonable ground unwilling to remove or comply with the V endor shall notwithstanding any previous negotiation or litigation be at liberty on giving to the Purchar not less than ven days’ notice in writing to annul sale in which ca unless the objection or requisition shall have been in the meantime withdrawn the sale shall at the expiration of the notice be annulled the Purchar being in that event entitled to a return of the deposit but without interest costs or compensation. Provided that should the Purchar or his nomin
ee have entered into posssion of the premis hereby agreed to be sold the Purchar shall thereupon be deemed to have accepted the title of the V endor and shall not be entitled to rai any requisition or objection in respect of any the matters aforesaid.
如果买主要在所有权让与方面, 或在所有权证书或细节或条件上出现的任何问题方面提出并坚持任何反对或要求, 或者情况反过来, 卖主无法或因为困难或费用或因为其他任何合理理由而不愿意搬迁或照合约行事, 不管以前的任何洽谈或诉讼, 卖主有权在给予买主书面通知七天之后取消这宗销售。在这种情况下, 除非反对或要求在其间撤回, 否则那宗销售在通知期满后就取消, 在那时候买主有权收回保证金但是不会获得利息或赔偿。倘若买主或其指定人已占有凭本和约出售的楼宇, 买主即被认为已接受卖主的所有权, 并无权在上述任何问题方面提出任何要求或反对。
International Business
The world economy may be conceived of as following one of three models, none of which has ever e
xisted in pure form. They are the laisz-faire model, the national regulation model, and the international regulation model.
International agreements have provided almost all the rules in existence today regarding international trade and investment. General problem areas include (1) the denial of entry of foreign goods, where the importing country favors domestic production by excluding or curtailing highly competitive goods from abroad; (2) the denial of entry of foreign capital, where the intended receiving country A refus to allow capitalization by a foreign country B of a plant to be built in A to produce goods for marketing in A using A’s labor; (3) the denial of rights flowing from ownership, where the ownership rights (proceeds, for example) of a cooperation organized and owned in country A and operating in country B are expropriated by the government of country B; and (4) the denial of development opportunity, where aid from country A to a poor developing country B is cut off becau of the abridgement of basic human rights (for example) in country B.
Motives for Internationalization
There are a number of reasons that may prompt a company to establish manufacturing and asmbly operations in foreign countries, among them the following -----
1) To avoid tariff and import barriers and regulations.
2) To u local raw materials.
3) To participate in the growth of an overas market.论文开头怎么写
4) To obtain foreign design, technical and marketing skills.
5) To reduce or eliminate high transportation costs.
6) To maintain existing market positions.
7) To follow customers or competitors abroad.
8) To obtain incentives offered by host governments.
Forms of International Business
International activities of business firms can take a wide variety of forms, some of which are briefly described as follows:
Direct Import Direct Export Direct Investment Portfolio Investment Licensing Contract Manufacturing Manufacturing Facilities Asmbly Operations Turnkey Projects