Oil-immerd Transformer
Installation & Manual Instructions
People’s Republic of China
Wuxi Power Transformer Co., Ltd.
1 适用范围
Scope of Application
The instructions hereof are applicable to oil-immerd power transformers and distribution transformers with powre up to 6300kVA, voltage level up to 35kV.
2 运输
2.1 变压器至安装地点的运输方法,主要为公路或铁路运输。此类变压器一律装满油运输,应附带的零部件、配套组件、出厂技术文件等,另装箱与变压器一起发运。
The way of transition of the transformer to the installation place is mainly by road or railroad. The transformers of this type is always transported with oil fully filled, and the accessories of parts, kit parts and tech-documents, which shall be attached to the delivery, shall be other packed but delivered together with the transformer.
2.2 起吊整体变压器时,应同时使用箱壁上的四个(容量较小时为二个)吊攀,箱盖上的吊板仅供起吊器身之用。起吊时吊绳与垂线之夹角不得大于30°。
When lifting the integral transformer, only u 4 lugs attached to the tank side (2 lugs for smaller capacity ones); the lifting board on tank cover is ud for the transformer body only. When lifting, the angle between lifting rope and vertical line shall not be larger than 30°.
2.3 运输过程中,变压器的倾斜角不得大于15°。应避免变压器主体剧烈的震动与颠簸,造成本体油箱渗漏油。
The inclining angle of the transformer during transportation is allowed no more than 15°. Avoid the main body of the transformer from poignant shock or jolt, which may yields to transformer tank leaking.
3 验收
3.1 用货单位收到变压器以后,应按铭牌查对所收到的产品之规格是否与订货合同相符;按出厂文件一览表查对技术文件是否齐全;按拆卸一览表查收拆卸件是否有遗漏。
When the transformer delivered, the ur party shall check from name-print to e the specifications of delivered goods are in line with the ordered ones, and follow exit shop document schedule to check whether the tech-documents are complete, and follow asmbly schedule to check whether the dismounted parts are all delivered.
3.2 检查变压器有无漏油、渗油现象;产品与零件有无损坏;易损部件,信号温度计、套管、气体继电器、压力释放阀等有无损坏。
Inspect whether the transformer is oil leaking or eping; to e if any damage to products or parts; to e whether complete and in good conditions the wearing parts, signal thermometer, bushing, Buchholz relay, pressure relief valve and etc.
4 贮存
When it is necessary to store the transformer, mention to keep the oil indicator always oil filled, and check periodically the keeping conditions. For the transportation of conrvator dismounted transformer, it is a must to fit on conrvator with dehydrating breather, so as to keep in line with the temperature alternation.
5 总装配王者荣耀高渐离
General Asmbly
5.1 装讯号温度计的同时要将所有的温度计座内注满变压器油。
At the same time of mounting signal thermometer, fill full oil to all ats of the thermometers accordingly.
5.2 装吸湿器的同时要将吸湿器的下部油杯中加注变压器油。哒是什么意思
At the same time on mounting dehydrating breather, fill transformer oil to the oil cup at the lower part of the dehydrating breather.
5.3 按总装配图装配好储油柜等其他零部件。
Follow the general asmbly drawing(s) to asmble conrvator and other accessories.
5.4 在补注变压器油时,需注意补注变压器油牌号、产地及油基。不同牌号和油基的变压器油一般不得混合使用,如混合使用必须混油试验合格后方可使用。
When fill compensative transformer oil, pay attention to brand, producing area and oil ba of the compensating transformer oil. Generally, transformer oils of different brands or different oil bas are prohibited from mixing; in ca it has to apply, only to u after oil mixing test pasd.
工作预案5.5 变压器如装有气体继电器,安装到基础上后,储油柜一侧应垫高使变压器箱盖有1° ~ 2°的倾斜,使气体容易进入气体继电器。
When mounted to the foundation, if the transformer is equipped with Buchholz relay, one side of the conrvator shall be blocked up a little, so as to let the transformer cover to tilt 1° ~ 2°, which shall let gas enter Buchholz relay.
5.6 对于全密封变压器投运前一般不需要添加油,但应检查油位是否正常。
Generally, for hermetically aled transformer, there is no need to add oil, only to check whether the oil level normal or not before putting into production.
5.7 欧洲地形特征变压器油面在油面表相当于当时环境温度的刻度上。
"英语学习"Oil level in transformer tank corresponds to the scale of ambient temperature at the time.
5.8 检查变压器是否渗漏油,若有渗漏现象要处理完毕。
Inspect if the transformer tank is oil leakage, and if yes, troubleshot is a must.
6 投入运行
Put into production
6.1 变压器总装后,于投入运行前应经过如下试验:
When the transformer general asmbly is performed, test the following before putting it into production:
(1) 测量各绕组所有分接的直流电阻
Measurement of DC resistance of winding
(2) 测量各分接位置变压比
Measurement of every tap position voltage ratio
(3) 描写白云的句子检查变压器的联结组标号
Check transformer pha displacement
(4) 测量绕组连同套管的绝缘电阻
Measurement of the insulation resistance of each winding and attached bushing accordin