Unit 17 Nature
1.重点词汇 increa;disappear;alive ;rearch; protect; put on performances; atprent;one after another
2.重要句型 1) How long will it take you to complete the trip? 2) We want to givesome money to this project so that the number of the deer in China can be incread. 3) Itis
hoped that one day they will have enough animals to t them free and let them live in thewild again.3.语法理解并初步掌握现在进行时被动语态的用法: 1) The life of the milu is beingstudied at prent. 2) More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park in Shishouin Hubei Province.4.日常交际用语打算和目的(Intentions and purpos); 1) Why are you making thisjourney?2) We are trying to collect the money for a wildlife project. 3) We want to… sothat… 4) What is the purpo of your new project? 5) That sounds a good idea. 6) Goodluck with your trip!
向学生提出下列问题: 1) Do you like travelling with your friends by bike? 2) What arethe advantages(good points) of travelling by bike? 3) Usually what is the purpo of travel-ling?Now listen to the dialogue and find out why they are making this journey.
1)Why are they making this jour-ney?
2) What will the money be ud for?
1)They are trying to collect money for a wildlife project.
圣诞老人英语怎么说2) The money will beud for an important project of protecting milu deer.
1) Where are they going to travel? 2) How many of them are in this group? 3) Who arethey and where are they from? 4) How long will it take them to complete the trip?
情景 1: Someone is going to make a trip to his hometown. Ask him what he plans to dothere;how and when he is leaving and what time he wants to come back.
情景 2: Group 4 students plan to ll morning newspapers during their summer holi-days. Ask them when they will start doing so and the purpo of doing so. Also ask themwhat they will do with the money they earn. And what they will do if they won’t be able toearn money.经数分钟练习后,教师可请几组同学到前面进行表演,教师予以讲评。
提示语:1)make a trip to London ; 2)introduce the four of them; 3)how long their jour
-ney is;4) the purpo of their journey儿童活动区
教师给出首句: Gary and his friends are going to make a trip to London from Beijing.
Gary and his friends are going to make a trip to London from Beijing. They are goingthere by bicycle.There are four of them:Gary,from Britain;Sun Huilin,from China;Pe-ter,from Australia and Lynn, from Greece.Their trip will be quite long,about 20 000 kilo-metres. They want to collect some money for a wildlife project. The
project is about themilu deer. They want to give some money to this project so that the number of the deer inChina can be incread.
5.布置作业 1)预习第66课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。
2.教师通过以下提问导入正课: 1) Have you ever been to the zoo? 2) What animals doyou like most?3) Scientists say that many animals are disappearing from this world. Can youname some of the animals? 4) People say that animals are our friends. Do you agree or not?Plea give your opinions.
3.教师给出读前提问: 1) At what time did the milu deer disappear? 2) Where is thebiggest nature park for milu deer in China?
Key:1) The milu deer disappeared during the Ming and Qing periods. 2) The biggest na-ture park for milu deer in China is the Nanhaizi Milu Park, and it is 20 kilometres south ofBeijing.4.放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解程度(可参阅练习册中所列出的问题)
1) In the past there were no milu deer in China at all. 2) From the text we know that thenumber of nature parks for milu deer in China is increasing every year. 3) Milu deer disap-peared during the Ming and Qing periods becau too many of them had been taken to othercountries. 4) Today,the only milu deer that can be en alive are in En
gland. 5) In Englandthe weather is wet and cool and the milu deer was ud to it. 6) From the text we know thatthere are too many milu deer in the great park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford in Eng-land. 7) In 1985, 39 milu deer were brought to Jiangsu Province from Beijing. 8) It is hopedthat one day milu deer will be able to live in the wild again.
Key: 1) Fal( The milu deer ud to be very common in China.) 2) True3) Fal(Milu deer disappeared during the Ming and Qing periods becau too many of them had beenkilled.) 4) Fal ( We can also e them in China and some other countries.) 5) True 6)True 7) Fal(In 1985,39 milu deer were brought to Jiangsu Province from Britain.) 8)True