
更新时间:2023-06-01 07:33:05 阅读: 评论:0

希腊神话Achilles’s Heel 唯一致命的弱点
Achilles is the chief hero of Homer‟s Iliad and the bravest of all the Greeks. In CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY his mother was the NYMPH, Thetis, who wishing to make him immortal dipped him in the River STYX. In doing so she held him by the heel which became his only vulnerable part. In the war against Troy, he killed HECTOR and was himlf killed by PARIS who shot him in the heel with an arrow.
1. In a Pickle
The idiom “in a pickle” means in trouble, or in an unpleas ant situation.
Years ago, people didn‟t have refrigerators to help keep vegetables and meat from spoiling.
They sometimes put them in a large barrel filled with vinegar or brine. This was called “pickling.” Imagine someone sitting on the lid of a pickle ba rrel. Ooops! He falls in. Now he‟s in big trouble.
2. Get the Elbow
Craig has worked for the skytop Roofing Company for almost twelve years. Imagine his surpri when he went to work today and found he had gotten the elbow! To get the elbow is to be fired, though in a personal relationship it means a relationship has been terminated. “Tammy got the elbow from her boyfriend.”
国际性节日名称International Festivals
1.Black‟s Culture Day黑人文化节3月13日
2.World Health Day 世界卫生节4月7日
3.World No Tobacco Day 世界无烟日4月7日
4.World Meteorological Day 世界气象节4月23日
5.International Nurs‟ Festival国际护士节5月12日
6.World Environment Day  世界环境日6月5日
7.World Architecture Day 世界建筑节7月1日
8.International Aviation Fair 国际航空节每年夏季
9.International Antiilliteracy Day 国际扫盲日9月8日
10.International Music Day 国际音乐节10月1日
11.International Housing Day 国际住房日10月第一个星期一
12.Universal Postal Day 世界邮政日10月9日
13.World Youth Day 世界青年节11月10日
14.World Festival of Students 世界学生节11月11日
15.Olympic Art Festival 奥林匹克艺术节每四年随奥运会举行
现代世界七大奇观The Seven Modern Wonders of the World
1.The Suez Canal (苏伊士运河)
2.The Eiffel Tower, in Paris (巴黎埃菲尔铁塔)
3.The Alaska Highway, connecting Alaska with Canada (阿拉斯加公路)
4.The Golden Gate Bridge, in San Francisco, Calif. (美国加州三藩市的金门桥)
5.The Empire State Building, in New York City (纽约市的帝国大厦)
6.Dneproges Dam, an extensive power station on the Dnieper R, in Ukraine (乌克兰第聂伯河水电站大坝)
7.The Panama Canal (巴拿马运河)
汉英政治词语Chine-English Political Terms节律
1.反腐败斗争the fight against corruption; combat corruption
2.废除领导干部终身制abolish de facto life-long tenure of leading personal
3.改革开放的总设计师the chief architect of China‟s reform and opening up
4.国家公务员制the system of public rvice
5.依靠科技、教育兴农persist in revitalizing agriculture by relying on science and technology and on
6.建设有中国特色的社会主义build socialism with Chine characteristics
7.纠正以言代法,以罪代刑的现象put an end to arbitrary intervention by persons in authority and correct the
practice of replacing imprisonment for criminal offens with lighter punishment
8.廉洁奉公performing one‟s official duties honestly
9.廉政建设build a clean and honest government; keep government clean
10.请客送礼give lavish dinner parties and prents
11.“扫黄” anti pornography campaign
12.所谓“上有政策,下有对策” the saying that “the higher authorities have policies and the localities have their
13.脱穷致富shake off poverty and t out on to the road to prosperity
14.小康生活(水平)a relatively comfortable standard of living; leading a relatively comfortable life
15.行政干预intervene administratively
16.走后门cure advantages through pull or influence
美国各城市的别名(一)Nicknames for the Cities of the USA (I)
San Antonio, Texas Alamo City(阿拉莫城)
Dallas, Texas Big D(大D城)
Boston, Massachutts Bean town(豆城)
New York City Big Apple(大苹果)
恰到好处的孤独Reno, Nevada Biggest Little City in the World
Lexington, Massachutts Birthplace of American Liberty
Buffalo, New York  Bison City(野牛城)
Old Town, Maine Canoe City(独木舟城)
Kalamazoo, Michigan Celery City(芹菜城)
Allentown, Pennsylvania Cement City(水泥城)
Hershey, Pennsylvania Chocolate Capital of the World
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City of Brotherly Love(博爱城)
San Francisco, California City by the Golden Gate(金门城)
