我眼中的四季作文Ask my daughters to come and e me.叫我的⼥⼉们来见我
Yes, ma'am.遵命夫⼈
Girls, it's too soon. I can't do it.⼥⼉这太快了我做不到
I'm not strong enough.我没那么坚强
That's why you have two grown-up daughters.所以你有两个长⼤成⼈的⼥⼉
To step in for you in situations like this. I'll do it.来帮你处理这些事情交给我吧
Thank you but that makes no n.谢谢你但那样不⾏
The speech is for Papa about Papa. I would like to do it.我愿意去发表这样⼀场关于爸爸的演讲It's right I do it.应该由我去做
You don't enjoy public speaking, whereas I do.你不擅长公开演说⽽我相反
- And I - What? Favorite?-⽽我还是爸...-什么最爱的那个吗
Are you going to deny it?你不这么认为吗
Your father didn't have a favorite.你们爸爸并没有偏爱谁
He adored you both. Did so equally.你们俩他都爱⼀视同仁
as any good father would.任何⼀个好⽗亲都是这样的Mummy, you decide, then.妈妈那你决定吧
As head of the family.你是⼀家之主
But she's not head of the family.但她不是⼀家之主
I am. And I will make the speech.我才是这场演说就交给我了
- Ma'am. - Thank you.-陛下-谢谢你
Thank you.谢谢你
Six years ago,六年前
I heard the moving words which my father spoke在我⽗亲为乔治五世国王雕像揭幕之时when he unveiled the statue of King George V.曾说了⼀番⾮常动⼈的话
I did not think then that in so short a time,我从未想过在如此短的时间内
I should be called to take his place.我会接替他的位置
But, it is with pride但我⾮常荣幸
that I unveil this noble statue today.今天能为这尊庄严的雕像揭幕
Here you are, ma'am.请拿好夫⼈
We have been flagging our concern for some time.我们已经有这个顾虑⼀段时间了The latest events, internationally,最近的国际事件
merely strengthen our view.也证实了我们的观点
But nding the Queen on this forthcoming tour,但在这种国际局势下
in the current climate, would be to put the Sovereign让⼥王去联邦巡游这会将她置于
in an unacceptable level of danger.⼀种⽆⽐危险的情况当中
What is it you would have the Queen do?那你有什么好建议
Stay at home in the wake of待在家⾥处理这些
minor incidents procuted by an insurgent rabble?由⼀群⼩暴民制造的琐事吗
What kind of signal would that nd?那⼜能向民众传达怎样的信息
The Crown does not back down.王权不能退缩
If Britain had made a habit of backing down,如果不列颠习惯了退缩
the world would already be那么整个世界将早已
living under the yoke of fascist tyranny⾂服于法西斯暴⾏的统治之下
and we wouldn't have an empire at all.⽽我们的国家也将荡然⽆存
Then might I suggest we bypass Gibraltar altogether?那我建议我们全部都绕过直布罗陀
It's an approach which I would favor too.我也赞成这种⽅法
She's not ready for something on this scale.她还没准备好应对如此⼤的阵仗
She's not yet up to it.她还没准备好
Especially with so many of our dominions demanding independence.尤其是现在这些领⼟还吵着要独⽴
- We must be considerate of her. - Patronize her.-我们必须体谅她-迁就她
No, that's not what I'm saying, sir.我不是那个意思先⽣
Yes, it is.但就得是这样
Bermuda. Jamaica. Australia. Ceylon. Uganda.百慕⼤⽛买加澳⼤利亚锡兰乌⼲达
It's going to be hot, Your Majesty.天⽓将会很热的⼥王陛下
To that end, we've been working a great deal with organza,为此我们在制作时都选择了上好的硬纱crepe de Chine and shantung silk.双绉纱与⼭东丝绸
We also wanted to feature something particular to each location,同时我们也想点缀⼀些各地的特⾊
so we thought sprigs of native wild flowers所以在您访问各个国家时
indigenous to each country that you're visiting.我们会以⼀⼩束带茎的当地花卉来点缀So, on Her Majesty's arrival in Sydney,⽐如说当您抵达悉尼后
we propo a white organza dress我们会以⽩⾊硬纱长裙为基调scattered with pale yellow wattle blossom.配上当地特⾊的⾦合欢
How many dress are there?总共有多少套裙⼦
- One hundred. - One hundred.-⼀百套-⼀百套
- And hats? - Thirty-six.-帽⼦呢-三⼗六顶
Pairs of shoes? - Fifty.-鞋⼦呢-五⼗双
Isn't this all a bit much?会不会太多了
Couldn't we try to economize?为何不试着节省点开⽀
It is. It was a directive from the government itlf,确实是有点多但我们是按照政府的指令做事的from the very top of the government.政府⾼层的指令
To put our best foot forward for Great Britain.向世界展⽰⼤不列颠的风姿
Our very best foot.最美的风姿
It is an absurd pantomime, the whole thing.这整件事就像⼀场荒诞的闹剧
I don't know why anyone can't e beyond it.我不明⽩为什么没⼈看得出来
Actually, I thought the old ostrich feathers rather suited you.说真的我觉得这些服饰还蛮适合你的
You should wear tho more often.你应该多穿穿这种⾐服
Up straight, plea.请站直
20 years ago, Britain had influence⼆⼗年前不列颠威震全世界
and control over one-fifth of the world's population.并掌控了整个世界五分之⼀的⼈⼝
You look where we are now in India,看看现在的印度
Pakistan, South Africa, Iraq,巴基斯坦南⾮伊拉克
Jordan, Burma, Ceylon:约旦缅甸锡兰
all independent.全独⽴了
But nobody wants to face it or deal with it, so...但没⼈愿意去⾯对去处理所以...
