Oncology肿瘤学 (zhong liu xue)
Aden/o | gland 腺 (xian) | Adenoma 腺瘤 (xian liu) 形容静的词语 |
Lip/o | Fat 脂肪 (zhi fang) | Lipoma 脂肪瘤 (zhi fang liu) |
My/o | Muscle 肌肉 (ji rou) | Myoma 肌瘤 (ji liu) |
Carcin/o | Malignant恶性的 (e xing de) | Carcinoma 癌科 (ai ke |
Osteo/o | Bone | Osteoma 骨瘤 (gu liu) Osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤 (gu rou liu) |
Lymph/o | lymph tissue 淋巴组织(lin be zu zhi) | Lymphoma 淋巴瘤 (lin ba liu) |
–oma | a swelling | Adding the Suffix –oma (a swelling) to an organ or tissue Word Roots makes it a tumor瘤 (Liu). |
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Oncologist 肿瘤科医师 (zhong liu ke yi shi)
A physician who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of cancer.
Carcinoma癌 (ai),癌瘤 (ai liu)
Carcinoma is the most common form of cancer. This cancer develops from epithelia上皮细胞 (shang pi xi bao) (sheets of cells that cover a surface, such a the skin, or line a body cavity, such as the glandular lining of stomach). Some names for tumors of this type would be:
颅内出血严重吗Carcinoma of the prostate 前列腺 癌科 (qian lie xian liu ke)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung肺腺癌 (fei xian ai) 吹捧拼音肺病 (fei bing)
Hepatocellular carcinoma 肝细胞癌 (gan xi bao ai)
Sarcoma肉瘤 (rou liu), 4p经历恶性毒瘤 (er xing du liu广告毛巾)
A rare form of cancer that aris from connective and supportive tissues, such as that en in the
bone marrow 骨髓 (gu sui) , muscle, and lymphatics淋巴系统. (lin ba xi tong) Osteosarcoma (malignancy of bone) 骨肉瘤 (gu rou liu), 金色的淑女multiple myeloma (malignancy of bone marrow) 骨髓瘤 (gu rou liu) are two examples. The term sarcoma does not always appear in the name as in the cond example.
Malignant恶性的 (e xing de) vs. Benign 良性的 (liang xing de)
Literally, the Malignant vs. Benign expression means “evil” versus “good”. Malignant is the term ud when a cancer or a medical condition has the potentioal to become life threating or terminal. Benign, on the other hand, means that the dia is not fatal. Advanced malignancy 减轻的 (jie qin de) is when a cancer is well developed.
Radionsitive 对放射线敏感的 (fa she min gan)
The cancer degenerates退化 (tui hua) in respon to radiation therapy.
Radioresistant 辐射阻抗的 (fa she xian zu kang de)
Cancer is slow to respond or may not respond at all to radiation therapy.
Metastasis转移 (zhuan yi)
The placement of cancer in other organs or tissues other then the origin 起源(qi yuan) is called metastasis and the traveling of the cancer to other areas of the body to form new tumors is termed Metastasize转移 (zhuan yi). This Invasive入侵的 (ru qin de) quality of a tumor to spread into surrounding organs is a manor differentiation between malignant and benign.
In remission免除 (mian chu)
This is the term that indicates a time period of holding the cancer in check 被阻止 (.bei zu zhi).
Relap复发 (bu fa)
When a cancer returns, the patient is said to relap. Unfortunately, many cancers, such as leukemia (Overabundance of white blood cells) 白血病 (Bai xue bing), recur.
Carcinogens良性肿瘤 (liang xing zhong liu)
Carcinogens are cancer-causing agents. Broad categories include radiation exposure, chemicals, drugs and virus. Only certain types of chemicals, drugs and virus are carcinogens and excessive radiation exposure. Environmental chemicals found in tobacco smoke and automotive exhaust, toxic emissions from factory smokestacks, and asbestos exposure can be carcinogenic致癌物 (质) 的 (zhi ai wu zhi de). Human Papilloma virus 乳突淋瘤 病毒 (ru tu lin liu bing du成语自什么自什么) is the major cau of cervical子宫颈的 (zi gong jing de) cancer.
Fractionation 低剂量分次给药 (di ji liang fen ci gei yao)
Repeated low dos of radiation therapy that allow a higher total do
A side effect 副作用 (fu zuo yong) of chemotherapy is the reduction of bone marrow 骨髓 (gu ge) blood cell replacement. Patients may complain of extreme fatigue due to anemia 贫血 (pin xie) and can be at an incread risk for infectious dias 传染病 (chuan ran bing) due to the reduced number of leucocytes 白血病. (bai xie bing).
Chemotherapeutic agents 化学疗法 (hua xue liao fa)
Chemotherapy 化学疗法 (hua xue liao fa肝苏胶囊) has the goal of killing or stopping the development of rapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Bleomycin 博来霉素 (bo lai mei su), 5-fluorouraci 5氟尿嘧啶 (fu niao mi ding), methotrexate甲氨蝶呤 (jia an die ling), Vincristine长春新碱 (chang chun xin jia), Vinblastine 长春碱 (chang chun jian), Taxol and Tamoxifen 三苯氧胺 (san ben yang an). Since the same mechanism that kills a malignant cell or blocks development of a malignant cell can have similar effects on a normal, rapidly dividing cell, any of the agents can have bad side effects. Some forms of cancer treated with chemotherapy may cau the cancer to “disappear” for a while although not cured and the patient may be symptom free sometimes for months or years.