1. General Information(基本资料,总说明)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition and its German version (德语版)Angewandte Chemie are owned(拥有)by the Gellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society) and are published by Wiley-VCH(出版社). This leading journal (重要期刊)for all fields of chemistry publishes a variety of articles (各种各样的文章)(e below). Both editions of the journal will have 52 issues(期号)in 2011 in print and online (in Wiley Online Library); all articles are available online weeks before the printed version appears (Early Views提前在线出版模式). Contributions (投稿)may be submitted in English or German(可以为英语或者德语递交). Angewandte Chemie does not publish manuscripts(手稿,原稿草稿)that have already appeared(出现,发表).
The author must inform(通知,告知)the editor of manuscripts submitted(提交手稿的编辑), soon to be submitted(很快投稿), or in press at other journals that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted(那些与投递原稿的相关信息). If the manuscript is, in fact, a revid/extended version (之前被拒手稿修改或者扩展版本)of a manuscript previously rejected by Angewandte Chemie, the author must inform the editor about the previous submission(提交<;物>,意见)in the cover letter(投稿信,附信)and explain in detail which changes have been made. The Ethical Guidelines for Publication in Journals and Reviews(期刊和评论出版物道德准则)issued by the European Associatio
n for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) are followed(遵循)and applied by Angewandte Chemie; the guidelines are similar to the Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Rearch of the American Chemical Society. Authors should declare any conflict of interest(声明任何利益冲突)in their letter to the editor, for example support of the rearch by companies who stand to profit from publication of the results. Authors submitting a manuscript to Angewandte Chemie for the first time are asked to characterize their main rearch interests with a maximum of five keywords (最多五个关键词)from the Keyword List for Authors and Reviewers.
All Manuscripts should be submitted through manuscriptXpress. Plea prepare a single file一个单一文件(allowed formats格式: Word, RTF, Postscript, PDF) containing all schemes(方案,图式), figures(图形,图表), and tables(表格)integrated in the text; this file should also contain the Supporting Information, when appropriate. Then follow the instructions(按照说明)on the submission website. In this file, plea include a short text justifying(证明)why your article should appear in Angewandte Chemie. Plea u the box "Cover letter" for your cover letter (no formatted text, for example italics, sub/superscript). Any information that is intended for(打算给)the editorial office only (e.g., suggested reviewers and conflicts of interest with potential reviewers) should be given in the box "Additional Upload Comment(上传评论)". If you experience any problems plea
make u of the contact form(接触方式)at this site. When your article has been accepted you will be informed of (接到)the procedure for submitting revid manuscripts.
Should you wish to submit multimedia files that exceed 5 MB in size, plea proceed (继续)as described on the homepage. Smaller files can simply be nt as an
e-mail attachement(附件).
MSword templates(模板)for Reviews(综述), Minireviews, Essays(随笔), Highlights(集锦), and Communications are available in the ction "Author Guidelines".
容颜不老方2. Types of Contribution
Although Reviews, Minireviews, Essays, and Highlights are generally written upon invitation(邀请)of the editor, they can also be the result of an author's own initiative.(主动)However, the editor should be informed in advance about such an intended contribution(有意的投稿).
为你点赞We would like to emphasize that the number of characters mentioned in the following Sections always include spaces. (要强调的是包括空格在内的字符数)
2.1. Review Articles
Review articles should be written by leading experts(权威专家)and deal with(涉及)topics of high current interest in any area of chemistry. Rather than an asmbly of detailed information with a complete literature survey, a critically lected treatment of the material is desired; unsolved problems and possible developments should also be discusd. (一个严格挑选材料处理是期望的,未解决的问题和可能的发展也应该讨论,而不是一组完整文献调查的详细信息)
Reviews should be divided into numbered ctions, as in this "Notice to Authors". Cross-references(相互参照,交叉引用)in the text should also u the ction numbers. The Review starts with a lead-in(导入)(1000 characters, no references). This text should not be a mere summary(不仅有概要)but rather should—together with a round picture 18.5 cm in diameter (frontispiece(卷头插画))—arou the readers' interest. The first ction of the Review itlf, the Introduction, should primarily introduce the nonspecialist(非专业人士)to the subject in as clear a way as possible. A Review should conclude with a ction entitled Summary and Outlook (题为总结和展望), in which the achievements of and new challenges for the subject are prented succinctly(主题取得的成就和新挑战简洁的提出). In addition, biographical sketches(传记性概述)(maximum length 560 characters) and portrait-quality black-and-white photographs of the correspondence authors(通讯作者)should be submitted.
