(字幕)佛典有云:旗未动,风也未吹,是人的心自己在动。 It's written in the Buddhist Canon. The flags are still, no It's the heart of man that's in tumult! 欧阳峰(旁白):很多年之后,我有个绰号叫做西毒,任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过什么叫忌妒,我不会介意他人怎样看我,我只不过不想别人比我更开心。 In the years to come, I'll be given the nickname: Malicious West. Well, everyone can be very malicious if you've ever been jealous of someone. I don't care how others think of me. It's just that I don't want others to be happier than I. (西毒大开杀戒) (东邪干掉一群马贼) 欧阳峰(旁白):我还以为这世界上有一种人不会有忌炉心的,因为他太骄傲。在我出道的时候,我认识一个人,因为他喜欢在东边出没,所以很多年之后,他有个绰号叫东邪。 But there are some people who're just too proud to be jealous. In the early days of my martial adventures, I came to know a man. He usually makes his appearance in the east. Maybe that' why in the years to come, people'll call him Evil East. 上古神兽排名欧阳峰(旁白):今年五黄临太岁,到处都有旱灾,有旱灾的地方一定有麻烦,有麻烦那我就有生意。我是西域白驼山人氏,我叫欧阳峰,我的职业是替人解决麻烦。 The Five Goldens meet Star Jupitar this year. There're famines everywhere. Whenever there're famines, people'll have probloms. Problems means business for me. I'm a native of White Camel Mountain. My name's Ouyang Feng. I speciali in solving problems for others. 欧阳峰:看来你的年纪也有四十出头了,这四十多年来,总有些事你是不愿再提,或是有些人你不想再见,有的人曾经对不起你,也许你想过要杀了他们,但是你不敢。哈,又或者你觉得不值,其实杀人,很容易。我有个朋友,他的武功非常好,不过最近生活有点困难,只要你随便给他一点银两,他一定可以帮你杀了那个人,你尽管考虑一下。其实杀一个不是很容易,不过为了生活,很多人都会冒这个险。 Buddy, you must be around forty. In forty years, you must have come to someone who'd wronged you, someone you wanted to kill, yet didn't dare. Or you just didn't bother. Well, murder can be a very simple matter. I've this friend who's skilled in martial arts. He's been a little low on money lately. Pay a reasonable fee and he'll kill for you! Think about it! In fact, murder's no easy job. One only risks it becau one's survival depends on it. 欧阳峰(旁白):离开白驼山之后,我去了这个沙漠,开始了另一种生活。 Having left White Camel Mountain, I came to this dert and startsd this killing business. 欧阳峰(旁白):初六日,惊蛰。每年这个时候,都会有一个人来找我喝酒,他的名字叫黄药师。这个人很奇怪,每次总从东边而来,这习惯已经维持了好多年。今年,他给我带了一份手信。 "Day 6, Incts awaken." Every year around this time, someone comes to drink with me. He's called Huang Yaoshi, a strange fellow. He always comes from the east. He's been coming here for veral years. He brought me a gift this time. 黄药师:不久前,我遇上一个人,送给我一坛酒,她说那叫“醉生梦死”,喝了之后,可以叫你忘掉以做过的任何事。我很奇怪,为什么会有这样的酒。她说人最大的烦恼,就是记性太好,如果什么都可以忘掉,以后的每一天将会是一个新的开始,那你说这有多开心。这坛酒本来打算送给你的,看起来,我们要分来喝了。 A new acquaintance recently gave me a bottle of wine. The wine's called "A Happy Go-Lucky Life". She said it takes away your memory of the past. Sounded weird to me what on earth is this wine? She also said that man's biggest problem is that he remembers. How wonderful it'd be to forget the past! Everyday would be a new beginning. Isn't that great? Well, this wine was meant for you. You wouldn't mind sharing it, would you? 