导师:Wong, Cathy (Dr)
Basic Information
萝卜丝鲫鱼汤Name: Cathy S.P. Wong (Dr)
Position: Assistant Professor
BA (English), Chine University of Hong Kong
PgD (Ed), Chine University of Hong Kong
MPh (TESL), Chine University of Hong Kong
PhD (Linguistics), University of Hawaii at Manoa
Room No.: AG403
Tel No.: 2766 7644
Teaching Areas
English Pronunciation
Phonetics & Phonology
English Grammar
English for Specific Purpos: Translation
Rearch Interests
Second Language Phonology
Second Language Acquisition
English Loanwords in Cantone
Rearch Projects
11/2008 - now | Variations and Mergers of Tones in Hong Kong Cantone |
05/2006 – 08/2008 | 可可西里海拔 Etymological Dictionary of English Loanwords in Cantone |
06/2004 - 06/2006 | 自然光 How do Cantone-speaking ESL learners cope with consonant clusters? |
06/2003 - 01/2006 | The ABC Colloquial Cantone-English Dictionary |
06/2001 - 08/2003 | The English Word Stress Patterns of Cantone-speaking ESL Learners in Hong Kong |
06/1999 - 05/2001 | The Interlanguage Phonology of Hong Kong English |
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Teaching & Learning Projects
07/2006 - 06/2008 | An Investigation into the Issues of Quality Assurance in a Criterion-referenced Asssment Model |
09/2002 - 06/2007 | Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Asssment |
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Selected Publications
2009. The integration of English loanwords in Hong Kong Cantone. Co-authored with Robert S. Bauer and Zoe Wai-man Lam. In Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (1):251-266.
2009. Criterion-referenced Asssment: The Students' Views. Co-authored with Anna S.C. Cheung. In 2009 Conference Proceedings of the 7th Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, pp.1815-1829.
2007. The Design and Evaluation of Web-bad Materials of a Phonetics and Phonology Cour. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium of Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching. Beijing, PRC: Beihang University (BUAA).
2007. Views on the adoption and implementation of the SOLO taxonomy. In Steve Frankland (Ed.) Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Asssment, pp.4-15. The Ne
therlands: Springer.
2002. The perception of the interdental fricatives [ ] and [ ] in English words by Hong Kong Cantone-speaking ESL learners. Co-authored with Melissa Sze-man Lau增添近义词. In Proceedings of the 6th Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics International Conference.
2002. Is it 'night' or 'light'? - How and why Cantone-speaking ESL learners confu syllable-initial [n] and [l]. Co-authored with Jane Setter. In Allan James and Jonathan Leather (Eds.), new sounds 2000: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second-Language Speech: 自我评价缺点351-9. University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
Conference Papers
2009. From (gei6 lim1) to 'CREAM' (kwim1) -- The Evolution of the Written Reprentatio
n of English Loanwords in Hong Kong Cantone. Paper prented at the Ninth LSHK Workshop on Cantone. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
2009. The Morpho-syntactic Properties of English Loanwords in Hong Kong Cantone. Paper prented at the 17th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chine Linguistics (ICAL-17). CRLAO, Paris, France.
2009. Grammatical Integration of English Loanwords in Hong Kong Cantone. Invited paper prented at the 'Loanwords in the Asian Context Workshop'. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2008. Variations and Mergers of Tones in Hong Kong Cantone. Paper co-prented with Roxana S.Y. Fung at the 13th International Conference on Cantone & Yue Dialects. City University of Hong Kong.
2008. The Phonetic and Grammatical Assimilation of English Loanwords in Hong Kong Cantone. Paper co-prented with Robert S. Bauer at the Rearch Seminar at the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
2007. Recent developments in Cantone loanword phonology. Co-authored with Robert S. Bauer and Zoe Wai-man Lam. Paper prented at 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.
2007. The Integration of English Loanwords in Hong Kong Cantone. Co-authored with Robert Bauer and Zoe Wai Man Lam. Paper prented at the SEALS XVII (The 17th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society). University of Maryland, USA.
2007. Phonics in an ESL/EFL Context. Paper prented at the 3rd International Symposi
um on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
2006. The Phonological and Phonetic Features of Cantone-speaking ESL Learners’ Initial Consonant Clusters. Invited paper prented at the LACC 2006 (Language Acquisition in the Chine Context 2006). The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2006. The Design and Evaluation of Web-bad Materials of a Phonetics and Phonology Cour. Paper prented at the 7th International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
2006. What makes English consonant clusters difficult for Cantone-speaking ESL learners? Paper prented at the Pacific Second Language Rearch Forum 2006. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
2006. The patterns of modification in acquiring English consonant clusters. Paper prented at the XVIIIth International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition. Szczyrk, Poland.
2006. From fiu1si2 to saa1si2—A look at the stages of integration of English loanwords in Cantone. Paper prented at the 5th Workshop on Cantone. The Chine University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2005. How do Cantone-speaking ESL learners cope with English consonant clusters? Paper prented at the LSHK Annual Rearch Forum 2005. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2005. 基石投资人Views on the adoption and implementation of the SOLO taxonomy. Paper prented at the First International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Asssment. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
2005. Issues in Studying Hongkongers’ Spoken English. Invited talk given at the Wednesday Colloquium of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, The Chine University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2004. The phonological and phonetic realization of English word stress: the ca of Cantone-speaking ESL learners. Paper posted at the GALANA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America) Conference. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA.
2004. Does Cantone Lexical Tone Affect the Acquisition of English Word Stress? Paper prented at the ALAK (Applied Linguistics Association of Korea) 2004 International Conference. Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
Administrative Posts
10/2007 - now | Associate Head, Department of English |
8/2006 - now | 社会救济Programme Coordinator of BA in Language Studies for the Professions |
8/2005 -7/2006 | Programme Leader, Higher Diploma in English for Business Communication |
女兔男龙婚姻相配吗6/2001 - 8/2005 | Chair of Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee |
2001 - 2002 | Programme Leader of BA in Contemporary English Language |
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