Length: A Review should not be of more than 65000 characters, including footnotes (脚注,附注), literature citations, tables, and legends(文献引用,表格和说明,图例). If a longer article is planned, the agreement of the editor should be sought(寻求)as early as possible.
2.2. Minireviews
A Minireview (up to (多达)25000 characters) should prent(呈现)current topics in a conci review style(用简洁的评论风格). Minireviews offer the flexibility (灵活性)to treat topics at a time(在某时,每次)and in a suitable manner(方式,态度), when a Review would still be premature or inappropriate(过早或者不适当). The format is the same as that outlined(概述)for Reviews in Section 2.1; however, Minireviews do not have a frontispiece and the lead-in should be no longer than
800 characters.
2.3. Essays
In Essays (up to 15000 characters) themes(主题)from every aspect of chemistry, including the philosophy or history of science(哲学和科学史), are addresd(处理)freely. U of unpublished
results from original rearch(原创性研究的未发表过的成果)should be extremely limited. Primarily, known topics should be discusd illuminatingly and critically from a new vantage point(讨论启发性,从新的角度评论), and they should be suitably illustrated(阐明,加插图). In addition, a biographical sketch (maximum length 560 characters) and a portrait-quality
冬天的动物有哪些black-and-white photograph of the correspondence author should be submitted.
2.4. Highlights
In Highlights very important new results of original rearch should be described, in general by a third person, with a view to instruct and to highlight their significance(一般由第三者指点或者强调那些原创性成果的意义). The results should be prented clearly, but as succinctly as possible, without the comprehensive details required for an original article(没有原文全面细节的需要). Highlights should include only esntial formulas(基本的公式)and figures as well as(以及)not more than 15 references. A Highlight should not be longer than two pages (up to 8500 characters). To ensure that your manuscript does not exceed this length, plea u the template, which can be found in the ction "Author Guidelines" of the homepage.
2.5. Communications
举进士Communications are short notes on experimental and/or theoretical studies in all branches of chemistry(通讯是化学分支科学实验或理论研究的简短札记). The results must be of general interest (大众兴趣)or at least contribute to the development of an important area of rearch. The esntial findings(重要的发现/成果)prented in a Communication or significant parts of them may not already have appeared in print or in electronic online systems (for example, in online resources, in reviews, proceedings(会议录), or preprints(预印本)). Contributions that are too specialized(专业)for the general readership of Angewandte Chemie will be returned to the authors without further external review(没有进一步的外审)(ca. 25%). All other Communications are nt to two independent referees(审查员). Authors are welcome to suggest referees. We ask referees to consult(参考)the "Guidelines for Referees for Communications" when judging the suitability of a Communication for Angewandte Chemie.
Communications that are "very important" in the opinion of at least two referees are denoted(表示)as being a VIP (very important paper) upon publication. If a third referee’s report is however received that does note judge the work to be "very important" or "highly important", the communication does not receive this VIP status.
Plea be considerate(体谅的)to our many readers for whom English is a foreign language—u
a simple, clear style and avoid jargon(避免术语). Communications submitted in English to Angewandte Chemie will be printed in German only when an author provides a translation, perhaps from a current or former postdoc(博士后), or gives specific reasons for wishing to have the article appear in German. In all other cas the Communication will appear in English in both editions of the journal.