欧阳峰(旁白):对于太古怪的事情,我向来很难接受,所以这坛“醉生梦死”我一直没有喝。可能这酒真的有效,从那天晚上开始,黄药师开始忘记了很多事情。 I couldn't bring mylf to drink the magic wine. I didn't have a single drop of it. But it did em to work on Huang. After drinking half a pot, he started to lo his memory. 电压力锅做面包 欧阳峰:你还记得我们怎样认识的吗? Do you recall our first meeting? 黄药师:我想不起来了。 No. 欧阳峰:那你还记得是怎样来这的吗? Well, why are you here then? 黄药师:我也不记得了。 I don't remember. 欧阳峰:你为什么老看着那鸟笼。 Why are you staring at the cage? 黄药师:因为很眼熟。 Looks familiar to me. 欧阳峰(旁白):那天晚上他喝得大醉,第二天大清早就走了。但我看得出他有心事。可能跟一个女人有关系。 He was very drunk. He left very early the next morning. I could e that he was upt. Maybe it had something to do with a woman. 欧阳峰(旁白):一个月之后,黄药师去了一个很远的地方,那是他好朋友的故乡。在他朋友成亲那年,黄药师曾经在那儿住了一段时间。有一天他朋友离开了家,这次之后,黄药师就再也没有来过。 A month later. Huang went into the mountain where one of his best friends lived. He once stayed there for quite some time following his friend's wedding. Then one day, his friend suddenly left home and never returned. Since then, Huang also left and hadn't returned until this time. (黄药师,桃花与马) 黄药师:能不能请你喝碗酒? May I buy you a drink? 盲剑客:我今天只想喝水。 I just want water tonight. 黄药师:我们以前好象见过? Have we met before? 盲剑客:何止见过,你曾经是我最好的朋友,但是现在已经不是了。你来这儿干什么? More than that. You've been my very but not any more now. What are you doing here? 黄药师:前不久,我遇到一个人,她送给我一坛酒,她说叫“醉生梦死”,喝了之后,不管以前干过什么也会全忘了。我很奇怪,为什么会有这样的酒,我喝了之后发觉真的很有效,不知你有没有兴趣试试? A new acquaintance recently gave me a bottle of wine. She said it takes away your memory of the past. I had some and found it really worked. Want to try some? 盲剑客:你知道喝酒跟喝水的分别吗?酒,越喝越暖,水会越喝越寒。 Do you know the difference between drinking wine and water? The more wine you drink, the warmer you'll get. Water'll only make you feel cold. 黄药师:我们还会再见吗? ceebWill I find you here again? 盲剑客:不会! No! 盲剑客(独白):我曾经发过誓,如果再让我碰到这个人,我一定会杀了他。但是我没有这样做,因为我见他的时候,眼睛已经看不见东西了。 I've sworn that if ever I run into this person again, I'll kill him. I failed to do that becau the last time I met him, I had almost gone blind. (姑苏城外小酒店) 店小二:到底你是男还是女的?! Are you a man or a woman? 慕容燕:堂堂大燕国的公主,慕容家的小姐,你竟敢如此冒犯我,信不信我杀了你! I'm the daughter of the famous Murong Clan. How dare you talk to me like this? I'll kill you just for that. 黄药师:你喝醉了。 You're drunk. (慕容燕刺伤黄药师) 欧阳峰(旁白):年轻时的黄药师是一个放荡不羁的人。他好容易令到其他人喜欢他,亦都好容易伤害其他人。当晚,黄药师差点死在一个人手上。 Huang had an unbridled personality when he was young. He alway made others fall for him and hurt them as easily. That night, Huang almost lost his life becau of this. 每年总有几个月,人们好像不愿死似的。去年立春后,我一直没有买卖,整个月,只有一个人来找我。 Every year there are certain periods in which no one wants to die. After incts awakening, business has been awful. Only one customer came to me. 慕容燕:我想你替我杀一个人,他的名字叫黄药师。 