
更新时间:2023-05-31 16:53:03 阅读: 评论:0

SCCMASPEN成年危重病患者营养⽀持治疗实施与评估指南(16)Guidelines for the Provision and
Asssment of Nutrition Support Therapy
in the Adult Critically Ill Patient: Society of
Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and
American Society for Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.)
Taylor BE, McClave SA, Martindale RG, et al. Crit Care Med 2016; 44: 390-
Question: Does the u of a nutrition risk indicator identify patients who
will most likely benefit from nutrition therapy?
A1. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest a determination of nutrition risk (for example,
nutritional risk score [NRS-2002], NUTRIC score) be performed on all patients admitted to the
ICU for whom volitional intake is anticipated to be insufficient. High nutrition risk identifies
tho patients most likely to benefit from early EN therapy.
NRS-2002,NUTRIC 评分)。⾼营养风险患者的识别,最可能使其从早期肠内营养治疗中获
A2. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest that nutritional asssment include an evaluation
of comorbid conditions, function of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and risk of aspiration. We
suggest not using traditional nutrition indicators or surrogate markers, as they are not validated
in critical care.
志愿者活动记录Question: What is the best method for determining energy needs in the critically ill adult patient?
A3a. We suggest that indirect calorimetry (IC) be ud to determine energy requirements, when available and in the abnce of variables that affect the accuracy of measurement.
[Quality of Evidence: Very Low]。
如果有条件且不影响测量准确性的因素时,建议应⽤间接能量测定(间接测热法,indirect calorimetry,IC) 确定能量需求。
A3b. Bad on expert connsus, in the abnce of IC, we suggest that a published predictive equation or a simplistic weight-bad equation (25–30 kcal/kg/ day) be ud to determine energy requirements. (e ction Q for obesity recommendations.)
根据专家共识,当没有IC时,我们建议使⽤已发表的预测公式或基于体重的简化公式(25–30 kcal/kg/ day)确定能量需求。(见Q部分有关肥胖患者的推荐意见。)
Question: Should protein provision be monitored independently from energy provision in critically ill adult patients?
A4. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest an ongoing evaluation of adequacy of protein provision be performed.
Question: What is the benefit of early EN in critically ill adult patients compared to withholding or delaying this therapy?
问题:对于成年危重病患者⽽⾔,与不给予或延迟给予EN相⽐,早期EN 有何益处?
B1. We recommend that nutrition support therapy in the form of early EN be initiated within 24–48 hours in the critically ill patient who is unable to maintain volitional intake.怎么写歌词
[Quality of Evidence: Very Low]
对于不能维持⾃主进⾷的危重病患者,我们推荐在24 – 48⼩时内通过早期EN开始营养⽀持治疗。
Question: Is there a difference in outcome between the u of EN or PN for adult critically ill patients?
B2. We suggest the u of EN over PN in critically ill patients who require nutrition support therapy.
[Quality of Evidence: Low to Very Low]
Question: Is the clinical evidence of contractility (bowel sounds, flatus) required prior to initiating EN in critically ill adult patients?
英国君主立宪制B3. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest that, in the majority of MICU and SICU patient populations, while GI contractility factors should be evaluated when initiating EN, overt signs of contractility should not be required prior to initiation of EN.
Question: What is the preferred level of infusion of EN within the GI tract for critically ill patients? How does the level of infusion of EN affect patient outcomes?
B4a. We recommend that the level of infusion be diverted lower in the GI tract in tho critically ill patients at high risk for aspiration (e ction D4) or tho who have shown intolerance to gastric EN.
搓手顿脚[Quality of Evidence: Moderate to High]
B4b. Bad on expert connsus we suggest that, in most critically ill patients, it is acceptable to initiate EN in the stomach.
基于专家的共识,我们建议经胃开始喂养是多数危重病患者可接受的EN⽅式。Question: Is EN safe during periods of hemodynamic instability in adult critically ill patients?
B5. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest that in the tting of hemodynamic compromi or instability, EN should be withheld until the patient is fully resuscitated and/or stable. Initiation/reinitiation of EN may be considered with caution in patients undergoing withdrawal of vasopressor support.
Question: What population of patients in the ICU tting does not require nutrition support therapy over the first week of hospitalization?
C1. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest that patients who are at low nutrition risk with normal baline nutrition status and low dia verity (for example, NRS-2002 ≤ 3 or NUTRIC score ≤ 5) who cannot maintain volitional intake do NOT require specialized nutrition therapy over the first week
of hospitalization in the ICU.
根据专家共识,我们建议那些营养风险较低及基础营养状况正常、疾病较轻(例如NRS-2002 ≤3 或 NUTRIC评分≤ 5)的患者,即使不能⾃主进⾷,住ICU的第⼀周内不需要特别给予营养治疗。
Question: For which population of patients in the ICU tting is it appropriate to provide trophic EN over the first week of hospitalization?问题:哪些ICU患者在住院第⼀周内适合滋养型喂养 (trophic EN)?
We recommend that either trophic or full nutrition by EN is appropriate for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)/acute lung injury (ALI) and tho expected to have a duration of mechanical ventilation ≥ 72 hours, as the two strategies of feeding have similar patient outcomes over the first week of hospitalization.
[Quality of Evidence: High]
对于急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)/急性肺损伤(ALI)患者以及预期机械通⽓时间≥ 72⼩时的患者,我们推荐给予滋养型或充分的肠内营养,这两种营养补充策略对患者住院第⼀周预后的影响并⽆差异。
Question: What population of patients in the ICU requires full EN (as clo as possible to target nutrition goals) beginning in the first week of hospitalization? How soon should target nutrition goals be reached in the patients?磨盘草
C3. Bad on expert connsus, we suggest that patients who are at high nutrition risk (for example, NRS-2002 > 5 or NUTRIC score ≥ 5, without interleukin-6) or verely malnourished should be advanced toward goal as quickly as tolerated over 24–48 hours while monitoring for refeeding syndrome. Efforts to provide > 80% of estimated or calculated goal energy and protein within 48–72 hours should be made in order to achieve the clinical benefit of EN over the first week of hospitalization.
根据专家共识,我们建议具有⾼营养风险患者(如:NRS-2002 > 5 或不考虑IL-6情况下NUTRIC评分≥ 5)或严重营养不良患者,应在24 – 48⼩时达到并耐受⽬标喂养量;监测再喂养综合征。争取于48 – 72⼩时提供> 80%预计蛋⽩质与能量供给⽬标,从⼊院第⼀周的EN中获益。
Question: Does the amount of protein provided make a difference in clinical outcomes of adult critica
lly ill patients?
C4. We suggest that sufficient (high-do) protein should be provided. Protein requirements are expected to be in the range of 1.2–2.0g/kg actual body weight per day, and may likely be even higher in burn or multi- trauma patients (e ctions M and P).
[Quality of Evidence: Very Low]
我们建议充分的(⼤剂量的)蛋⽩质供给。蛋⽩质需求预计为1.2 – 2.0 g/kg(实际体重)/天,烧伤或多发伤患者对蛋⽩质的需求量可能更⾼(见M和P部分)。

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标签:患者   营养   危重病
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