Application of Collaborative Nursing Model bad on Trans-theoretical in Cardiac Rehabilitation of Elderly With Coronary Heart Dia
The aim of this study was to explore the effect of the model of collaborative care bad on trans-theoretical on the quality of life,lf-efficacy,physical fitness and clinical changes of elderly patients with coronary heart dia(CHD)and to evaluate the effect of intervention on heart rehabilitation in elderly patients with coronary heart dia,and to provide a reference for further development and improvement of cardiac rehabilitation program.
In this study,elderly patients with coronary heart dia who underwent hospitalization in Qingdao from December2015to June2016were lected according to the order of admission time.The odds were control group,even for the intervention group. In the control group,patients were treated with routine nursing measures.The intervention group was treated with a collaborative care bad on the Tr
an-theoretical model.Nursing interventions corresponding to the behavioral changes were given to the patients according to the developed cardiac rehabilitation program.Two groups were collected information at before discharge,3months and6months after discharge.The data included general information,CQQC scale,lf-efficacy scale,six-minute walking test,behavioral change stage asssment scale and Borg scale,and by measuring the elderly patients with physical fitness and physiological indicators of the level of change to evaluate the effect of intervention.
1the results of this study showed that the lf-efficacy of elderly patients with coronary heart dia improved significantly after intervention(t=−7.097,P<0.05),the difference was statistically significant.The scores of the four dimensions of CQQC in general condition,general life,social psychology and work were significantly incread after intervention(P<0.05).
2The number of patients in the group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.05),and the proportion of the patients during the operation and main-
Tenance pha after6months of intervention was45.1%and29.4%respectively.
3The proportion of the control group was18.9%and15.1%(P<0.05),while the patient's Exerci endurance,upper limb muscle strength,lower limb muscle strength and body flexibility improved significantly,Repeated variance analysis showed that there was interaction effect(P<0.05),but patients with upper limb flexibility,lower limb flexibility improvement effect is not obvious(P>0.05).In the physiological indexes after intervention,the analysis of repeated variance showed that there was interaction between BMI,total cholesterol,systolic blood pressure,diastolic blood pressure,The improvement of the intervention group was statistically significant(P<0.05).
4In the patients'lifestyle comparison,the smoking rate of the intervention group was lower than that of the control group at3months and6months after the intervention, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the number of smoking,The intervention group was significantly improved at each time point after intervention,There were significant differences in the frequency of exerci between the two groups(P<0.05) at3months and6months after intervention.The exerci of the intervention group was significantly improved compared with the control group,Patients with good exerci compliance.
1The intervention of Collaborative nursing model bad on TTM and routine nursing intervention can help improve the quality of life of elderly patients with coronary heart dia,the general lf-efficacy;
2The intervention of Collaborative nursing model bad on TTM is to ensure the treatment compliance of elderly patients with coronary heart dia,and improve the patient's physical fitness and physiological indicators;
3The intervention of Collaborative nursing model bad on TTM is to enhance the confidence of patients over the dia,improve the elderly patients with coronary heart dia lf-management capacity and dia respon capacity,and promote the rehabilitation of patients.
4The intervention of Collaborative nursing model bad on TTM is superior to the traditional routine mission and nursing,it is worth further adherence and improve.
Postgraduate student:Lu Minghui(Nursing)
Directed by Vice-Prof:Jiang Yongmei
Key words:Trans-theoretical Model;Collaborative care model;Cardiac--rehabilitation;Coronary
heart dia;Elderly
引言 (1)
研究对象与方法 (5)
1研究对象 (5)
式微翻译2研究工具 (6)
3研究方案 (8)
4统计学方法 (12)
5质量控制 (13)
6伦理原则 (13)
7技术路线图 (13)
结果 (14)
减肥总结1入组患者的一般资料比较 (16)
2患者自我效能干预效果 (17)
3患者CQQC评分比较 (17)
4患者行为变化阶段人数比较 (19)
5两组患者的体适能指标比较 (19)
试剂纯度6两组患者的生理指标比较 (23)
7两组患者生活方式的比较 (26)
讨论 (28)
若贝尔1两组患者一般资料比较 (28)
2基于TTM的协同护理模式对老年冠心病患者自我效能的影响 (28)
3基于TTM的协同护理模式对老年冠心病患者生活质量的影响 (29)
4基于TTM的协同护理模式对老年冠心病患者行为改变阶段的影响 (29)
5基于TTM的协同护理模式对老年冠心病患者生理指标的影响 (29)
6基于TTM的协同护理模式对老年冠心病患者体适能的影响 (31)
7基于TTM的协同护理模式对老年冠心病患者生活方式的影响 (31)
结论 (33)
研究的局限性及展望 (35)
参考文献 (35)农村问题
综述 (39)
综述参考文献 (47)
扇贝肉的家常做法大全攻读学位期间的研究成果 (51)
蚯蚓附录 (51)
致谢 (59)