拂拭读音Fielding’s Novels
(1) Joph Andrews《约瑟夫˙安德鲁斯的经历》(1742)
(2) Jonathan Wild the Great《大伟人乔纳森˙魏尔德》(1743)
(3) Tom Jones《汤姆˙琼斯》(1749)——masterpiece
(4) Amelia 《阿米丽亚》(1751)——仿照Samuel Richardson’s Pamela(坐飞机要买保险吗塑造了一个完美的女性,too good to be true)
Joph Andrews (1742) was first intended as a burlesque of the dubious morality and fal ntimentality of Richardson’s Pamela, but was later developed into a “comic epic in pro,” almost describing the whole national scene of England. 集美大学宿舍Jonathan Wild the Great (1743), Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749), Amelia (1751).
Fielding did not u the epistolary form (a ries of letters) 书信体as in Richardson’s Pamela or the非洲民间故事 picaresque form (adventurous wanderings)流浪汉体裁 through the mouth
of the principal character as in Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, both of which forms u “the first-person narration” instead, Fielding adopted “白癜风的发病原因the third-person narration,” ——全能视角 《红楼梦》; (补充:the third person limited points of view——第三人称有限视角The Old Man and the Sea ) in which the author becomes the “all-knowing God.” Henry Fielding established the form of modern English novel, and has been regarded as “Father of the English novel.”
Fielding was very sympathetic toward the poor and unfortunate, and protested strongly against social injustice and political corruption in his writings. As an educated man, he firmly believed in the educational function of literature.
He shared the contemporary view of the English enlighteners that野菊花阅读 the purpo of the novel was not just to amu, but to instruct. The object of his novel was to prent a faithful picture of life, “the just copies of human manners,” with sound teaching woven into their texture, so as to teach men to know themlves, their proper spheres and appropriate manners.
Tom Jones中的角色分析 :
Tom Jones:good-natured,frank and open,kind, disinterested(无私的),imprudence(轻率的)
Blifil:(A boy who grows up with Tom)villain, lfish, malicious, hypocritical
Sophia:(the Greek word for wisdom) ideal, good qualities, gaiety(快乐), candour(坦率), brave,courage
Mr. Allworthy: a surrogate father to Tom ,warmhearted,benevolent
Bridget:Mr. Allworthy’s sister, Tom’s mother
Western: barbarian(残暴的人),autocrat (专横的人)
恋爱犀牛Partridge: Jack-of-all-trades,simple, faithful,good-natured,a little whimsical(想入非非的)
His contribution to the novels ( His theory on the novels): four points克林霉素磷酸酯片
1 the definition of the novel as a genre:
A novel is comic but not grotesque with its lively and funny plot, its common characters and humorous mood.
2.the truthfulness of its descriptions of life:
the novel is a mirror and imitation of life. All the characters and events should come from the author’s obrvations and experience. In his opinion, art stems from the reality but is superior to the reality.
3. formal features:
Fielding emphasizes quential movement, priority and probability (plots must be made probable by the coherent actions and personalities of the characters).
4. the qualification of a novelist:
the novelist should have four qualities—native gift, adequate learning, rich experience with life and a kind heart.
Fielding’s writing characteristics:
1 the adoption of the third-person narrative point of view.
2. satire abounds everywhere in his novels.
3.His novels are noted for individualized dramatic dialogues, suspen, coincidence, and surpri.
4. Fielding is a master of style: the ntences are logical and rhythmical, the structures are carefully planned.