PPP: prentation, practice, and production
TTT : Teacher Talking Time
STT: Student Talking Time
EAP:English for Academic Purpos
ESP:English for Specific Purpos
ESEA: Engage-Study-Engage-Activate
IATEFL: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (P185)
EFL: teacher a teacher who teaches English as a foreign language p2
ESA:engage study activate
TQ:teaching aids
SA: means stages where the teacher leads a question and answer ssion with the students
SS: means pairwork
TQ---SA: it means stages where the teacher leads a question and answer ssion with
the students
OHP: the overhead projector
1.Schema: schema is a structured cluster of pre-conceived ideas about a specific theme, it helps
us to organize our background knowledge about the reading material.
2. skimming and scanning:Skimming is a kind of reading skill which means getting a general idea of what the reading material is about. Scanning is a kind of reading skill which means
arching for particular bits of information.
3. language acquisition and language learning:language acquisition: gaining u of a language without any conscious learning
4. Stereotype: Stereotype is a popular and highly exaggerated concept of a particular group of people. Concentrating on just a few features of the particular group, it is an image, conception, or
belief which exaggerates, oversimplifies, and thus distorts the characteristics of people and their
behavior. For example, one group might consider another to be backward, belligerent, xy, or arrogant. In tho traditional Chine films, thieves and criminals are always tho who have ugly
faces and look violent. But in reality, people with ugly faces may also have a kind heart like the
cartoon film “The Beauty and the Beast”. This kind of misconception is the result of stereotype.
5. Gist listening: Listening exerci which require students to listen for the main idea
6. comprehensible input: language which is certainly above the students’productive level, but
which they can more or less understand
7. attention span: the length of time you can concentrate on some idea or activity(internet P11)
8. plateau effect: the phenomenon that people sometimes find they don’t improve much or as fast
as before.(P13)
9. rough-tune: exaggerate the voice tone and gesture to help get the meaning across/ rough-toning
is that unconscious simplification which both parents and teacher u by exaggerating tones of
voice, speaking with less complex grammatical structures than they would if they were talking to
adults. When rough-toning, their vocabulary is generally more restricted. They don’t t out to get
the level of language exactly correct for their audience, but to rely on a general perception of what
is being understood by the people listening to them. (P3)
10. Interactional speech and transactional speech
Interactional speech: communicating with someone for social purpos. It includes
both establishing and maintaining social relationships. It is more unpredictable
Transactional speech: communicating to get something done, including the exchange
of goods or rvices. It is a highly predictable
11.Parallel writing (P81): where students stick cloly to a model they have been given, and
where the model guides their own efforts. It is especially uful for the kind of formulaic writing
reprented by postcards, certain kinds of letters, announcements and invitations, for example
12.Accuracy and fluency : Accuracy: the extent to which students’ speech matches what people actually say when they u the target language. Fluency: the extent to which speakers u
the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural paus, fal starts, word arches, etc.
13.overgeneralization: A process in which a learner extends the u of a grammatical rule of
linguistic item beyond its accepted us, generally by making words or structures follow a more
regular pattern. For example, u mans instead of men for the plural of man.
14.Development error: An error in learner language that does not result from first language
influence but rather reflects the learner's gradual discovery of the cond language system. The
errors are often similar to tho made by children learning the language as their mother tongue.
15.Corpus: In linguistics, a corpus (plural corpora) or text corpus is a large and structured t of
texts (now usually electronically stored and procesd). They are ud to do statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, checking occurrences or validating linguistic rules on a specific univer. A
corpus may contain texts in a single language (monolingual corpus) or text data in multiple
languages (multilingual corpus). Multilingual corpora that have been specially formatted for
side-by-side comparison are called aligned parallel corpora.
16.Information gap: Two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. One
person has information that the other lacks. The speaker has the information which the listener
does not know or the speaker wants to know information that the listener has. They have different information, and there is a gap between them. Students need to negotiate. In the classroom, the
same kind of information gap will have to be created if we are to encourage real communication.
17.Strategy and skill: strategy:a systimatic and elaborate plan to achieve particular purpos
skill:an ability that has been acquired by training
三.Short questions:
1.List at least four principles of teaching listening.
①The tape recorder is just as important as the tape.哈巴狗
②Preparation is vital.
③Once will not be enough.
④Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a listening, not just to the
⑤Different listening stages demand different listening tasks.
⑥Good teachers exploit listening texts to the full.
2.List at least four principles of teaching speaking.
①Be aware of the differences between cond language and foreign language
learning contexts.
②Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy.
③Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning.
④Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional
and interactional speaking.