I want you to kill someone for me. Huang Yaoshi is his name. 欧阳峰:黄药师是当今数一数二的剑客,恐怕并不容易杀掉他。 He's one of the best swordsmen around. It won't be an easy job. 慕容燕:只要可以杀死他,我不惜任何代价。不过我有一个条件,他一定要死在我手上,并且是最痛苦的死法。 I'm willing to pay any price. There's only one condition. I must deliver the final blow. I want him to die an excruciating death. 欧阳峰:为什么你跟他有这么大的仇恨? 换身记What did he do to you? 慕容燕:因为一个女人,他抛弃了我的妹妹。 Becau he dumped my sister. 欧阳峰(旁白):他名字叫慕容燕,自称是慕容公子的后人。他和黄药师在姑苏城外的桃花林一见如故。初四,立春。那天黄历上写着:东风解冻。就是说一个新的开始。有一天晚上,黄药师跟他开了个玩笑。 He's called Murong Yang. He claimed he belonged to the famous Murong Clan. He befriended Huang at Peach Blossom Wood outside Gusu City a year ago. Day 4. First day of spring. This is what the almanac says of that day "The eastern breeze is no longer cold." This implies a fresh start. One night, Huang played ajoke on him. 黄药师:如果你有妹妹,我一定娶她为妻。 If you have a sister, I promi to marry her. 慕容燕:好,我们一言为定。你千万别后反悔,如果你反悔,我一定会杀了你。 Good. Let's make this a promi. I'll kill you if you don't keep your word. 欧阳峰(旁白):之后他们定了个日子,约好在一个地方见面,结果黄药师没有赴约。 They made an appointment to meet his sister later. But Huang failed to turn up. (慕容嫣抓狂) 慕容嫣:我哥哥是不是找过你? Did my brother come to you? 欧阳峰:你哥哥是哪一位? Your brother? Who is he? 慕容嫣:他的名字叫慕容燕。 He's called Murong Yang. 欧阳峰:他好象来过。 The name rings a bell. 慕容嫣:他是不是要你帮他杀一个人? Did he ask you to kill for him? 欧阳峰:我忘了。 I don't recall that. 慕容嫣:要是你真敢杀他,我一定会杀了你! Mark my words! I'll kill you if you accept his offer. 欧阳峰:你哥哥出手阔绰,不答应他岂不是损失太大?这年头这么舍得花大钱杀人的人,不多。 Your brother is very generous. I can't afford to turm him down. There're very few customers like him the days. 慕容嫣:只要你不答应他,我可以付你双倍价钱来补偿你的损失。不过,我有一个条件,你得替我杀一个人,他就是我哥哥慕容燕。 If you reject him, I'll pay you double to compensate for your loss. There's only I want you to kill someone for me, my brother, Yang! 欧阳峰:你兄妹俩的感情真怪,你真的这么憎恨你哥哥? Sibling rivalry? Very interesting! You sure you hate your brother that much? 慕容嫣:对!因为他不让我和黄药师在一起,他觉得我是属于他的。所以,他一定要死!(狂笑而去) Yes! He won't let me be with Huang Yaoshi! He thinks I belong to him. Therefore he must die! 慕容燕:我妹妹是不是来找过你? Has my sister been here? 欧阳峰:不错。 Yes. 慕容燕:不要对她有非份之想,否则我连你都杀掉。 If you so much as lay a hand on her. I'll kill you. 欧阳峰:你挺关心你妹妹。 You em to care for her a lot. 慕容燕:她是我唯一的亲人,我只不过想保护她。她找你做什么? 产假申请书She's my only sibling. I must protect her. What did she want from you? 欧阳峰:她叫我替她杀一个人,名字叫慕容燕。 To kill someone for her. It's you. 慕容燕:一定是黄药师教她这样做。 Huang Yaoshi must be behind this. 欧阳峰:就算没有黄药师她也会这样做,她要离开你。 I reckon that even without Huang, she still wants you dead. She wants to get away from you. 慕容燕:我不会让她离开我的,除非我死掉。 I'll never allow that as long as I'm alive! 慕容嫣:你今天见过我哥哥? Did you talk to my brother? 欧阳峰:他告诉你了? He told you so? 慕容嫣:你为什么还不动手? Why didn't you kill him? 