Option | Exact Statistics Computed |
AGREE | 2 ×2表的 McNemar's 检验, 简单的kappa系数, 和加权的kappa系数 |
BINOMIAL | 一维表的二项式比例检验 |
CHISQ | 一维表的拟合优度检验; 二维表的Pearson 卡方,似然比卡方, 和 Mantel-Haenszel卡方检验 |
COMOR | h ×2 ×2表公共的OR置信限; 公共的OR检验 |
FISHER | Fisher's 精确检验 |
JT | Jonckheere-Terpstra 检验 |
KAPPA | 简单的kappa系数检验 |
LRCHI | 似然比卡方检验 |
MCNEM | McNemar's检验 |
MEASURES | Pearson 相关和 Spearman相关检验, 和2 ×2表OR置信限 金风玉露一相逢便胜却人间无数 |
MHCHI | Mantel-Haenszel卡方检验 |
OR | 2 ×2 表OR值的置信限 |
PCHI | Pearson卡方检验 |
PCORR | Pearson相关系数检验 |
SCORR | Spearman相关系数检验 |
TREND | Cochran-Armitage趋势检验 |
WTKAP | 加权kappa系数检验 |
Option | Output Data Set Statistics | 牙痛小妙招 Required TABLES Statement Option |
AGREE | McNemar's test for 2 ×2 tables, simple kappa coefficient, and weighted kappa coefficient; for square tables with more than two respon categories, Bowker's test of symmetry; for multiple strata, overall simple and weighted kappa statistics, and tests for equal kappas among strata; for multiple strata with two respon categories, Cochran's Q test | AGREE |
AJCHI | 2 ×2表连续校正χ2 | ALL or CHISQ |
ALL | all statistics under CHISQ, MEASURES, and CMH, and the number of nonmissing subjects | ALL |
BDCHI | Breslow-Day test | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
BIN | BINOMIAL | for one-way tables, binomial proportion statistics | BINOMIAL |
CHISQ | chi-square goodness-of-fit test for one-way tables; for two-way tables, Pearson chi-square, likelihood-ratio chi-square, continuity-adjusted chi-square for 2 ×2 tables, Mantel-Haenszel chi-square, Fisher's exact test for 2 ×2 tables, phi coefficient, contingency coefficient, and Cramer's V | ALL or CHISQ |
CMH | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel correlation, row mean scores (ANOVA), and general association statistics; for 2 ×2 tables, logit and Mantel-Haenszel adjusted odds ratios, relative risks, and Breslow-Day test | ALL or CMH |
CMH1 | same as CMH, but excludes general association and row mean scores (ANOVA) statistics | ALL or CMH or CMH1 |
CMH2 | same as CMH, but excludes the general association statistic | ALL or CMH or CMH2 |
CMHCOR | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel correlation statistic | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
CMHGA | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel general association statistic | ALL or CMH |
CMHRMS | 爱国小报内容Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel row mean scores (ANOVA) statistic | ALL or CMH or CMH2 |
COCHQ | Cochran's Q | AGREE |
CONTGY | contingency coefficient | ALL or CHISQ |
CRAMV | Cramer's V | ALL or CHISQ |
EQKAP | test for equal simple kappas | AGREE |
EQWKP | test for equal weighted kappas | AGREE |
FISHER | EXACT | Fisher's exact test | ALL or CHISQ * |
GAMMA | gamma | ALL or MEASURES |
JT | Jonckheere-Terpstra test | JT |
KAPPA | simple kappa coefficient | AGREE |
KENTB | Kendall's tau-b | ALL or MEASURES |
LAMCR | lambda asymmetric (C|R) | ALL or MEASURES |
LAMDAS | lambda symmetric | ALL or MEASURES |
LAMRC | lambda asymmetric (R|C) | ALL or MEASURES |
LGOR | adjusted logit odds ratio | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
LGRRC1 | adjusted column 1 logit relative risk | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
LGRRC2 | adjusted column 2 logit relative risk | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
LRCHI | likelihood-ratio chi-square | ALL or CHISQ |
MCNEM | McNemar's test | AGREE |
MEASURES | gamma, Kendall's tau-b, Stuart's tau-c, Somers' 物流定义D (C|R), Somers' D (R|C), Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, lambda asymmetric (C|R), lambda asymmetric (R|C), lambda symmetric, uncertainty coefficient (C|R), uncertainty coefficient (R|C)赠汪伦拼音, and symmetric uncertainty coefficient; for 2 ×2 tables, odds ratio and relative risks | ALL or MEASURES |
MHCHI | Mantel-Haenszel chi-square | ALL or CHISQ |
MHOR | adjusted Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
MHRRC1 | adjusted column 1 Mantel-Haenszel relative risk | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
MHRRC2 | adjusted column 2 Mantel-Haenszel relative risk | ALL or CMH or CMH1 or CMH2 |
N | number of nonmissing subjects for the stratum | |
NMISS | number of missing subjects for the stratum | |
OR | odds ratio | ALL or MEASURES or RELRISK |
PCHI | chi-square goodness-of-fit test for one-way tables; for two-way tables, Pearson chi-square | ALL or CHISQ |
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