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Mr.Dongguo and Wolf(英语故事《东郭先生与狼》)
1. 一天,东郭先生骑着驴外出。
A school-master mamed Dongguo ts out on a journet and los his way.
2. 突然,一只带伤的狼跑在他面前,哀求着说:“后面有猎人追捕我,请你救救我。”
A wolf who is being chad rushes up and begs the scholar to save him.
3. 看着狼可怜的样子,东郭先生心软了,他让狼藏在他的书袋里,驮在驴子上。
The wolf looks so pitiful that Master Dongguo's kind heart is moved. Quickly, he tells the wolf to hide in his book bag.高兴
4. 东郭先生刚走几步,迎面过来几个猎人,猎人们问他有没有看到一只受伤的狼。
The people who are out after the culprit ask Master Dongguo if he's en a wolf run by.
5. 东郭先生说:“没看到!”
Master Dongguo denies that' he has, and rides off with the wolf in his bag.
6. 猎人走远后,东郭先生把狼放出来。
After the people are out of sight, Master Dongguo lets the wolf out of the bag.
7. 东郭先生正要继续赶路,狼拉住他说:“救人救到底,我现在饿得要死。”
Master Dongguo is climbing back onto his donkey to ride on when the wolf stops him and asks him to save him again, this time from starving to death.
8. 东郭先生拿出干粮,狼说:“我从来不吃干粮,我只吃肉。”
Master Dongguo offers him a cake, but the wolf only smiles slyly and says: "I never eat them. I eat nothing but meat!"
9. 东郭先生以为狼要吃驴子,赶忙用身体挡住。可狼又说:“一头驴填不饱我的肚皮。”
Master Dongguo is puzzled and guess that he's thinking of making a meal of the donkey. But the wolf says donkey meat is not good enough for him.
10. 驴子听了,丢下东郭先生,撒开四蹄向远处逃走了。
The donkey hears this and runs away as fast as his four legs can carry him.
11. 狼张开大嘴扑向东郭先生。
The wolf pounces on Master Dongguo, who trembles with rage. He says the wolf has no gratitude, no conscience.
12. 狼大笑着说:“我现在只想填饱肚子。”说着,又向他扑去。
The wolf roars with laughter. "Conscience ? I don't know what that is. I'll just hurry up with the meal!" The wolf is about to gobble up the scholar.
13. 东郭先生大声喊着救命,狼说:“猎人早走远了,谁来救你?”
Master Dongguo shouts for help, but the people chasing the wolf are already out of earshot.
14. 东郭先生央求说:“我们还是按民间的规矩办吧!如果有三位老人说你应该吃我,我就让你吃。”
With no way out, Master Dongguo asks the wolf to go with him to ek the opinion of three wi elders: an old peach tree, an old cow and an old peasant. The scholar promis to abide by the elders' judgement.
15. 他们走到一棵老桃树前,东郭先生对桃树讲了他的经过。
Soon they come to the ancient peach tree, to whom the scholar describes his plight.
16. 老桃树说:“从我年青的时候起,人们饿了就摘我的果实吃。狼饿了,为什么
The ancient peach tree clos her eyes and recalls the days of her youth when children came to pick her fruit. She would tell them to help themlves and eat their fill.
17. 东郭先生听了非常失望,狼却非常高兴。
Master Dongguo is disappointed at the words, while the wolf is very plead.
18. 他们继续上路,途中遇到了一头老母牛。东郭先生又对老母牛说了他那悲哀的事情。
The two continue on their way, coming soon to the old cow. Master Dongguo repeats his tale of woe to get the cow's opinion.办公室空间设计
19. 老母牛说:“无论何时,主人来挤我的奶,我都很乐意地接受。今天,狼需要用你充饥,你为什么要反对呢?”
But the old cow also thinks back on days gone by. Whenever the milkmaid approached, the cow would moo happily. "Go ahead and milk me. It makes me feel so comfortable!"拉套
20. 听了两位老者的话,狼有些急不可待地想吃掉东郭先生。东郭先生说:“还差一位老人呢。”
This makes the wolf feel quite justified to eat the scholar at once, but Master Dongguo protests that a promi made should be kept, and that they should ask the opinion of at least the other elder.
21. 这时,远处过来一位老农,东郭先生急忙上前,把前面发生的事告诉他,并说:“我救活了这只狼,它却要把我吃掉,这这这合理吗?”
They walk on and soon meet the old peasant. Master Dongguo hastens to tell the old man how after saving the wolf's life the wolf turns round and wants to eat him. He asks the old man whether this is reasonable or not.
22. 老农看了看他们,说:“这么小的袋子,怎么能装得下一只狼呢?让我亲眼看看。”于是,狼重新爬进口袋。