欧阳峰:因为我怕收不到钱。要杀你哥哥轻而易举,因为他有弱点。你知不知道你哥哥的弱点?就是你。我告诉他要杀他的人是你,是想看一下他的反应。既然他反对你和黄药师在一起,可能是他喜欢你,如果是的话,喜欢你到什么程度? I want the money up front. It's easy to kill your brother becau he has a weak spot. Do you know what it is? It's you. I told him you want to kill him to test his reaction. Why is he against you and Huang? Is it becau he loves you? And if he does, how deeply? 慕容嫣:他要我一生一世跟他在一起。 He wants me to be with him forever. 欧阳峰:那他真的喜欢你。 He loves you very much then. 慕容嫣:我知道他很喜欢我。可惜我不喜欢他,我喜欢的人是黄药师。 I know. But I don't love him! I love Huang. 欧阳峰:那他岂不是很伤心? He must be heart-broken. 慕容嫣:让他伤心去吧!既然我这么不开心,为什么不找一个人陪我呢?我就是要他知道得不到一个人的滋味。 Who cares? I'm unhappy, too. Why should I be alone in my miry? I want him to know what it's like to lo the one you love. 欧阳峰:那你倒算残忍!你不担心他会死? How cruel! He may commit suicide. 慕容嫣:我就是想他死!哈——为什么你会跟我说这些话? Serve him right! ...... Why should I tell you all this? 欧阳峰:你哥哥问我过一个问题,我想了很久,终于让我想到了:让一个人死,最痛苦的方法就是先杀掉他最喜欢的人。但是我不可以这样做,如果我杀了你,我找谁要钱呢?对不对? Yang once asked what's the cruellest way to kill. It took me a long time figure out the answer. The cruellest way to kill a person is to kill the person he loves most first. But I won't do that. If you die, no one pays me. Right? (慕容嫣躲避样) 慕容嫣:有人要追杀我! Someone is after my life. 欧阳峰:无缘无故怎会么有人要杀你? Why do they have to kill you? 慕容嫣:因为,他们说我是黄药师最喜欢的女人。别让他们杀我! I'm the woman Huang Yaoshi loves. Don't let them kill me. 欧阳峰(旁白):那天晚上,那个女人一直不肯走。我看见她这么惊慌,就给她喝了一点酒,之后她就睡着了。 Yin refud to leave that evening. To calm her down, I treated her to a few drinks. Afterwards she fell asleep. 慕容燕:你到底把我妹妹藏到哪了? Where are you hiding my sisiter? 欧阳峰:为什么你那么肯定我收留了她? What makes you think that? 慕容燕:我知道她曾经来找过你,之后就没有人再见过她了。 I know she was here. You're the last person she saw befor she disappeared. 欧阳峰:有天晚上她来找我,她说她被追杀,求我收留她,之后她就走了。她不是回家了吗? She came one evening. Said someone was after her life and asked for shelter. But she left the next moring. I thought she must have gone home. 慕容燕:我妹妹跟人无仇无怨,无缘无故怎么会被人追杀? My sister doesn't have any enemies. Why should people be after her? 欧阳峰:好象说,是因为她是黄药师最爱的女人。 She said it's becau she's Huang Yaoshi's beloved. 慕容燕:笑话!如果他真的喜欢她,为什么又要离开她? Bullshit! If Huang loves her, why did he leave her alone? 欧阳峰:有些人是离开之后,才会发现离开了的人才是自己的最爱。也许黄药师就是那种人哩。 Sometimes you won't reali how deeply you're in love with someone until you're parated from her. Maybe that's the ca with Huang and Yin. 慕容燕:他不是! No! 欧阳峰:为什么你那样肯定? Why are you so sure? 慕容燕:因为他已经喜欢上了另一个女人! 标准答案Becau he's in love with another woman. 欧阳峰(旁白):一个人受了挫折,或多或少总会找个借口来掩饰自己。其实慕容嫣、慕容燕,只不过是同一个人的两个身份,而在两个身份后面,藏着一个受了伤的人。 One always finds an excu for failure. I finally reckoned that Yin and Yang are actually two persons in one. Behind the two identities was hidden someone with a wounded soul. 