日记一篇50字Analysis of Outliers with Adjusted Residuals 期刊名称: Technometrics婚礼电子请柬
作者: Tiao, G. C.,Guttman, Irwin
广东有什么好玩的>CWO年份: 1967年
期号: 第4期
摘要:Many statistical procedures designed to guard against the occurrence of outliers or spurious obrvations in normal theory are bad upon examining the magnitude of the residuals. A major difficulty involved is caud by the fact that the residuals are correlated. It is shown that one way to avoid such difficulty is to adjust the residuals using information from an auxiliary experiment so that the adjusted residuals become uncorrelated. For the problem of making inferences about the unknown mean of a normal population N(, 2) with known 2, this leads to a t of estimation procedures by which the obrvation(s) associated with the largest adjusted residual(s) in magnitude will be excluded. Certain properties of the procedures are discusd and exact numerical results are given for the cas of one and two 梦到吃蛋糕