and the rate of heat flow is found by
For the composite shown in Figure 7.2, N ϭ 3; for the number of layers in ries, is the thermal resistance of the n th layer; and ⌬T is the overall temperature difference across the exterior walls.
阳光万丈>宝宝不吃奶怎么办婴儿上火>word怎么插入视频CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION IN SERIES
In electronics cooling problems involving conduction and convection modes of heat transfer in ries, such as shown in Figure 7.3, we must usually determine the temperature increa of a device when we know the heat rate. We can easily add convection to a ries conduction model by using the convection resistance term
耻辱的近义词Figure 7.4 depicts an example of heat being transferred from a hot uid, through a wall. Both sides of the wall receive a different rate of convective heat transfer. We can describe the rate of heat transfer as
洗衣机脱不了水是怎么回事Thermal conduction through a wall consisting of ries and parallel paths of q k ⌬T n 1ϭn 3ϭΑn
-----------------------ϭc 1h c A
--------ϭq T h T c Ϫ n 1ϭn 3ϭΑi ----------------------⌬T 123