贼-85343-坦桑尼亚人学汉语Chine-English dictionary
zéi ①偷东西的人thief/pickpocket/burglar②危害国家、民族利益的人traitor/enemy:卖国~traitor丨民~traitor to the people③不正派的跑跑交易区crooked/wicked/evil/furtive:~头~脑with a hang-gallows look/a hangdog look/every inch of him a thief/furtive/stealthy
贼喊捉贼 比喻坏人为了逃避罪责,极力混淆视听,嫁祸于人,反诬别人为坏人曹心怡thief crying for the thief/satan reproves sin/cover onelf up by shouting with the crowd/take the wind out of sb.'s sails
贼去关门 比喻出了事故才知道防备海盗船长杰克lock the door after the thief has gone/look the stable door after the hor is stolen 项目组织管理
贼人胆羞 财务基础知识入门比喻做了坏事的人,总是担心别人知道,心里不踏实也叫‘贼人心虚’have a guilty conscience