赵月枝 摘要:问题意识的获得与学者的个人经历有密切关系㊂本文从
舞蹈教师资格证作者在过去40年间跨越城乡与东西方的学术经历切入,以一系列对研究有决定性影响的文献或事例以及作者与北美传播政治经济学领域三位重要学者的学术交往为主线,反思中国在改革开放以及与全球资本主义的竞合中崛起的宏观历史语境中,自己的问题意识和研究取向如何经历了如下三个阶段的演进:第一,以传播政治经济学为主要学术资源和中国社会主义何去何从为开放性主导问题意识,回应与反驳国外主导自由主义学术话语有关中国媒体改革与社会发展方向的假定;第二,从传播角度探寻数字化时代全球权力转移的性质与方向,并在直面传播政治经济学在城乡关系和种族关系层面的偏颇及其对学者主体性的影响过程中,重新思考学术的意义与学者本身所处的社会权力关系;第三,在力图回嵌乡土中国和强化自己的反种族主义跨文化学术主体性基础上,续接中国知识分子的百年乡建传统和重构对中国共产党新闻理论与实践的 看山还是山 再认识,以此实现批判传播研究的建设性转向和创新理论㊁历史与实践逻辑相统一的社会主义跨文化传播政治经济学㊂
关键词:传播政治经济学 城乡关系 种族关系 学术主体性赵月枝,加拿大西门菲莎大学传播学院加拿大国家特聘教授㊁清华大学新闻与传播学院卓越访问学者㊁浙江省缙云县河阳乡村研究院执行院长㊂感谢
孕早期出血是怎么回事在东西方碰撞中学提问:从反驳到创新153 Abstract:The acquisition of a rearch problematic is inextricably linked to a rearcher s lived experiences.Engaging with the author s for-
ty-years of scholarly pursuits across the urban-rural and East-West di-vides,and anchoring on a ries of formative events and pivotal exchan-ges with three key North American political economy of communication scholars,this article revisits the author s evolving rearch problematic in terms of the following three phas within the macro-historical context of China s rising through reform and openness and contested integration with global capitalism.First,the author advances scholarship by refuting ma-instream Western liberal propositions about the direction of China s media reform and the direction of its social transformation primarily through the political economy of communication perspective,while positing the future of Chine socialism as an open-ended question.Second,the author ex-plores the nature and direction of global power shifts in the digital era from a communication perspective,and in confronting the political econ-omy of communication field s existin
g urban-centric and racial bias and their impact on scholarly subjectivities,the author also reconsiders the meaning of scholarly activities and the ways in which scholars themlves are embedded in social power relations.Finally,through re-embedding onelf in rural Chine society and strengthening one s anti-racist scholarly subjectivity,the author reconnects with the one-hundred-year scholarly tradition of rural reconstruction and revisit the Chine Commu-nist Party s journalistic theories and practices from a historical dialectical perspective.This,in turn,enables the realization of a constructive turn of critical communication rearch and the advancement of socialist tran-scultural political economy of communication rearch with unifying theo-retical,historical,and practical logics.
Keywords:Political Economy of Communication,Urban-Rural Relations,Racial Relations,Scholarly Subjectivity