they nd us out on the Commonwealth roadshow.他们派我们去这场巡游秀
Like giving a lick of paint to a rusty old banger就像给⽣锈的⽼爷车刷上⼀点新漆
to make everyone think it's all still fine.让所有⼈都以为⼀切都还如常
富贵盈门But it's not.但并没有
The rust has eaten away at the engine and the structure.⽼爷车的引擎和构架都已经被腐蚀⼲净了The banger is falling apart.命不久矣
But no one wants to e it.但没有⼈看清这些事实
That's our job, that's who we are.这就是我们的⼯作这就是我们
The coat of paint.⼀层涂料
If the costumes are grand enough,华丽的⾐衫
if the tiara's sparkly enough,闪耀的皇冠
if the titles are preposterous enough,荒诞的头衔
the mythology incomprehensible enough,⾼深的神学
then all must still be fine.然后⼀切都会好的
写稿- Are we nearly finished yet? - Not quite, sir.-快弄完了吧-还没有先⽣
Four hours we've been here already for a costume fitting.我们已经在这⼉弄了4个⼩时的戏服了Uniform, sir, not costume.制服先⽣不是戏服
You wear uniforms to battle.穿制服要去的是战场
This is a costume fitting.这是套戏服
It's just a formality, Your Majesty,这只是场仪式⽽已殿下
confirming your temporary证明您在
assumption of duties as Councilor of State⼥王陛下出国期间临时担任
while Her Majesty is abroad.国务委员之职
You are so kind to still look after me from your retirement.你退休了还这么照顾我真是太贴⼼了How much is still in the diary?⽇程簿上还有多少事
and we tried to throw out as much as we could已经尽量把能取消的都取消了
but there will still be the usual但枢密院的惯例会议
Privy Council meetings of cour,肯定还是要开的
师恩如山some investitures and military inspections.⼀些授职仪式和军事视察
Couldn't we give some of it to Princess Margaret?不能把⼀些事交给玛格丽特公主吗I'm just thinking she's had a tough time of it lately.我只是觉得她最近⽇⼦过得不太好Being allowed to shine a bit might be good for her.让她出去表现⼀下也许对她有好处Get her back on track.让她重新回到正轨上来
Besides, I had rather hoped to另外我更想去
disappear up to Scotland for a while.苏格兰静养⼀段时间
And Margaret could deputize for me.让玛格丽特代表我
The office is tucked away in a remote part of the embassy这办公室在⼤使馆偏远的⾓落⾥where no one will e me, no one will find me.没有⼈会来看我没⼈会来找我
- So what do you do all day? - Oh, nothing!-那你整天都⼲点什么-什么都不⼲They can't keep you there and give you nothing to do.他们不能让你什么都不⼲还待在那吧I beg to differ, nothing is all I do.我不觉得我就是什么都不⽤⼲
Are you at least alone in the office?那你起码是⼀个⼈办公吧幼儿园大班美术教案
Oh, no, Sergeant Hewitt is here.不是的休伊特中⼠在这⼉
He's just walked in.他刚进来
- Can he hear you? - Oh, yes.-他能听到你说话吗-可以
- Does he watch you? - Oh, yes.-他是监视你的吗-是的
教师学习Is that the point of Sergeant Hewitt?那就是休伊特中⼠的作⽤吗
It is the only point.唯⼀的作⽤
God, how awful.天啊太可怕了
Well, it's not forever.也不是永远都这样
Feels like it, though. Two years.但感觉就是永远两年呢
Without you to protect me. Guide me.没有你保护我指引我
I unanchored without you.我觉得没有你我完全没有⽅向
Yes, but it's what we agreed to do, to help your sister.但那是我们答应好的为了帮你姐姐
Then we shall be free.然后我们就能⾃由了
Well, that's it. That's me off.就这样吧我要⾛了
See you when you're back from the 等你巡游回来再见到你就是
23 weeks.23周以后了
- Well, call me if you need anything. - Yes.-好了需要什么尽管给我打电话-好
You won't, of cour.你当然不会打电话了
You don't need me anymore at all.你现在完全不需要我了
Yes, of cour I do.我当然需要你
No, you don't. Neither of you does.不不需要了你们谁都不需要了
I have two grown-up daughters我的两个⼥⼉都长⼤了
quite capable of looking after themlves now.已经完全能照顾⾃⼰了
- Who is it that you're staying with? - The Vyners.-你跟谁在⼀起住呢-⽡伊纳家的⼈
Up in Caithness at the Northern Gate? Dunnett Head?北⼤门的凯斯内斯郡邓尼特⾓Goodness. That's the end of the earth.⽼天那真是天涯海⾓了
Yes. A chance to really get away from it all.对⼀个真正逃离⼀切的好机会
Have a good think.好好思考⼀下
About what?思考什么
Well, don't think too much or too deeply.那别想太多或者别钻⽜⾓尖
It just gets one in a muddle.只会越想越糊涂
By the way, I've arranged for Margaret顺便说⼀句我已经安排
to deputize for me while I'm gone, as Head of State.在我离开的期间让玛格丽特代理领导国家Why?为什么
Well, someone needs to do it.总得有⼈做吧
Can't have people turning up for knighthoods总不能给别⼈封爵的时候
and some civil rvant handing them out.让某个政府官员赐封吧
- Well, if you think she's up to it. - Up to what?-如果你觉得她能胜任的话-胜任什么Standing still, looking pretty安静站着漂漂亮亮的
and putting a sword on a few people's shoulders?把剑放在⼀些⼈肩膀上吗
- And making speeches? - Which will be written for her.-还有发表讲话-讲话有⼈给她写
And turning up on time.并且及时出现
I believe there are people who will get her where she needs to be.我相信会有⼈把她带到该去的地⽅的And behaving herlf.并且举⽌得体