目的:观察体位对Narcotrend指数的影响。方法:选择2013年7-12月择期静脉全身麻醉手术患者45例,年龄20~60岁,男24例,女21例,体重指数17~23 kg/m2,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ神经衰弱吃什么药级。平卧位靶控输注(TCI)异丙酚和瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导并维持麻醉,达到稳态靶浓度后5 min时,将患者置于头低脚高位(300),维持约10 min;将患者调至平卧位10 min后,再将患者置于头高脚低高位(300),维持约10 min。分别记录头低脚高位前(T0)、头低脚高位即刻(T1)、1 min(T2)、3 min(T3)、5 min(T4)和10 min(T5)以及头高脚低位即刻(T1)、1 min(T2)、3 min(T3)、5 min(T4)和10 min(T5)各时点的Narcotrend指数(NI)、平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)、呼气末二氧化碳分压(PETCO2)。结果:与平卧位(T0)比较,患者头低脚高位时T2~5 MAP、T2~4 NI升高,头高脚低位时T2~5 MAP、T2~4 NI降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与头低脚高位相同时点比较,患者头高脚低位时T2~5 MAP、T2~4 NI明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:体位可影响静脉全身麻醉患者Narcotrend指数,影响麻醉医师对患者麻醉深度的判断。
标签: 体位; Narcotrend指数; 静脉全麻
【Abstract】 Objective:To prospectively evaluate the effects of body position to the narcotrend index during intravenous anaesthesia.Method: 45 elective surgery patients aged from 20 to 60 years were lected in our hospital from July 2013 to December 2013,whom were 24 males and 21 females,with the BMI 17-23 kg/m2 and ASAI-Ⅱ level, the intravenous general anesthesia were underwent. Propofol and remifentanil anesthesia protocol was introduced and maintained with Target-controlled infusion(TCI) in supine position.5 min after reaching steady-state target concentration,the patients were changed in Trendelenburg position(30 degrees) and maintained about 10 min;10 min later,the position into anti-trendelenburg position were changed (30 degrees),also maintained about 10 min. Narcotrend Index (NI), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (PETCO2) were recorded parately at the time points of before trendelenburg position(T0),immediately(T1),1 min (T2) later, 3 min(T3) later,5 min(T4) later and 10 min(T5) later after in Trendelenburg position and anti-trendelenburg position.Result:Compared the parameters in supine position(T0),pati
ents补钙的食物’ MAP in Trendelenburg position at the time point of T2-5 incread,also the NI at the time piont of T2-4 ,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).While, they were decread in anti-trendelenburg position..The MAP at the point of T2-5,NI at the point of T2-4 were significantly lower in Trendelenburg position than in anti-trendelenburg position,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01).Conclusion:Patients’ body position during intravenous anaesthesia can affect the Narcotrend index, of which will affect the anesthesiologists to judgment patients’ anesthesia depth.