
更新时间:2023-05-30 02:15:23 阅读: 评论:0

1. Usually the recession will reduce the government’s ______.
A. revenues
B. revenges
C. discounts
D. avenues
2. Being impatient is ______ with being a good teacher.
A. intrinsic
B. ingenious
C. incompatible
酱汤面D. inherent
3. The measures are not good; they will ______ the hostility between the two groups.
A. impede
B. percute
C. merge
D. perpetuate
4. She is the girl who the artist said ______ as a model for painting.
A. gesticulated
B. postulated
C. pod
D. propod
5. While traveling in America, she ______ herlf of the opportunity to learn English.
A. ushered
B. utilized
C. ud
D. availed
6. In the face of an uncooperative Congress, the Chief Executive may find himlf ______ to accomplish
the political program to which he is committed.
A. neutral
B. impotent
C. impudent
河北教育考试院官网D. pious
7. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the hou______ the terms of the contract.
A. in the vicinity of
B. in quest of
C. in accordance with
D. in collaboration with
8. The boy ______ his fist and threatened to hit the little girl.
A. clutched
B. clenched
C. gripped
D. grabbed
9. The law on drinking and driving is ______ stated.
A. extravagantly
B. empirically
C. exceptionally
D. explicitly
10. The rain nt all the farmers who were working in the fields ______ for shelters.
A. scampering
B. scurrying
C. shuttling
D. shuddering
11. The skyscrapers and the bright lights of the city ______ the two girls from the country.
A. belittled
B. perplexed
C. puzzled
D. bewildered
12. If you throw a stone into the still water, you can e ______ spread in rings.
A. ripples
B. rituals
C. revenues
D. expeditions
13. We lived in a small village ______ a highway and infested with heavy-duty trucks.
A. adjacent to
B. attached to
C. far from
D. adjourning to
14. The jury ______ her of having committed the robbery and she was ntenced to ten years’
A. convicted
B. reproached
C. charged
D. blamed
15. Someone must have ______ about among my papers, for my drawer is in a mess.
A. rampaged
B. reheard
C. rummaged
D. alienate
16. Starting with the ______ that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his
A. premi
B. pretext
C. foundation
D. prentation
17. The author will have a ______ of 20 percent of the price of the book on all copies sold.
A. guarantee
B. revenue
C. retention
D. royalty
18. The old lady has developed a ______ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
A. perpetual
B. permanent
C. chronic
D. sustained
19. There is no reason to insult and ______ the man simply becau you do not agree with him.
A. deface
B. defame
C. devalue
D. default
20. In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and ______ in the classroom.
A. skeptical
B. faithful
C. obedient
D. subsidiary
1. Every 15 minutes, the sun delivers to the earth enough ______ energy to meet all of mankind’s power
needs for a full year.
A. radiant
B. radical
C. random
D. radioactive
2. A criminal at large is very dangerous and utterly ______ of conscience.
A. devoid
B. deficient
C. impartial
D. infallible
3. The old man painted thirty ______, of which twenty are in the art gallery.
A. coaches
B. vans
C. canvas
D. carriages
4. We never trusted the girl becau we always thought of her as such a ______ character.
A. spectacular
B. gracious
C. suspicious
D. spacious
5. The girl puts the bread on top of the other groceries so that it does not get ______ .
A. splashed
B. squashed
C. collapd
D. condend
6. He was too ______ to admit he had been wrong.
A. impervious
B. obstinate
C. versatile
D. fantastic
7. The little boy is very much interested in music. He will most probably grow to be a ______ musician.
A. deduced
B. dedicated
C. deducted
D. decorative
8. The last ______ of th e country’s population growth is discouraging.
A. hypothesis
B. surplus
C. censure
D. census
9. The criminal ______ that he had been roughly treated by the arresting officer.
A. clambered
B. insinuated
C. insulated
D. mourned
10. If you ______ a book to someone, you say that the book is written for him, as a way of showing
affection or respect.
