
更新时间:2023-05-31 23:58:49 阅读: 评论:0

unit1 business ethics
1. On March 27th the California Superior Court gave Ellen Pao chance
to test one of Silicon Valley’s most cherished pieces of wisdom—that failure is a wonderful pedagogic opportunity.
2. Two other discrimination cas against Facebook and Twitter were launched while it was under way.
期间又出现了两宗分别指控Facebook 和 Twitter歧视的案件.
3. Silicon Vally likes to think of itlf as the very embodiment
of meritocracy.
4. The venture capital business where tried to make her career is the Valley’s most macho corner.
5. The dearth of female tech leadership is partly a question of supply.
插座开关品牌排行前十名樱花歌词6. In American school,girls have reached rough parity with boys in physics ,mathematics and biology.
7. Critics of Silicon Vally argue that it is a boy’s club—not only dominated by men but shaped by male-bonding may be truer to say that two boy’s clubs rolled into one—the frat-boy club of moneymen and the geek club of computer programmers.
8. But it produced a slogan that high-tech women can rally behind.然后,此案为高科技行业的女性从业人员提供了一面团结呐喊的旗帜。
9. But that the different disappears when their numbers increa and they receive formal mentoring.
迪拜图片10. has pledged that his company will be “fully reprentative of the diversity of the country’s available talent”by has led a campaign to encourage women to “lead in”at work —that is ,not to be shrinking violets.
11. The danger is that if the job is left entirely to such outsiders they will come up with a bureaucratic exerci that
stifles the Vally’s creativity ; or a public-relations make over that does little to advance women’s chances.
12. What makes this a genuinely knotty problem in the Vally —one that needs the fully attention of the tech industry’s leaders —is that venture-capital partnerships like the tech startups they back,often work best when they are run by a tight-knit group of partners.
13. The Valley’s testosterone-infud culture needs to change so as to address this ,with
out losing the esprit de corps that ems esntial to success.
UNIT 2 cultural and creative industry
1. The Culture and Creative Industries are now recognized as one of
the mainsprings of the British economy and their future
sustainability and growth need to become a priority for the
2. The Ecosystem describes the interconnectedness of the Culture and Creative Industrie
s in terms of the flow of ideas,talents and investment from public and private sources that characterizes them.生态系统描述的是以创意,人才和公众及私人投资的流动为特征的文化创意产业之间的关联性。
3 .It is also important to note that Britain’s culture and creative ecosystem nurtures relationships with other ecosystem on a global scale via interchange with other countries’ cultural and creative ctors, from international film co-productions to the blossoming Biennales across the world.前程路
4 .By combing success with blockbuster hits with culturally significant but less profitable independent cinema, the industry is positioned on a creative-culture continuum and recognizes that breadth and depth of choice make British film attractive to audiences.
5. The film ctor draws on creative ,artistic and technical skills from across the Culture and Creative Industries(performing arts,design,drafts,gaming
technologies,publishing,directors,etc.).encouraging the flow of talent ,skills,and financial resources across the ecosystem .
餐食6. As a result,at a time of austerity and significant cuts in public funding ,their future viability in terms of talent development and audience/consumer generation is disproportionately negatively

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标签:文化   硅谷   创意   女性
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