Early in the 19th century, about 60 million bison lived on the Great Plains in North America. They were central to the existence of the Plains people. Then from 1830 to 1889 they neared extinction, with less than 1,000 still roaming. Today, they are a protected animal and there are well over 200,000 living in protected areas and ranches.
拉伸小腿的动作 I live in North America, however, I have some clo relatives in Europe.
· I live in plains regions. I am able to survive cold winters.祥子的经历
· I roam out in the open on the Great Plains of North America, mostly in protected areas and private ranches.
· I have a massive head, a hump over my front shoulders and sharply pointed horns.
· I have a thick coat of dark brown and black hair.
· I am about feet (2 meters) tall and about 9-12 feet meters) long.
· I'm quite heavy. I can weigh 1800-2400 pounds (850-1100 kg).
· I eat lots leaves and lots of grass.
· I have help getting protection now, becau I was near extinction. But I do have horns and I usually hang out in a group with my friends.
I first came to North American in prehistoric times when I crosd the Bering Strait land bridge from Eurasia.
有趣的常识: 早在十九世纪,约六千万野牛生活在北美大草原上。它们曾是草原人民的生活中心。然而从1830年到1889年,它们濒临灭绝,只有1000只野牛尚存。今天,它们是保护动物,并且超过20万只野牛很好地生活在保护区和农场。
· 我生活在北美,然而,我有一些近亲在欧洲。· 我生活在草原地区,我能在寒冷的冬天生存。· 我在北美大草原上露天闲逛,大部分是在保护区中和私人牧场。· 我有一个大大的头,前肩上面有个隆起和一个尖锐突出的角。· 我有着黑棕色的厚粗外衣和黑色的头发。· 我大约英尺(2米)高,约9-12英尺(米)长。· 我非常重,我能重达1800-2400磅(850-1100千克)。· 我吃大量的树叶和草。· 现在我受到了保护,因为我正濒临灭绝。但是我有角,我通常和朋友结伴出行。· 在史前时期,我从欧亚大陆穿越白令海峡、走过陆地、桥第一次来到了北美。
Red-crowned Cranes丹顶鹤
汽车补胎 |
I am named for the "cap" on top of my head.在中国我是和平与吉祥的象征。 |
浙江适合自驾游的地方 |
我们栖息在开阔的平原、沼泽、湖泊及近水滩涂。集中生活在中国的黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、长江中下游、台湾等地。俄罗斯、日本、朝鲜也是我们喜欢的聚居地。 |
I am an excellent flyer and I can fly long distances. During the spring and summer I fly east to the wetlands in warm East Asia.我们在那里繁殖后代。 我们在那里繁殖后代。 |
Do you know I have many extremes(之最) I am one of the most endangered(濒危的)crane species.我是濒危物种之一,是国家一级保护动物。I'm one of the world's largest birds.我是世界上最大的鸟类之一。I have one of the most beautiful dances in my bird world. 我拥有鸟类世界中最优美的舞姿。I am the heaviest crane of the cranes (weighing up to 24 pounds or 11kg).我也是所有鹤种中最重的鹤。
Dinosaurs are reptiles(爬行动物) who lived mainly on the land during the Mesozoic era(中生代). They are often huge. They are meat eaters or plant eaters. But they do not exist any more.
两个月宝宝吐奶What killed the dinosaurs?Evidence(证据) shows that a huge meteor(陨石) hit the earth about 65 million years ago. It raid millions of tons of dust into the sky, caud volcanoes to erupt(火山爆发), acid rain(酸雨) and even tsunamis(海啸). Scientists think that all the dinosaurs died becau of the changes to the environment.
What does the word "dinosaur" mean and how are dinosaurs named?Sir Richard Owen coined(造字) the word dinosaur, meaning "fearfully(极) great lizard," in 1842. In Greek, "d
einos" means "fearfully great" and "sauros" means "lizard." There are many different ways to choo a dinosaur name. Sometimes the dinosaur is given a name that describes something unusual about its body, head or feet. Some are named after the location(位置) where they are found. Others are named for their behaviour(行为) or size, and some are named to honour(尊敬) a person. The name has to be approved(批准) by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature(国际动物学命名委员会). 郭元林