Chine Knowledge you have to know
1. 十天干: 甲jia 乙yi 丙bing 丁ding 戊wu
己ji 庚geng 辛xin 壬ren 癸gui
两个百念什么2. 十二地支:子zi 丑chou 寅yin 卯mao 辰chen 巳si
午wu 未wei 申shen 酉you 戌xu 亥hai
3. 十二地支动物英语名:
Rat:登封旅游 子鼠; Ox: 丑牛; Tiger: 寅虎;
Rabbit: 卯兔; Dragon: 辰龙; Snake:巳蛇;
Hor: 午马; Goat: 未羊;Monkey: 申猴;
Rooster: 酉鸡; Dog: 戌狗; Pig: 亥猪
Book of Spring and Autumn 《春秋》
Book of Odes 《诗》
Book of History 《书》
Book of Rites 《礼》
Book of Music 《乐》
Book of Change《易》
The benevolent loves people.仁者爱人。
In order to establish onelf, establish others; in order to develop onelf, develop others. / To make accomplishment you must help others to be accomplished too.
Don’t do onto others what you don’t want others to do onto you. / Do not do to others wha
t you would not like yourlf.
All within the Four Seas are brothers.
You may rob the Three Armies of their commander-in-chief, but you cannot deprive the humblest peasant of his opinion.
A man can enlarge his Way, but there is no Way that can enlarge a man.
Is it not a pleasure, having learned something, to try it out at due intervals?
Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?
To say you know when you know, and to say you do not when you do not; that is knowledge.
Whenever walking in a company of three, I can always find my teacher among them (or one who has something to teach me
A man who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right by his door.
At fifteen, I began to be riously interested in study. At thirty, I had formed my character.
At forty, I had no more perplexities. At fifty, I knew the will of heaven. At sixty, nothing that I heard disturbed me. At venty, I could let my thought wander without trespassing the moral law.
A youth is to be regarded with respect. / We should hold the young in awe
Rotten wood cannot be carved.
When I hear a man talk, I rerve my judgment until I e how he acts. / Having listened to a man's words I go on to obrve his deeds.
He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors!
In teaching there should be no distinction of class.
Tho who cours are different cannot lay plans for one another.
The lack of lf-restraint in small matters will bring ruin to great plans./ A man who can not put up with small loss or disadvantages will often spoil a big plan.
I do not know how a man without truthfulness is to get on. / I do not e how a man can be acceptable who is untrustworthy in word?
To learn continually and to teach other people unceasingly
English Terms | Chine Equivalents |
Hundred Schools of Thought | 诸子百家 |
Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought | 百家争鸣 |
itinerant scholars | 游方文人学士 |
purge of disnt | 清除异己 |
Confucian Classics | 儒家经典 |
游泳回家 the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period | 春秋战国 |
prerve the social order | 维持社会秩序 |
social stratification | 社会阶层 |
Master Kong | 孔夫子 |
accretions to | 添加 |
philosophical core | 哲学核心 |
martial prowess | 军事能力 |
Taoist reclu | 道家遁世者 |
农历的来历primitive materialist empiricism | 原始的唯物经验主义 |
human cognition | 人类的认知 |
ritual and music | 礼乐 |
Pacifism | 和平相处 |
Meritocracy | 能者居上 |
Five Elements | 五行 |
| |
epistemological theories | 姜红茶 认识论 |
sophists or dialecticians | 辩证家 |
lobbying skill | 游说闺蜜朋友圈 |
orators, debaters and tacticians | 演讲家和策士 |
Yi Wen Zhi | 艺文志 |
the Book of Han | 汉书,又称前汉书 |
教育评价Ministry of Education | 掌教育者(周朝称事务官) |
Ministry of Justice | 掌刑罚者(周朝称司寇) |
Ministry of Rituals | 掌祭祀礼仪者(周朝称太宗) |
Guardians of the Temple | 寺人(周朝) |
Ministry of Embassies | 监国(周朝派到诸侯国的使臣) |
government counlors | 谋士 |
Ministry of the Soil and Wheat | 掌土地农事者(周朝称司徒) |
Burning of books and burying of scholars | 焚书坑儒 |
| |
1. Let the ruler be a ruler and the subject a subject. 君君臣臣,父父子子。
2. Virtuous man eks principle but not food; Virtuous man worries about principle but not poverty. 君子谋道不谋食,君子忧道不忧贫。
3. The superior man is satisfied and compod; the mean man is always full of distress.
4.Not only can water float a boat, it can sink it also.水能载舟亦能覆舟
5. If every one in the world will love universally; states not attacking one another; hous not disturbing one another; thieves and robbers becoming extinct; emperor and ministers, fathers and sons, all being affectionate and filial -- if all this comes to pass the world will be orderly.