New Orleans, Louisiana  Crescent City(新月城)
Hollywood, California Film Capital of the World(世界影都)
St. Louis, Missouri  Gateway to the West(西方之门户)
Toledo, Ohio grass Capital of the World(世界草都)
美国各城市的别名(二)Nicknames for the Cities of the USA (I)
1.Moblie, Alabama  Gulf City(海湾城)
2. Boston, Massachutts Hub of the Univer(宇宙中心)
3. Hartford, Connecticut  Insurance City(保险城)
4. Denver, Colorado Mile high City(一里高城)
5. Detroit, Michigan Motor City (Motown)(汽车城)
6. Nashville, Tenne music City(音乐城)
7. Hilo, Hawaii Orchid Capital(兰都)
8. Charleston, South Carolina  Palmetto City(矮棕榈城)
9. Suffolk, Virginia  Peanut City(花生城)
10.Birmingham, Alabama Pittsburgh of the South(南方钢都)
11.Reading, Pennsylvania Pretzel City(椒盐饼干城)
12. Indianapolis, Indiana Railroad City(铁路城)
13. Akron, Ohio Rubber Capital of the World
14. Paterson, new Jery  Silk City(丝绸城)
15. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Steel City(钢都)
16. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota Twin Cities(孪生城)
17. Chicago, Illinois Windy City(多风城)
全世界时所最佳大学的名次World’ s Top 10 Universities
Stanford University in the United States has been named the best university in the world by the International Teachers Association. The association which is bad in Geneva, Switzerland, drew up a list of the top 10 universities in the world. They bad their list on the academic performances of the universities, students and faculty quality, and achievements in scientific rearch.
The top 10 are as follows:
1. Stanford University, US(美国斯坦福大学)
2. Harvard University, US(美国哈佛大学)
3. Massachutts Institute of Technology, US(美国麻省理工大学)
4. University of California, Berkeley, US(美国加州大学伯克利分校)
5. Princeton University, US(美国普林斯顿大学)
6. Cambridge University, Britain(英国剑桥大学)
7. Yale University, US(美国耶鲁大学)
8. Oxford University, Britain(英国牛津大学)
9. Tokyo University, Japan(日本东京大学)
10. Munich Industrial University, Germany(德国慕尼黑工业大学)
(From 21st Century, Dec. 15, 1993)
父亲节Father’s Day
The third Sunday in June is the Father‟s Day in the United Sates. But Father‟s Day ems to be much less important an occasion than the Mother‟s day. There is no traditional celebrations like the Mother‟s Day and only a few children offer their fathers some prents. But the American fathers still think they are much better fated than the fathers of many other countries, who have not even a day for their sake in name only.
破绽的近义词是什么表“群”的英文词语English Terms for “Group”
1.  a brood of chickens 一窝小鸡
2.  a cloud of birds (locusts) 一大群鸟(蝗虫)
3.  a flock of gee (chickens, sheep) 一群鹅(鸡,绵羊)
4.  a flight of birds (doves, swallows) 一群飞鸟(飞鸽,飞燕)
5.  a herd of cows (buffaloes, deer, ponies, cranes, etc.) 一群牛(水牛,鹿,小马,鹤,等等)
6.  a litter of pigs (pups, kittens) 一窝小猪(小狗,小猫)
7.  a master of peacocks 一群孔雀
8.  a nest of rabbits (hornets) 一窝家兔(大黄蜂)
9.  a school of fish (whales) 一群鱼(鲸)
10.a swarm of bees (ants, flies) 一群蜂(蚂蚁,苍蝇)
美国历届总统名单(一)Presidents of the United States(I)
1.乔治.华盛顿George Washington (1732-1799), first President of the USA(1789-1797).
2. 约翰.亚当斯John Adams (1735-1826), cond President of the USA(1797-1801).
3. 托马斯.杰斐逊Thomas Jefferson(1743-1826), third President of the USA(1801-1809).
4. 詹姆斯.麦迪逊James Madison (1751-1836), fourth President of the USA(1809-1817).
5. 詹姆斯.门罗James Monroe (1758-1831), fifth President of the USA(1817-1824).
6. 约翰.Q. 亚当斯John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), sixth President of the USA (1825-1829).
7.安德鲁.杰克逊Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), venth President of the USA(1829-1837).
8. 马丁.范布伦Martin Van Buren (1782-1862), eighth President of the USA(1837-1841), a Democrat.
9.威廉.哈里森William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), ninth President of the USA (1841), a Whig.
美国历届总统名单(二)Presidents of the United States(II)
1. 约翰.泰勒John Tyler(1790-1862), 10th President of the USA(1841-1845), a moderate Democrat.
2. 詹姆斯.波耳克James Knox Polk(1795-1849), 11th President of the USA(1845-1849), a Democrat.
