Greater Changes in Drug Burden Index (DBI) during Hospitalization and Incread 30-Day Readmission Rates among Older In-Hospital Fallers 期刊名称: Hospital Topics
危险化学品包括作者: Rafia S. Rasu,Walter Agbor-Bawa,Nahid J. Rianon抗美援朝总司令
关键词: Drug burden index;30-day readmission;in-hospital fall;older patients万圣节日期
五年级寒假作业答案摘要:A higher drug burden index (DBI) is known to be associated with pre-admission falls leading to hospitalization. We investigated whether a mean difference in DBI (ΔDBI) between the events of in-hospital falls and hospital admission was associated with 30-day readmission in 113 patients ≥50years who fell during their hospital stays between 2007 and 2014. A greater ΔDBI (≥0.09) was positively associated with higher 30-day readmission rates (incident rate ratio: 2.02; 95% confidence interval: 1.49–2.74). An effort to keep DBI low may thus decrea内心的声音
30-day readmissions for older in-hospital fallers.