\\"Interracial\\" Sex and Racial Democracy in Brazil:
Twin Concepts?
期刊名称: American Anthropologist (New Series)
涵咏作者: Donna Goldstein
年份: 1999年
期号: 第3期
关键词: Brazil;Race;Sexuality;Poverty
动滑轮组摘要:Racial democracy is maintained in Brazil through both scholarly and popular discours that consider "interracial" x as proof of Brazil's lack of a racial problem. In this article, I scrutinize the discour that asks, "How can we be racist when so many of us are mixed?" I argue that racial discours are embedded in everyday interactions, but are often codified or masked. "Race" is especia
lly pertinent to xuality, yet the two have hardly been analyzed together. In fact, it is not the belief in a racial democracy that is at the heart of Brazilian racial hegemony, but rather the belief that Brazil is a color-blind erotic democracy. Using my ethnographic data, I illustrate that "race" is embodied in everyday valuations of xual attractiveness that are gendered, racialized, and class-oriented in ways that commodify black