大中小企业: small, medium, and large enterpris
国有企业:state-owned enterpris (SOE)
中小微企业:micro, small, and medium enterpris (MSMEs),
小微企业:small enterpris
企业养老保险基金:enterpri workers’ old-age insurance funds
制造业企业:manufacturing enterpris
领军企业:leading enterpris
∙business:其中一些用法和前面的 enterpri 一样了
茶叶节中小微企业:micro and small business
小微企业:micro and small business
民营企业:private business
企业和员工:business and their employees
企业所得税: corporate income tax credits
平台企业: platform companies
外资企业: foreign companies
中小外贸企业: small and medium foreign trade firms
enterpri > corporation > company > firm
具体可以参考:Company,Corporation,Incorporation,Enterpri,Firm 对应中文分别是什么?在中美的法律层面有什么区别?- 知乎[1]
And we helped micro, small, and medium enterpris (MSMEs) and lf-employed individuals, which are large in number, extensive in scope and took the most direct hit from Covid-19, weather what was a very tough time.
对中小微企业贷款延期还本付息,大型商业银行普惠小微企业贷款增长 50%以上,同学生日祝福语
MSMEs were allowed to postpone principal and interest repayments on their loans, and inclusive finance lending by large commercial banks to micro and small business incread by more than 50 percent.散步写作背景
Point-to-point transportation rvices were provided to large enterpris to help them resume operations.
Local governments across the country provided more incentives to stabilize and expand employment, thus enabling business and their employees to work hand-in-hand to overcome their difficulties.
We adopted a three-year action plan for SOE reform and supported the development of private business.
We supported the application of scientific and technological advances, encouraged collaborative innovation among small, medium, and large enterpris, and promoted pilot reforms on all-around innovation.
Pension benefits were paid on time and in full, and provincial-level collection and payout of enterpri workers’ old-age insurance funds was realized.
Our MSMEs and lf-employed individuals are still finding the going tough, and the pressure in maintaining stable employment is mounting.
We will enhance the capacity of enterpris to make technological innovation, unlock the
creativity of talent, and improve the systems and mechanisms for making scientific and technological innovation.
对小微企业和个体工商户年应纳税所得额不到 100 万元的部分,在现行优惠政策基础上,再减半征收所得税。
On the basis of preferential policies already in force, we will halve the income tax of micro and small enterpris and lf-employed individuals on annual taxable income below one million yuan.
Further steps will be taken to address the financing difficulties of MSMEs.
We will continue the policy of allowing micro and small enterpris to defer principal and interest repayments on inclusive-finance loans, and increa support for inclusive finance via re-lending and rediscounting.
We will continue the policy of providing rewards and subsidies to reduce financing guaranty fees for micro and small business, and improve mechanisms for risk sharing and compensation for loan defaults.
We will extend the pay-as-you-go lending model, channel more funds into scientific and technological innovation, green development initiatives, micro and small enterpris, lf-employed individuals, and new types of agribusiness, and provide targeted support for enterpris and industries enduring a sustained hit from Covid-19.
大型商业银行普惠小微企业贷款增长 30%以上。鱼油的功效
inclusive loans to micro and small business by large commercial banks will increa by over 30 percent this year.
Appropriate reductions will be made to transaction fees levied on micro and small business.
This year, we must e that micro and small business have easier access to financing, and that their overall financing costs steadily drop.