1. 1.Design features refer to the defining properties of________that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. ( )
A. words
B. human language
C. sign
D. vocal system
2. 2.The sound [P] is a voiceless bilabial________. ( )
凉台沟A. affricate
B. fricative
C. stop
D. liquid
3. 3.The word“boyish”contains two________. ( )
A. phonemes
B. morphs
C. morphemes
D. allomorphs
4. 4.________studies the ntence structure of language,i.e.how words are arranged in a ntence and in what order.It is an important subfield of linguistics. ( )
A. Syntax
文化的社会作用B. Morphology
C. Phonology
D. Semantics
5. 5.There are veral kinds of antonyms.Which of the following is NOT a kind of antonyms? ( )
A. complementary
B. relational
C. gradable
背部开刀D. additional
6. 6.A ________ analysis of an utterance will reveal what the speaker intends to do with it
. ( )
A. mantic
B. syntactic
C. pragmatic凉拌木耳腐竹
D. grammatical
7. 7.Modern English has a much weak ca system,so its ntences have to follow a basic word order of ________ ( )
8. 8.________ refers to any attempt by a government,etc.to choo a particular speech variety and spread the u of it,including its pronunciation and spelling systems,across regional boundaries.( )
A. Language teaching
B. Language prescription
C. Language learning
D. Language planning
9. 9.What can we infer from“The ca of Phineas Gage”? ( )
A. If human language ability is located in the brain,it is not situated right at the front.
B. Human language ability is not located in the brain becau Phineas’brain was so damaged and he could still speak.
C. Human language ability is located in the right hemisphere of the brain.
D. If human language ability is located in the brain,it is not situated right at the back.
10. 10.________ has been found to occur usually in children’s pronunciation or reporting
of the truthfulness of utterances,rather than in the grammaticality of ntences. ( )
A. Correction
B. Instruction
C. Reinforcement
D. Imitation
11. 11.If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually u,it is said to be d________.
12. 12.If you say door,new,two,nior,zoo,you will notice that the first sounds in all the words are a________ sounds.The“t”and“s”are voiceless,and“d”,“n”and“z”are voiced.Only“n”is nasal.
13. 13.The word“snowfall”is a word formed by joining two parate words,i.e.“snow”and“fall”. This newly formed word is generally regarded as a c________.
14. 14.A C________ ntence contains two claus joined by a linking word,such as“and”,“but”,“or”.
15. 15.Pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items are called r________ opposites.
16. 16.Linguistics is generally defined as the s________ study of language.
17. 17.One way out of **munication dilemma is language s________ known as language planning.
昊什么意思18. 18.People **municate their feelings or thoughts via n________ signals such as facial expressions,gestures,postures.
19. 19.The quential order of words in a ntence suggests that the structure of a ntence is l________.
20. 20.The m________ rule of adjective agreement has been lost from English.败北的意思
21. 21.( )Language is vocal becau the primary medium is sound for all languages.
A. 正确 B. 错误
22. 22.( )Phonology is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language;it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages。