2001年—2010年中国农村初级卫生保健发展 纲要 | Outline of Rural China’s PHC in 2001---2002 | 5岁以下儿童死亡检测 | Children under 5 years death surveillance |
5岁以下儿童死亡率 | mortality under 5 years old | PDCA循环 | PDCA circle |
SWOT分析法 | SWOT analysis | 阿拉木图宣言 | Declaration of ALMA--ATA |
半结构式访问 | Semi-structured interviews | 保密性 | confidentiality |
产出 | Output | 产品 | product |
成本绩效指数 | cost performance index, CPI | 持续性服务 | continuity of care |
筹资 | financing | 筹资的公平性 | fairness of financing |
出生缺陷检测 | birth defect surveillance | 初级保健托拉斯 | Primary Care Trusts |
初级卫生保健 | primary health care | 储蓄型医疗保险 | medisave |
处方药 | prescription drugs | 处理 | action |
促销 | promotion | 德尔菲法 | Delphi |
地点\渠道 | place | 地方病 | endemic dia |
第二手文献 | secondary documents | 第一手文献 | primary documents |
调查 | surveys | 独立行动协会 | Independent Practice Association, IPAs |
儿童保健 | Children’s health care雏鹰之歌 | 二次分析 | condary analysis |
反应性 | responsiveness | 访谈法 | interview |
非处方药 | over-the-counter drugs, OTC drugs | 非结构式访谈 | unstructured interviews |
非政府组织 | non-governmental organization, NGO | 风险承担 | risk acceptance |
风险管理 | risk management | 风险回避 | risk avoidance |
风险控制 | risk control | 风险转移 | risk transfer |
服务操作 | rvice operation | 服务传递 | rvice delivery |
服务接触 | rvice encounter | 服务提供 | provision |
服务销售体系 | rvice marketing system | 负效应接触 | negative encounter |
妇女保健 | maternal health care | 妇幼保健与社区卫生司 | Department of Maternal and Child Health Care and Community Health |
概念阶段 | conceptual | 个别访谈 | individual interviews |
公平 | equity | 共鸣性 | empathy |
工期绩效指数 | Schedule performance index, SPI | 工作分解结构 | work breakdown structure WBS |
妇幼卫生服务评价 | maternal and children’s health rvice evaluation | 妇幼卫生检测 | maternal and children’s health surveillance |
购买者 | purchar | 关键路径法 | critical path method, CPM |
观察法 | obrvation | 管理 | governance |
管理下的竞争 | managed competition | 管理下的竞争体系 | managed competition system |
管理型医疗保健 | managed care | 规划 | plan |
规划工作 放学回家的英文 | planning | 过程 | process |
国际红十字会与红星月会联合会 | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | 国际项目管理协会 | International Project Management Association, IPMA |
国家食品药品监督管理局 | State Food Drug Administration, SFDA | 国家卫生服务托拉斯 | NHS Trusts |
国家卫生服务制度 | national health system, NHS | 国家卫生系统绩效委员会 | 我最喜欢的汉字The National Health Performance Committee, NHPC |
护理质量管理 | quality management of nur rvices | 环境扫描 | environmental scanning |
皇冠健康企业 | Crown Health Enterpris | 活动 | activity |
伙伴压力 | peer pressure | 机会 | opportunity |
基本设施质量 | quality of basic amenities | 基本药物 | esntial medicine |
基层医疗 | community-oriented primary care, COPC | 基层医疗保健 | primary care |
绩效 | performance | 绩效评价 | performance asssment |
及时关注 | prompt attention | 急救医疗服务体系 | emergency medical rvice system, EMSS |
计划 | plan | 计划工作量的预算成本 | BCWS, budgeted cost of work scheduled |
计算机化医嘱 | computerized physician order entry, CPOE | 家庭调查 | houhold surveys |
价格 | price | 价值改变 | value change |
监督管理 | stewardship | 减寿人年数 | potential years of life lost, PYLL |
检查 | check | 健保双全计划 | medishield |
健康保障 | health curity | 健康的不公平性 | health inequalities |
健康管理 | health management | 健康期望寿命 | active life expectancy, ALE |
健康危险因素 | health risk factors | 健康状况 | health status |
健康组织体系 | health organization system | 结构 | structure |
结果 | outcome | 介绍 | prentation |
经济 | economy | 准确性 | precision |
竞争性标准法 | competitive benchmarking | 可持续发展 | sustainable development |
可及性服务 | asssable care | 可靠性 | reliability |
可信性 | assurance | 立法 | regulation |
利益相关者 | stakeholder | 利益相关者分析 | stakeholder analysis |
联合国儿童基金会 | United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF | 劣势 | weakness |
临床路径 | clinical pathway | 目标 | objectives |
游林 |
目标群体讨论 | focus groups | 内部市场 | internal market |
内容分析法 | content analysis | 期望寿命 | expectancy life |
区域卫生规划 | regional health planning | 全结构式访问 | structural interviews |
全科医生 | general practitioner, GP | 全科医生基金持有者 | GP Fund holder |
全球总目标 | general goal | 人格化照顾 | personalized care |
人人享有卫生保健 | Health for All | 人员 | people\personnel |
软指标 | soft measurements | 伤残调整期望寿命 | disability-adjusted life expectancy, DALE |
伤残调整寿命年 | disability adjusted life year, DALY | 伤残损失健康生命年 | years lived with disability, YLDs |
商业(市场)医疗保险 | private health insurance | 设计阶段 | design |
社会医疗保险 | social health insurance | 社会支持 | social support networks |
社区卫生 | community health | 社区卫生服务 | community health rvices |
社区医学 | Community medicine | 生殖健康 | reproductive health |
失效模式和效果分析 | failure modes and effects analysis, FMEA | 实施阶段 | implementation |
世界卫生报告 | World Health Report | 世界卫生组织 | World Health Organization WHO |
顺序图法 | precedence diagramming method, PDM | 经济与政治死亡损失健康生命年 | years of life lost, YLLs |
搜寻质量 | arch quality | 隧道眼光 | tunnel vision |
体验质量 | experience quality | 投入 资产月报 | input |
投入—产出分析预测法 | input-output analysis | 团体合作的工作方式 | team work |
威胁 | threat | 卫生部 | M惩罚近义词inistry of Health |
卫生部门 | health ctor | 卫生部门改革 | health ctor reform, HSR |
卫生筹资 | health financing | 卫生服务规划工作 | health rvice planning |
卫生服务绩效指数 | rvice performance indices | 卫生服务组织 | health rvice organization |
卫生事业管理 | health rvice administration | 卫生系统 | health system |
卫生系统绩效 | health system performance | 卫生系统资源中心 | health system resource centre |
卫生项目 | health project | 卫生行动 | health action |
卫生行政组织 | health administration | 卫生行政管理 | health policy management |
文献分析 | document analysis | 无残疾期望寿命 | life expectancy free of disability, LEFD |
现场观察 家具展 | participant obrvation | 项目成本差异 | cost variance, CV |
项目发起人 | sponsor | 项目管理协会 | Project Management Institute, PIM |
项目管理知识体系指南 | PMBOK guide | 项目进度差异 | schedule variance, SV |
效度 | validity | 效果 | effectiveness |
效率 | efficiency | 协调性服务 | coordinated care |
信度 | reliability | 信誉质量 | credence quality |
兴趣 | interest | 行动改变 | action change |
行为改变 | behavior change | 选题小组讨论 | nominal group discussion |
选择性 | choice of providers | 血液管理 | management of blood |
循证 | evidence-bad | 循证医学 | evidence-bad medicine |
循证政策分析 | evidence-bad policy analysis | 药品 | drugs |
药品标准 | drug standard | 药品不良反应 | adver drug reaction, ADR |
药品监督管理 | drug administration | 药品经营质量管理规范 | Good Supplying Practice for Drugs, GSP |
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