Be deemed (比be considered 正式); be construed (比be understood 正式)
Be convened (比be called正式); in accordance with (比according to正式)
Construction (比explanation正式) require(比ask 正式)
Connt (同意)和estimate(估算)均属正式用词
Convene (召集)和interim(临时)均属正式用词
An interim meeting 临时会议
Interpretation 和construction 同义,意为理解、解释
This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.
Obligations and responsibilities 义务和责任 (同义)
Keep cret and confidential 保密
Amendments or alternations 修改(同义)
Fulfill or perform 履行(同义)
Liability or obligation 责任与义务(同义)
Terms,provisions,conditions, stipulations 皆为同义,意为合同的条款与规定
Be/remain in full force and effect 保持完全有效 (其中be/remain同义,force 与effect同义)
Null and void 无效(同义)
Hereby(=by means of; by reason of this):特此/因此/兹
To the best of our knowledge: (=as far as we know) 据我们所知
Foregoing statement (=above-mentioned statement)上述声明
Herein (=in this, in the statement)在声明中
Documentary proof 证明文件
Hereinafter referred to as Party A 以下简称甲方
On the principle of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上
Through amicable consultation 通过友好协商
This agreement is hereby made and entered into: 特此订立本协议
Hereof (=of this ) 关于此点/在本文件中
Without interruption 无间断地 carrier 承运人
legal entity/ person/ corporate 假还阳参法人
As mentioned in this Law 本法所称
Be engaged in foreign trade dealings 从事对外贸易经营活动
A limited liability company 有限责任公司 (Co., Ltd.)/Inc.
A company limited by shares 股份有限公司
May be registered as 登记为
As a result of withdrawal or any other reasons: 耿湋回避或者其他原因
Be lected or appointed 选定或指定
关于母爱的事例Prior to the effective date of this Law 本法施行前
The provisions hereof shall prevail 以本法为准
Shall have the right to lodge a complaint 有权申述
Claims compensation 要求赔偿
Apply to/in 适用
Bear the legal liability and responsibility: 承担法律责任
The arbitration commission 仲裁委员会
The relevant responsible department of the State Council: 国务院有关主管部门
In parate regulations issued by the State Council由国务院另行规定
Contravene the provisions hereof 违反本规定
The lawful rights and interests 合法权益
Disturb the socio-economic order 扰乱社会经济秩序
Hereto (=to this) 至此/在此上
The performance of this Contract 履行本合同
The Parties hereto 本合同双方
The award of the arbitration 仲裁裁决
Audit the accounts of Party A 查核甲方的账目
弓弦乐器Either Party hereto 本协议各方
孩子抑郁了家长怎么做Improvement, modification, further invention or design 改进、修正、更新发明或设计
To the maximum extent practicably possible 尽实际可能最大限度地
For review and approval 审阅和批准
Determined through mutual consultation: 协商决定
Terms and conditions 条件
The termination of this Contract 本合同期满
Outstanding claims and liabilities 未了债务
Damage the lawful rights and interests of other business operators损害其他经营者的合法权益
Profit-making rvices 盈利性服务
This Law is hereby formulated and prepared 兹制定本法
Maintain the foreign trade order 维护对外贸易秩序
Promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展
Within the territory of China 在中国境内
Illegal gains: 违法所得 shall be confiscated 应当予以没收
Illegal gains to be confiscated 被没收违法所得
A fine impod on 判处罚金 property forfeited 没收财产
A civil compensation assumed by 承担民事赔偿责任
Unless otherwi expressly provided for herein 除非另有明确表示
Controversy 纠纷 dispute 争议 difference 歧意
Any breach or default of the provisions hereof 任何违约及过失
Pursuant to the conditions and provisions specified herein 按照本合同规定的条件
Shall not be exclusive of 并不排除
Privilege 特权 remedy 补救方法
Be free and clear of any other charges 不附带其他费用
Exempt from all taxes 是免税的
Hereinafter (=later in the same Contract)以下,在下文,一般与to be referred to as/referred to as /called 连用
Standardize the registration activities of companies 规范公司登记行为
To further expand international economic co-operation and technological exchange我原以为
To absorb foreign investment 引进外资
To promote the development of socialist market economy按捺不住促进社会主义市场经济的发展
To introduce foreign advanced technology and managerial experti引进国外先进技术和管理经验
To establish investment company 设立投资公司
The detailed rules本实施细则
The resident reprentative offices 常驻代表机构
Examination-Approval Authorities审批机关
The prior connt of the Employer 业主的事先同意
Otherwi than by (=unless otherwi specified in the following circumstances)但下列情况除外
Be entitled to all the benefits享有全部利益
Default: 违约 in the event of default 因违约 comply with遵照