A. subscribe
B. distribute
C. dedicate
D. devote
11. Money was to be provided for the new school through the ______ decision of the town councilors.
A. harmonious
B. anonymous
C. unanimous
D. simultaneous
12. Wolves were ______ mournfully in the nearby forest.
A. snarling
B. howling
C. roaring
D. barking
13. The baby is just learn ing to walk and he’s always ______.
A. tumbling over
B. tumbling to
C. smashing up
D. stumbling on
14. She ______ her English examination and pasd all the others.
A. flattered
B. flapped
C. flunked
D. flanked
15. Cancer of the liver, if malicious, in ordinary ______ , will surely lead to death.
A. fashion
B. manner
C. parlance
D. balance
16. If you are so nless as to go on long walks in tight-fitting shoes, you must expect to get ______.
A. bruis
B. scars
C. scratches
D. blisters
17. Birds play a large part in plant reproduction by ______ eds across large areas.
A. dispersing
B. disminating
C. dispensing
D. dispatching
18. Do you think current affairs should be ______ with documentary?
A. braced
B. tackled
C. braked
D. bracketed
19. From his childhood, Tom developed an ______ for the English language.
A. aptness
B. acumen
C. attribute
D. aptitude
20. The young and healthy football player has a (n) ______ constitution.
A. robust
B. obdurate
C. slender
D. rigorous
1. He was relieved to hear from his surgeon that the tumor was not malignant; it was ______.
A. soft
B. gentle
C. kind
D. benign
2. Even though she was over 60, she had very little ______ on her face.
A. wrinkles
B. freckles
C. ripples
D. folds
3. Well prepared and confident, Tim appeared ______ by all the media attention.
A. untouchable
B. unimpeachable
C. unabashedaslongas是什么意思啊
D. uncommitted
4. It is necessary to strength the ______ of the allied countries.
A. sociology
B. solidarity
C. solidity
D. solitude
5. She tried to be angry, but she ______ herlf by smiling.
A. betrayed
B. retreated
C. disclod
D. discerned
6. After taking the pain-killer for three months, Doris was beginning to wonder if she was ______ it.
A. adhered to
B. adapted to
C. affected by
D. addicted to
7. The 16th century decorative style is ______ in that parts of human, animal, and plant forms are distorted
and mixed.
A. gregarious
B. grotesque
C. obsolescent
D. adolescent
8. The soldier hopefully ______ something open with anxious hands only to discover an empty can.
A. rigged
B. rippled
C. raped
D. ripped
9. The policemen went into the area to ______ criminals who were hiding there.
A. flush out
B. take leave of
C. make a mess of
D. fish out
10. During the presidential election campaign, strategies and ______ are both crucial for public debate.
A. auditory
B. suspension
C. oratory
D. perspective
11. At the memorial rvice, the president paid ______ to the professor’s outstanding contribution to the
educational cau.
A. tribune
B. attribute
C. attitude
D. tribute
12. In South Korea, the dissatisfied students ______ class and held demonstration in protest against
A. assaulted
B. anticipated
C. dismisd
D. boycotted
13. I am sire she will overcome the crisis becau she is very ______ .
A. insidious
B. sinister
C. resilient
D. ntentious
14. The sunri as en from the top of the mountain was a tremendous ______ .
A. spectator
B. spectacle
C. spectrum
D. speckle
15. The wagon trains had to ______ Indian territory to reach California.
A. transpo
B. traver
C. transfer
D. transmit
16. There was a period of ______ prior to their divorce, during which she went for a trip around the world
and he stayed at home.
