Lesson 8 The best and the worst
【New words and expressions】
★competition n. 比赛,竞赛(暗地里的竞争)event in which people compete; contest 比赛; 竞赛: boxing, chess, beauty competitions 拳击﹑ 棋类﹑ 选美竞赛
~ (between/with sb) (for sth) competing; activity in which people compete 竞争; 角逐: Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen. 拍卖时各出价人对这幅名画竞争很激烈. * We're in competition with (ie competing against) veral other companies for the contract. 我们与另几家公司角逐争取这项合同.
Compete: try to win sth by defeating others who are trying to do the same 怎么把手机的照片传到电脑竞争; 对抗; 比赛 (V.)
compete with/against同 ... 竞争
They found themlves competing with foreign companies for the market.
compete for (为 ... )争夺, 竞争
The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas ason.
compete in vt. 在 ... 方面竞争(赛)
The company must be able to compete in the international marketplace.
compete to do sth 竞争做某事
Several advertising companies are competing to get the contract.
can't compete (with sth)
(=be unable to be more successful than sth. )
Small, independent bookstores simply can't compete with the big national chains
速度比赛:race n. 比赛,竞赛
car race 汽车赛
球赛:match n. 比赛
football match
contest n. 比赛(更广泛)
beauty contest 选美
game : 游戏, 运动
★neat adj. (of things) arranged in an orderly way; done carefully; tidy (指事物)安排有序的, 整洁的,井井有条细心完成的, 整齐的: a neat cupboard, room, row of books, garden 泡豆子整齐的柜橱﹑ 房间﹑ 一排书﹑ 花园 * neat work, writing, etc 精心的作品﹑ 写得匀整的字
clean adj. 干净的
neat=tidy <adj.>
tidy <v.> (up) the room 整理房间
★poolemployer n. a hole or container that has been specially made and filled with water so that people can swim or play in it 水池, 水塘, 水坑(尤指自然形成者)
inflatable pool 充气水池
swimming pool 游泳池
pond: a small area of water that is smaller than a lake. Ponds are often made artific
ially.声音是什么 池塘(尤指供牲畜饮水或作为花园之装饰者): a fish pond 养鱼池
网上赚钱的方法1、自画像男生Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.
Joe's garden is the most beautiful.
Bill's garden is the largest.
Bill’s garden is larger than Joe’s.
(比较的东西都是同类的事物 Joe’s 的“’s”不能省略)
2、Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time.
牛油果如何吃I have nearly forgotten his name. 我差点把他的名字忘了。
I’m nearly/almost ready. 我快准备好了。
enter for : give the name of (onelf or sb el) for a competition, race, etc 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动)(只强调报名)
I've entered for the high jump.
Our team has entered for the competition.
enter sb for sth替某人报名参加(竞赛等)The teacher entered him for the examination. 老师替他报名参加考试. * enter a hor for a race 给马报名参加赛跑.
* enter
(a) vt.
come or go in or into (sth) 进来; 进去; 进入(某物)中: Don't enter without knocking. 进屋前先敲门. * enter a room 进屋 * The train entered the tunnel. 火车进了隧道. * Where did the bullet enter the body? 子弹是从身体的什麽地方射入的? We‘ve entered into an agreement. 我们已达成一项协议。