Unit 14 Moral Learning
一、Moral learning and English
1. Moral learning in English teaching:
Teachers are engineers of the soul. Teachers are not just responsible for students’ intellectual or physical development; teachers are also responsible for students’ moral development.
Teachers should try to bring out the full potential of their students as human beings, so they can live meaningful, fulfilling and responsible lives.
2. Moral values:
1) William J. Hutchins suggested that morality involves:
干锅土豆驴和马①Self control;
②Good health and hygiene;
⑥Sen of duty;
⑨Good work attitude;
⑩Team work;
2) There are other values that we could add to the list. For example, tolerance and understanding are virtues that could be promoted in English language lessons, through a
study of foreign cultures.
二、Activities for moral learning
There are a variety of ways to focus on moral learning. Some approaches can be teacher-centered, others can involve students in exploring moral issues themlves. Likewi, moral education can be strongly emphasized or lightly emphasized. Teachers have to choo the approach which best suits their circumstances.
1. Teacher centred:
Didactic model: (strong) Students are explicitly and regularly taught moral behaviour, as determined by the teacher.
Transmissive model: (Light) Little explicit teaching. Morality is an occasional focus, as determined by the teacher.
2. Student centred:
Educative model: (Strong) Morality is a key focus of life in the class. Students are largely in control of the choice of issues and in forming their own views and moral values.
Self-discovery model: (Light) Little explicit teaching. Students receive guidance and role models, but are allowed to form their own views and moral values.
3. Some activities
In English teaching, the morality requires strategic u of language teaching materials and meaningful activities. Here are some activities for an explicit focus on moral development:
插读音⑥Role plays;
⑦Ca studies for problem solving;
⑧Extension activities;
⑨Philosophy circle;
⑩Spontaneous reflection.
三、The roles of the teacher
There are two aspects to the role of moral educator. First, the teacher can rve as a role model for the students to imitate. The cond aspect is for the teacher to make appropriate decisions as a curriculum developer.
1. Teacher as role model
We can show our commitment through our behaviors inside and outside the classroom.
There are a number of questions we can ask ourlves:
①How we treat our students?
②Do we follow rules that we t for our students?
③Do we acknowledge our mistakes?
2. Teacher as curriculum developer
Teachers need to be aware of the moral questions and issues that could be raid with the students.
谷歌nexus7四、The roles of the school
The impact of moral education can be enhanced by adopting a whole school approach to morality. This means that all members of the school community share a commitment to moral education and a shared understanding of moral values.
English language events could contribute to the whole-school approach.
Activities could take place inside and outside of the classroom:
①Classroom activities;
②Student-organized activities;
③Extra-curricular activities;
⑥Ceremonial events;
⑦Sports events;
⑧Field trips.