B2B portal
Supplier's guide for product development
Part 2
core process
20 © Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung
B2B portal
Supplier's guide for product development
2.1 Procurement process
A main focus of the prent guide are subjects which are from the point of view of the technical development for new suppliers within the scope of the product development of the
biggest meaning. An introduction to process relevant for suppliers and applications which lie in the area of responsibility of the procurement also counts to it.
2.1.1 introduction
The procurement of the Volkswagen group is split in the ranges of Procurement for production material and general procurement. The range of Procurement for production material is made up again of the Commodities displayed in illustration 11.
General Procurement: resources, production of good and rvices for the production process
Procurement for production materials: parts and components for the vehicle
resources, rvices and systems铅笔字
Project Purchasing & Buying Parts Management
Electrical & Electronics
Illustration 11: Overview of the different ranges of the procurement
Procurement decisions become short in the Volkswagen group of the Corporate Sourcing Committee (: CSC) grieved. The decisions of this committee are valid about all marks away.
Beside the central procurement ranges of every mark the Volkswagen group ats so-called regional shopping offices (RSO = On the regional level Sourcing of office) to open new procurement markets and to upgrade passing ones. Illustration 12 makes clear the prent activities of regional procurement offices worldwide.
© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung 21
B2B portal
Supplier's guide for product development
Eastern Europe
Central Europe
罗子群Regional offices (Ros) Lander assignment
Illustration 12: Regional procurement offices of the Volkswagen group worldwide
云雀的心愿2.1.2 Division of the procurement process
With the choice and nomination of group suppliers two different procurement process play a role. The are:
❑Forward Sourcing
for parts to be produced and newly to be developed. This process is ud in general with development projects for new vehicles or aggregates
❑Worldwide Sourcing
for the already existing parts manufactured after drawing which should be procured at the respective market locally. The destination of this process is to create market transparency, to optimi the logistics costs as well as 数九歌的意思to improve the quality of standard parts. 巴西文化
For new ones as well as for standard parts a worldwide inquiry and assignment strategy occurs.
The division of the procurement process is displayed in illustration 13 figuratively.
苏武牧羊北海上22 © Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung
B2B portal
Supplier's guide for product development
Supplier of high performance of unit and
subquent production Responsibility
For new parts
in existing models
in new models
Supplier with less development content as reproducer and / or cond applicant for partial volume.
For existing share
in existing models
in new models
(carry-over parts)
Illustration 13: Division of the procurement process
2.1.3 Component procurement in the product process of development