ability to continue as a going concern 持续经营能力
acceptability 可接受性,可接受程度
acceptable level of detection risk 检查风险的可接受水平
acceptance of engagement 接受委托
accepting the engagement for the first time 首次接受委托
access to ast 对资产的接触
according to 根据,依据,依照
account balance 账户余额
account for 对……进行会计处理,核算;解释
accounting 会计,会计学
accounting advisory rve 会计咨询服务
accounting firm 会计师事务所
accounting information 会计信息,会计资料
accounting period 会计期间
accounting policies 会计政策
accounting professional bodies 会计职业组织,会计职业团体
accounting records 会计记录
accounting responsibility 会计责任
accounting rvice 会计服务
accounting standards 会计准则
Accounting Standards for Business Enterpris 企业会计准则
accounting system 会计系统
accounting treatment 会计处理
accuracy 准确性,精确性
additional audit procedures 追加审计程序
addre 收件人,收信人 家训有哪些
Administration of State-owned Asts (the~) 国有资产管理局
administrative laws and regulations 行政法规
adver impact 不利影响,负面影响
adver opinion 反对意见 羚羊木雕原文
advisory group 咨询组,顾问组
agency fee 代理费,代理费用
aggregate 总计,合计为……
alternation of document and record 变造文件和记录
alternative audit procedures 替代审计程序,备选审计程序
amend 修改,修订
amortisation 摊销
analytical capacity 分析能力
analytical procedures 分析性程序
annual financial statements 年度会计报表,年度财务报表
appendix 附录,附表
applicable 适用的
applicable laws and regulations 适用的法规
application systems 应用系统
apply consistently 一贯地执行,一贯地实施
appropriate 适当的,合适的;
appropriate authorization 适当的授权
appropriateness of audit evidence 审计证据的适当性
approval 批准,核准
asrtion (会计报表上的)认定;确认
assd level of control risk 对控制风险的评估,控制风险的评估水平
ast 资产,财产
ast restructuring 资产重组
assignment of du张景惠
ties 职责的划分
assistant 助理,助理人员
associated company 联属公司,联营公司
association 联合,结合;协会,社团
assumption 假设,假定 形容力气大的成语
at a given date 在某一特定时日
attestation 鉴证,公证
attestation rvice 鉴证服务
audit adjustment 审计调整
audit areas 审计领域
audit conclusion 审计结论
audit effectiveness 审计效果
audit efficiency 审计效率
牛蛙怎么做好吃 audit engagement letter 审计业务约定书
audit evidence 审计证据
audit fee 审计费
audit files 审计档案
audit findings 审计中发现的事项
audit implementation stage 审计实施阶段
audit mark 审计标识
audit materiality 审计重要性
audit method 审计方法
audit objective 审计目标,审计目的
audit of financial statements 会计报表审计,财务报表审计
audit opinion 审计意见
audit period 被审计期间,被审计年度
audit plan 审计计划
audit planning 编制审计计划,制定审计计划,审计计划
audit planning stage 审计计划阶段
audit procedure 审计程序
audit programme 审计程序表,具体审计计划
audit report 审计报告
audit report with a disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见审计报告
audit report with a qualified opinion 有保留意见的审计报告
audit report with an adver opinion 否定意见的审计报告
吸毒成瘾 audit report with dual dates 双重日期审计报告
audit reporting stage 审计报告阶段
audit responsibility 审计责任
audit results 审计结果
audit risk 审计风险
audit sampling 审计抽样
audit sampling techniques 审计抽样方法,审计抽样技术
audit strategies 审计策略
audit summary 审计总结,审计小结
audit team 审计小组
audit test 审计测试
audit trai l 审计轨迹
audit work 审计工作
audit working paper 审计工作底稿
audited financial statement 审计会计报表,已审计财务报表
Auditing Guidelines (the~) 审计规范指南
auditing standards 审计准则
audit-oriented working paper (审计)业务类工作底稿
authorisation 授权
authorisation of transaction 交易的授权
availability 可获得性
balance 余额;差额;平衡
balance sheet 资产负债表
重拾那份小幸福 bank 银行
bank accoun
t 银行账户,银行户头
bank statement 银行对账单
barter transaction 易货交易,以物换物交易
basis of audit 审计依据
basis of preparation (会计报表的)编制基础
book of account 账目,账簿
borrowing 借款,贷款,借债
branch 分支,分支机构,分店
brought forward (账户余额等的)承上年,承上期,承上页
budget 预算
building 建筑物;大楼
business conditions 业务情况,经营情况
business licence (企业等的)营业执照
business relation 业务关系