dryclean 干洗
do not dryclean 不可干洗 compatible with any drycleaning methods 可用各种干洗剂干洗 iron 熨烫
iron on low heat 低温熨烫 (100o C) iron on medium heat 中温熨烫 (150o C) iron on high heat 高温熨烫 (200o C)
欧式风格do not iron 不可熨烫
bleach 可漂白
do not bleach 不可漂白
dry 干衣
tumble dry with no heat 无温转笼干燥 tumble dry with low heat 低温转笼干燥 tumble dry with medium heat 中温转笼干燥 tumble dry with high heat 高温转笼干燥
得意扬扬的近义词do not tumble dry 不可转笼干燥
dry 悬挂晾干
hang dry 随洗随干
dry flat 平放晾干
line dry 洗涤
wash with cold water 冷水机洗
wash with warm water 温水机洗象棋棋谱
wash with hot water 热水机洗 handwash only 只能手洗
宫爆肉人体面部经络图do not wash 不可洗涤