3. 扎卡里.泰勒Zachary Taylor(1784-1850), 12th President of the USA(1849-1850), a Whig.
4. 米勒德.菲尔莫尔Millard Fillmore(1784-1850), 12th President of the USA(1850-1852), a Whig.
5. 富兰克林.皮尔斯Franklin Pierce(1804-1869), 14th President of the USA(1853-1857), a democrat.
6. 詹姆斯.布坎南James Buchanan (1971-1868), 15th President of the USA(1857-1861), a Democrat.
7. 亚伯拉罕.林肯Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865), 16th President of the USA(1861-1865), a Replica.
8。安德鲁.约翰逊Andrew Johnson(1808-1875), 17th President of the USA(1865-1869), a democrat.
9。尤利塞斯.S.格兰特Ulyss S.(Simpson) Grant (1822-1885), 18th President of the USA (1869-1877), a Republican.
美国历届总统名单(三)Presidents of the United States (III)
1. 拉瑟福德.B.海斯Rutherford B.(Bieenhard) Hayes (1822-1893), 19th President of the USA, a Republican.
2. 詹姆斯.加菲尔德James Abram Garfield (1831—1881), 20th President of the USA, a Republican.
3. 切斯特.阿瑟Chester Alan Arthur (1830—1886), 21st President of the USA (1881—1885), President of the USA, a Republican.
4. 斯蒂芬.克利夫兰Stephen Grove Cleveland, (1837—1908), 2nd and 24th President of the USA (1885—1889) and (1893—1897), a Democrat.
5. 本杰明.哈里森Benjamin Harrison (1833—1901), 23rd President of the USA (1889—1893), a Republican.
6. 斯蒂芬.克利夫兰Stephen Grove Cleveland (1837—1908), 22nd and 24th President of the USA (1885—1889) and (1893—1897), a Democrat.
7. 威廉.麦金莱William McKinley (1843—1901), 25th President of the USA (1897—1901), a Republican.
8. 西奥多.罗斯福Theodore Roovelt (1858—1919), 26th President of the USA (1901—1909), a Republican.
9. 威廉.H.塔夫脱William Howard Taft (1857—1930), 27th President of the USA(1909—1913), a Republican.
When Do You Stop Growing?
The average newborn infant is about one foot, eight inches long. In 20 years, this little body more than triples in
length! The average height of a man is five feet eight.
But man does not stop growing then. He actually continues to grow even after the age of twenty-five and teaches his maximum height at about the age of thirty-five to forty.
What happens after that? He does not just stop growing but begins to “shrink”! The average person shrinks by about four-tenths of an inch every ten years after the age of forty. The reason for this shrinkage is the drying up of the cartilage in the joints and the spinal column.
Growth varies with the asons. Children grow more rapidly during summer than during the winter. Children of school age actually grow twice as fast during the summer months as during the winter! Better food, better modes of living, a whole group of circumstances are making the newer generations taller than the previous ones.
Our rate of growth is determined by four important ts of glands: the thyroid, the pituitary, the thymus, and the x gland. When the glands operate normally and there is the proper balance between their functions, then growth is normal.
然儿Did you know that every morning we are taller than we were the previous evening, but in the cour of the day we begin to shrink?
The Order of U.S. Presidential Succession
If a U.S. President is removed from office, or dies or resigns, or is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office, another high official succeeds as the next President without being elected. The order of presidential succession is as follows:
1.the Vice President
2.Speaker of the Hou
3.President pro tempore of the Senate
4.Secretary of State
5.Secretary of the Treasure
6.Secretary of Defen
7.Attorney General
8.Secretary of the Interior
9.Secretary of Agriculture
10.Secretary of Commerce
11.Secretary of Labor
12.Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
13.Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
14.Secretary of Transportation
Of cour, the successor must meet the requirements of qualifications t in the U. S. Constitution, that is, he must be born in the United States(a nature born citizen); he must be over thirty-five years old; and he must have lived within the United States for at least fourteen years.
(英国)托利党和辉格党Tories and Whigs
Tories and Whigs were both once terms of contempt applied by men of one political party to their opponents. The term “Whigs”(once meaning rebel Scottish Presbyterians) was first applied to Petitioners who petitioned the king to call a Parliament; whereas the term “Tories”(once mea ning rebel Irish Catholics) was given to Abhorrers who abhorred interference with the king‟s prerogatives. Then in the reign of Charles II merged two political parties to whom the names “Tory” and “Whig” were applied: the Tories were a Court party formed f rom countries who were devoted to the Crown and the Church of England; the Whigs were a Country party formed in opposition to the Court party. The parties came into prominence during the Exclusion Bill debates(1679-1681). Whig and

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