Length: The maximal length of a Communication, inclusive of all literature citations, footnotes, and tables, is 10000 characters; formulas and figures may be added. Longer Communications will be accepted only if their quality warrants(授权)special consideration and a written justification(书面辩护)of their length is provided. Details that are of importance to the referees and to specialists(专家), but not to most of the readers, should be submitted as Supporting Information (e Section 3.2), which will be made accessible on the Web. Copies of cited publications not yet available publicly should be submitted along with the manuscript. Unpublished results and lectures should only be cited for exceptional reasons(为出版的成果和报告因特殊原因只引用).
The identity(身份,特性)and purity of all new compounds must be fully characterized by appropriate analytical methods (NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystal structure analysis, elemental analysis, etc.). The data should be given in the Supporting Information in the event that(如果,万
一)they exceed the scope of the Experimental Section.
护士年终总结个人Computer-aided image enhancement is often unavoidable(计算机辅助增强图像不可避免). However, such manipulation(操作,处理)cannot result in data that are less relevant(相关的)or unreprentative(非代表性的)being shown and/or genuine(真实的)and significant signals(信息)being lost. A clear relationship must remain between the original data and the images that result from tho data. If an image has been electronically modified(修改), the form of the modification shall be given in the Figure caption(修改的方式应该在图标上说明). If computer-aided processing or modification of an image is a fundamental part of the experimental work, then the form that this processing takes must be clearly described in the Experimental Section.
Manuscripts containing animal experiments must include a statement(声明)that permission was obtained from the relevant national or local authorities(有关国家或当地政府). The institutional committees(机构委员会)that have approved(批准)the experiments must be identified(认定)and the accreditation number(认证数)of the laboratory or of the investigator given where applicable(适当情况下). If no such
rules or permissions are in place in the country where the experiments were performed, then this mu
st also be clearly stated. Manuscripts with experiments with human subjects or tissue samples(组织样本)from human subjects must contain a disclaimer(免责声明)in the Experimental Section to state that informed, signed connt was obtained from either the patient or next of kin(病人或者亲属知情、签字同意).qq怎么看黑名单
A Communication returned to the author for revision(修改)should be returned to the editorial office within three weeks. If more time is needed the editor must be informed.
Communications should not be divided into ctions. However, experimental details or methods should be summarized concily(简洁的概括)under the heading(标题)Experimental Section or Methods. The first paragraph of a Communication should be formulated(规划)as an introduction that provides the nonspecialist reader with a general idea of the state of the art of the field and allows the importance of the results to be put into perspective(清楚地认识). In the final paragraph the results should be summarized succinctly and one ntence should be devoted to(用于)their significance and—if appropriate(如果有的话)—to the next challenges.
2.6. Correspondences(通信,一致,相当)
折柳赠别Manuscripts that critically comment on publications(批判性的评论出版物)in Angewandte Chemie
can be published as Correspondences if they make an important contribution to the scientific discussion(探讨). The author of the publication to which the Correspondence pertains(属于,关于)will have the opportunity to reply(回复).
2.7. Book Reviews, Meeting Reviews, Obituaries(讣闻)
Book and Meeting Reviews as well as Obituaries are written upon invitation. Suggestions for books to be reviewed as well as for meeting reviews and obituaries are welcome, as are suggestions for possible authors. Publishers(出版商)should nd brochures(手册)or preferably books(较好的书)directly to the editorial office.
An informative Book Review(资讯书评)should provide answers to the following questions: Has the area of rearch covered in the book been the focus of recent rearch efforts(研究工作), or does the book provide a fresh look at an already established area? Does the book have other merits(优点), or is it unnecessary? Are the many aspects of the book's topic appropriately weighted? What benefits does the book offer to different types of readers?
A Meeting Review should deal with the following questions: Why is the prented field of rearch currently of particular interest?(为什么这个研究领域目前令人感兴趣)How has it developed over th
e past few years? What are the most important unanswered questions? Which contributions were the highlights of the conference?