A. strangeness
B. estrangement
C. transmigration
D. frivolity
17. The electricity failure ______ the production of the factory.
A. corroded
B. lamed
C. magnified
D. crippled
18. An ______ dia is one that can be pasd from one person to another.
A. affective
B. infectious
C. prodigious
D. ingenious
19. The thought of having to e the dead body made the girl ______.
A. shrug
B. shuttle
C. shutter
D. shudder
20. Becau a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring is a symbol of ______ love.
A. eternal
B. perpetual
C. permanent
D. durable
1. The girl is afraid of him, becau he looks ______ in his uniform.
A. predicable
B. formidable
C. handy
D. forthright
2. The broken ______ of the truck is being repaired in the factory.
A. ally
B. shaft
C. shutter
D. trigger
3. The crude typewriter on display in this muum is the______ of the elaborate machines in u today.
A. assimilation
B. proximity
C. prototype
D. regeneration
4. You should do something ______, play golf, swim or ski.
A. significant
B. glorious
C. energetic
D. powerful
5. The edge of the desk should be ______ with the old one.
A. simultaneous
B. patriotic
C. flush
D. fluent
6. The ______ behavior of Tom’s aroud great concern among his colleagues.
A. aberrant
B. hostile
C. formidable
D. abominable
7. The ______ to the McLeod fortune will be a millionaire when Mr. McLeod dies.
A. heir
B. descendant
C. patron
D. heritage
8. They have always regarded a man of ______ and fairness as a reliable friend.
A. robustness
B. temperament
C. integrity
D. compactness
9. Tyler’s definition of culture focus on beliefs and behavior that people acquire not through biological请君入瓮的意思
______ but by growing up in a particular society where they are expod to a specific cultural tradition.
A. heredity
B. inheritance
C. legacy
D. heritage
10. The girls who are ______ in the classroom are like a flock of magpies.
A. chattering
B. whispering
C. muttering
D. murmuring
11. I thought that he would ______ his discussion in ten minutes.
A. correlate
B. depart
C. mingle
D. terminate
12. Professor Smith said to his students that no one should ______ the mistakes.
A. duplicate
B. copy
C. expo
D. intimate
13. Members of aristocracy don’t ______ a great deal of power nowadays.
A. manipulate
春节诗歌朗诵B. wield
C. sway
D. manage
14. She was ______ from the competition becau she had not complied with the rules.
A. disqualified
B. exiled
C. banished
D. forbidden
15. The two men finished their work at the same time ______.
A. by coincidence
B. at random
C. accident
D. on the occasion
16. The ______ attacks disturbed us and we consulted a physician.
A. sinister
B. recurrent
C. morbid
D. pedantry
17. History books are usually written in ______ style, describing political and social changes in
chronological order.
A. narrative
B. editorial
C. argumentative
D. exaggerative
18. I must ______ about the lack of police protection in this area.
A. remonstrate
B. iterate
C. implement
D. reinstate
19. After the long illness, M ary’s mother is too ______ to climb the steps.
A. feeble
B. strong
C. fatal
D. hasty
20. Running an automobile in a clod garage ______ the air.
A. effaces
B. vitiates
C. germinates
D. expires
1. His career ______ in his appointment as director.
A. contaminated
B. culminated
C. contracted
D. contacted
2. If we say something is ______, we mean that we find it extremely pleasant or enjoyable.
A. gracious
B. gloomy
C. gigantic
D. gorgeous
3. His extreme ______ to dispute caud him to avoid argumentative discussion with his colleagues.
A. antithesis
B. empathy
C. antipathy
D. eulogy
4. The girl ______ when she couldn’t answered the question in the prence of all her classmates.
A. flourished
B. flattered
C. flushed
D. fluttered
5. She ______ some salt on her food to make it taste better.
A. sprinkled
B. sprayed
C. scattered
D. disperd
6. Somehow or other he always manages to ______ any hard work which has to be done.
A. get away with
B. come in for
C. duck out of
D. make light of
7. My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has ______.
A. deteriorated
B. diminished
C. dwindled
D. lesned
8. The continuous unrest was ______ the nation’s economy.
A. exaggerating
B. aggravating
C. amending
D. fastening
9. As ordinary people, scientists are by no means more honest or ______ than other people, but as scientist,
they attach special value to honest while they are in their working sphere.
A. ethical
B. ethnic
C. aesthetic
D. esthetic
10. The charts, graphs and tables prented at the symposium made some students ______ .
A. tongue-tied
B. cross-eyed
C. double-minded
D. open-mouthed
11. A ______ of pride shot through me as I surpasd all the other boys.
A. thrill
B. shrill
C. scream
D. throng
12. He has not really answered the question, for what she said is not ______.
A. eligible
B. pertinent
C. persistent
D. profitable
13. You’d better wait inside the hou until the storm ______.
A. subscribes
B. subdues
C. subsidize
D. subsides
14. The commission prented its report in January and this was broadly ______ in July of that year.
A. encad
B. encored
C. endued
D. endord
15. According to the TV’s ______, this wire should go into this hole.
A. formulations
B. regulations
C. constitutions
D. specifications
16. It’s obvious from her cruel behavior that she has no ______.
A. mortality
B. mortgage
C. morale
D. morality
17. Becau of ______ hatred between some members of different races integration in the United States has
been very difficult.
A. harmonious
B. reciprocal
C. obedient
D. nominal
18. You can’t depend on ______ in handing the thorny issues.
A. the rule of thumb
B. a slow handclap
C. the ways and means
D. a bolt from the blue
19. I wrote a book about chemistry in ______ with my wife.
A. harmony
B. line
C. correspondence
D. collaboration
20. Mary showed ______ when solving some difficult problems.
A. ingenuousness
B. genuineness
C. sincerity
D. ingenuity

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