识字教学方法Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed(数字图像处理(第2
DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING has been the world-wide leading textbook in its field for more than 30 years. As the 1977 and 1987 editions by Gonzalez and Wintz, and the 1992 edition by Gonzalez and Woods, the prent edition was prepared with students and instructors in mind. The material is timely, highly readable, and illustrated with numerous examples of practical significance. All mainstream areas of image processing are covered, including a totally revid introduction and discussion of image fundamentals, image enhancement in the spatial and frequency domains, restoration, color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphology, gmentation, and image description. Coverage concludes with a discussion on the fundamentals of object recognition.
Although the book is completely lf-contained, this companion web site provides additional support in the form of review material, answers to lected problems, laboratory project suggestions, and a score of other features. A supplementary instructor's manual is available to instructors who have adopted the book for classroom u.
digital image processing,image fundamentals,image compression,image description,
Digital Image Processing, 2nd edition
About the Book面粉发酵的方法
Basic Information
ISBN number 020*******.
Publisher: Prentice Hall
12 chapters.
793 pages.证书过期
© 2002.
DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING has been the world-wide leading textbook in its field for more than 30 years. As the 1977 and 1987 editions by Gonzalez and Wintz, and the 1992 edition by Gonzalez and Woods, the prent edition was prepared with students and instructors in mind. The material is timely, highly readable, and illustrated with numerous examples of practical significance. All mainstream areas of image processing are covered, including a totally revid introduction and discussion of image fundamentals, image enhancement in the spatial and frequency domains, restoration, color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphology, gmentation, and image description. Coverage concludes with a discussion on the fundamentals of object recognition.
Although the book is completely lf-contained, this companion web site provides additional support in the form of review material, answers to lected problems, laboratory project suggestions, and a score of other features. A supplementary instructor's manual is available to instructors who have adopted the book for classroom u.
Partial list of institutions that u the book.爱吃糖的小猪
New chapters on wavelets, image morphology, and color image processing.
A revision and update of all chapters, including topics such as gmentation by watersheds.
More than 500 new images and over 200 new line drawings and tables.
A reorganization that allows the reader to get to the material on actual image processing much sooner than before.
A more intuitive development of traditional topics such as image transforms and image restoration.
Numerous new examples with procesd images of higher resolution. Updated image compression standards and a new ction on compression using wavelets.
苦苦挽留Updated bibliography.
Differences Between the DIP and DIPUM Books
Digital Image Processing is a book on fundamentals.
Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB is a book on the software implementation of tho fundamentals.
The key difference between the books is that Digital Image Processing (DIP) deals primarily with the theoretical foundation of digital image processing, while Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB (DIPUM) is a book who main focus is the u of MATLAB for image processing. The DIPUM book covers esntially the same topics as DIP, but the theoretical treatment is not as
detailed. Some instructors prefer to fill in the theoretical details in class in favor of having available a book with a strong emphasis on implementation.
© 2002 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Upper Saddle River, New Jery 07458氧负离子
All rights rerved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
The author and publisher of this book have ud their best efforts in preparing this book.The efforts include the development, rearch, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness.The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expresd or implied, with regard to the programs or the documentation contained in this book.The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or conquential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or u of the programs.