3.List at least four principles of teaching reading.
①reading is not a passive skill
②students need to be engaged with what they are reading
③students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language.
④prediction is a major factor in reading
⑤match the task to the topic真正地英语
⑥good teachers exploit reading texts to the full
4.List at least four principles of teaching writing.
1)The type of writing we get students to do will depend on their age, interests and level. Our decisions will be bad on how much language the students know, what their interests are and what we think will not only be uful for them but also motivate them as well.
2) Provide opportunities for students to write -practice writing.
3) Make feedback and correction helpful and meaningful: over-correction ; Over-correction can
have a very demotivating effect. As with all types of correction, the teacher has to achieve a balance between being accurate and truthful on the one hand and treating students nsitively and sympathetically on the other. One way of avoiding the 'over-correction' problem is for teacher to
tell their students that for a particular piece of work they are only going to correct mistakes of punctuation, or spelling, or grammar etc. This has two advantages: it makes students concentrate
on that particular aspect, and it cuts down on the correction.
4)Written symbols
Another technique which many teachers u is to agree on a list of written symbols (S = spelling,
WO = word order etc.). When they come across a mistake they underline it discreetly and write
the symbol in the margin.This makes correction look less damaging.
5)Write a comment at the end of a piece of written work.
Different forms of feedback are also very important.
6)Correcting is important, but it can be time-consuming and frustrating. Common n and talking to students about it are the only solutions here.
励志名言句子7)Correction is worthless if students just put their corrected writing away and never look at it again.
5.List at least three special features about teaching listening.
①Tapes go at the same speed for everybody.
②Students have to be encouraged to listen for general understanding first rather than trying to pick out details immediately.
③Spoken language has a number of unique features.
6..List at least four aspects that should be included in a teaching plan.
It needs to contain detailed information about the students.
It has to contain what the teachers/students want to do.
It will say how the teacher/students should do it.
It will talk about what might go wrong (and how it can be dealt with) and how the lesson fits in with lessons before and after it.
7.List at least four teaching methods and approaches that have influenced current
teaching practice.
Grammar-translation, audio-lingualism, PPP(prentation practice production) , task-bad learning, communicative language teaching
8.List at least four differences between teaching adults and teaching children.(P11)
A.The first difference between adults and younger ages is that the former come to lessons
with a long history of learning experience.
B.Adolescents have their own histories.
C.Adults are frequently more nervous of learning than younger pupils are.
D.It is hard for the teachers of adolescents to control the class.
E.The adults may have a view of the importance of learning which makes them stick to a
cour of study in a specifically adult way.
F.The adults do not necessarily need their learning to be camouflaged.
9.List at least three reading skills that students need to acquire and explain each of them.
①To scan the text for particular bits of information they are arching for. This skill means that
students do not need to read every word and line, but to arch for particular information.
②To skim a text to get a general idea. This skill means that students should not try to gather all details or concentrate too hard on specifics. Students need to skim to get a general idea of what the reading material is about.
③To read for detailed comprehension. When looking for details, students are expected to concentrate on the minutiae of what they are reading.
10.List at least four areas that teachers should consider when choosing textbooks.
1. price
2. availability
3. layout and design
4. methodology
5. skills
6. syllabus
7. topic
8. stereotyping
9. teacher’s guide
11.List at least four ating arrangements in the class.
Orderly rows, circle, horshoe, parate tables(P18)
12.List at least four pieces of equipment that you can make u of in an English class.
the board; the computer; the dictionary; the overhead projector pictures and cards; the tape recorder; the video playback machine; the video camera
13.List two popular information-gap activities.
Two ts –t A and t B making up a whole. Each t carries part of the information needed
to solve a problem.
Describe and Draw
One student has a picture.
The partner has to draw the picture without looking at the original.
The one with the picture will give instructions and descriptions, and the “artist”will ask questions and draw.
It is highly motivating, there is a real purpo for the communication (the information gap, completion of the task), and almost any language can be ud. Remember to exchange the students’roles if the activity is ud more than once.
14.List three types of writing rubrics.
1)Non-weighted rubric
2)Weighted rubric
3)Holistic rubric
15.List the four alternatives that Neville Grant suggests when the teacher finds the text not
Neville Grant’s suggestions
Omission replacement addition adaptation
16.List at least four characteristics of good learners. (P10)
a willingness to listen; a willingness to experiment; a willingness to ask questions; a willingness to think about how to learn; a willingness to accept correction
17.List at least two magazines you know concerning the teaching of English.
TESOL in Context (Australia)
ELT News and Views (Argentina)