欧阳峰:你喝醉了,慕容兄。 You're drunk, Mr. Murong. 慕容嫣:慕容兄?你认错人了,我不是什么慕容兄,我是堂堂大燕国的公主,慕容家的小姐,我的名字叫慕容嫣,你究竟是谁? Mr.? You've made a mistake. I'm not Mr. Murong, but the first daughter of the famous Murong clan. My name's Yin. Who are you anyway? 欧阳峰:你不认识我了吗? Don't you remember me? 变色龙教学设计 慕容嫣:你曾经说过要娶我为妻,我又怎会不认得呢? You once promid to marry me. Of cour I remember you! 梦见自己流血欧阳峰:我有说过这样的话吗? Did I? 慕容嫣:当日你作客姑苏,我跟你在桃花树下喝酒,你借醉抚摸我的脸,你说,如果我有个妹妹,你一定娶她为妻。你明知我是女儿之身,为什么要这样做? You pasd by Gusu City the other day. We drank together. You touched my face and said you'd marry my sister if I had one. You knew I'm a woman in disgui. Why did you still say that? 欧阳峰:喝醉之后说的话你怎可以认真呢? A man can't be rious when he's drunk. 慕容嫣:因为你的一句话,我一直等到现在。我曾经叫你带我走,但是你没这么做,你说你不能同时爱上两个人。你爱的那女人是慕容嫣,那你为什么现在又喜欢上另外的女人。你知不知道,我曾经找过那个女人,因为有人说你最喜欢的女人是她,我本来想杀了她,后来我没有这样做,因为我不想证明她就是你的最爱!我曾经问过自己,你最爱的女人是不是我,但是我现在已经不想知道。如果有一天我忍不住问你,你一定要骗我,就算你心里有多么不愿意,也不要告诉我你最爱的人不是我。呜呜呜...... Becau of your promi, I've been waiting for you. I asked you to take but you refud. You said you couldn't love two persons at the same time. Surely you loved Yin. Why did you fall in love with another woman? Do you know I went to look for that woman? Someone told me that you loved her most. I had wanted to kill her. But I didn't in the end. Becau I didn't want to prove that she's! I asked you if I was the woman you loved most. I don't want to know the answer anymore! If ever I ask you the same question again, plea don't tell me the truth. Although it may not be plea tell me you love me. 欧阳峰(旁白):那一夜过得特别长,因为我好象同时在跟两个人在说话。后来,我再也分不清她是慕容燕,还是慕容嫣。 Time pasd very slowly that night. I emed to be talking to two persons simultaneously. In the end I couldn't tell Yin from Yang. 欧阳峰:慕容嫣?慕容燕? Yin?Yang? 慕容嫣:告诉我,你最爱的女人是谁? Tell me. Who do you love most? 欧阳峰:就是你。 Is it you? 欧阳峰(独白):以前也有人这样问过我,但是我没有回答,换转了黄药师的身份,我发觉这几个字不是很难说出口。 Someone once asked me the same question. I didn't answer. Acting as Huang, I found it's not so hard to utter tho three words. 欧阳峰(独白):那天晚上睡觉的时候,我又感觉到有人摸我。 That night I felt someone touch me in my sleep. 欧阳峰(独白):我知道她想摸的人不是我,她只不过当我是另外一个人,其实我又何尝不是呢?她的手很暖,就跟我大嫂的手一样。 I knew very well I wasn't the person she wanted to touch. She was just imagining I was someone el. It's the same for me. Her hands were very soft, just like tho of my brother' 欧阳峰(旁白):那天起,没有人再见过慕容嫣或者慕容燕。数年后,江湖上出现了一个奇怪的剑客,没有人知道他的来历,只知道他喜欢跟自己的倒影练剑。他有一个很特别的名字,叫独孤求败。 From that day onwards, no one had ever en Yin or Yang. A few years later, a legend about a swordsman with a mysterious history started to spread in the martial arts world. People said he likes to practice his swordplay on his own reflection. He called himlf the Defeat-Seeking Loner. |
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