maintain a happyoutlook on life—take an optimist ic attitude towa rds life
mainta in a gloomy outl ook on life—take a pessimistic a ttitude towardslife cheerful—d elightful—happy
instill—infu—i noculate—inject
reform—innovate—ameliorate—impro ve
athlete—athle tic—sports
stim ulate—motivate—p ropel—cataly—a rou—encourage—inspire—imbue--e voke adver eff ect—side effect—negative effect(effect—influenc e--impact)
super vi ---inspect—overe—discipli ne—control
a mu st –necessity—in evitability
ent ertaining –amusi ng
interact wit h –communicate w ith –socialize w ith ;
peer—work mate—colleague
freedom—flexibil ity/flexible—unr estricted—unrest rained—unbridled—unconfined rest rict—limit—restr ain—confine—brid le
hands-on expe rience—practical skill
be geare d to –be targete d at—be prepared for –be suitabl e to ---be compa tible with well-rounded-----over all
better off—bewealthy/ rich
p rotect—prerve—conrve教师教学反思
talent—gift—genius—end owment
endowmen t—subsidize/subs idy—allowance –f inancial/economi c /monetary supp ort endowment—pe nsion
subsidiar y—subordinated—a ttached—affliate d
supportive—he lpful—subsidiary—auxiliary
cele brity—famou pe ople –socialite
paparazzi---dog packs
journali st—reporter—news man—corresponden t
moral/morality—ethic/ethical—v irtue
the press—media
military ---army/war/wea pon
p rofu—enough—su fficient—ample—a dequate—affluent—generous—multit udinous—numerou s—innumerable—as tronomical—count less
profu—ex travagant—wastef ul—luxury—lavish/squander
isolat e/isolation---al ien/alienation—e strange/estrange ment—clude/c lusion
tolera nce---mananimity—generosity
指南针制作wel l-known---famous—renowned—notori ous/notoriety—re putaton
offend—violate—disobey—annoy—irritate—p rovoke
betray/b etrayal---traito r
popularity –i nterest/interest ed—attention/foc us
感动中国事迹comfort –con sole—soothe
oth er than---apartfrom
similar/si milarity—analogy—like/as---rem ble/remblance
be associated wi th –be invovledin—be connectedwith –be linkedwith derve—wo rth/worthwhile/w orthy
role mode l –idol
grab—gr asp—catch---iz e : eg—to graspthe opportuinty
be content with—be happy with—b e plead with—b e satisfied with
accomplish—ach ieve---attain –f ulfil—realize—ac tualize
charita ble/charity –phi lanthopy/philant hropist
dedication—devo tion –contributi on—effort—endeav or—strive
distinct/disti nction—different/differentiate/d iffer---vary/var iety/various—div ersity/diver/
diversify---dist inguish—parate
南京有什么好吃的discreet—circu mspect—reflectiv e—prude—cautious—careful—on purp o—deliberate—p onder
require—r equest—ask—need–demand
authori ty—municipal—gov ernment—state
e xplore/explorati on—exploit/explo itaion—dig—excav ate—develop/deve lopment
chaos---messy/mess—disor der
lack—short/s hortage—scarcity/scarce—devoid
p riceless—valuabl e—precious
valu eless—worhless—u less—meaningle ss
humility/hum ble—modest/modes ty
passion/passi onate—enthusiasm /enthusiastic—i nterest—curious/curiosity—concer n—focus--attenti on convey—expres s—communicate—em body
ignore/ign orance/ignorant—neglect—overlook—disregard—under value—underestim ate—look down up on/on
occur/occu rences—happen/ha ppening---incide nt
happen to do–coincide/conin cidence—accident/accidental—runinto/across
pers everance/perve ring---persist/p ersistence—insis t/insistence—adh ere/adherence
em phasize—stress—a ttach importance to –priority/pr ioritze—key poin t
spoil—overindu lge
reward—awar d—prize—incentiv e—bonus—subsidy—allowance
poten tial—would-be---anticipation/ant icipate/anticipa tory
bring outthe best in sb---make sb reach o ne‘s full potent ial
rehabilitat e/rehabilitation ---recover—revi ve—revitalize—re claim
Democrati c:民主的--------imp artial : 公正的;
co nsolidate ---str engthen---intens ify—reinforce:加强
communicate wit h sb ----interac t with sb –socia lize with :与。。交流
ignore---underv alue—disregard—n eglect –underest imate :忽视,忽略
foc us on—pay attent ion to –put emph asis on –attachimportance to –g ive priority to---to make sth m ore specified---narrow down on ---stress—emphasi ze : 重视,强调
diffi culty—hardship—t rouble—dilemma—t horn---harsh—cor ner : 困难,麻烦
lose---deprive—sarcr ifice –grab away : 抢走,夺走,失去
endo w---give—enttile ---confer –pres ent –gossip :赋予,给予
abandon—giveup—quit—resign---forsake—dert---discard : 抛弃,遗弃,放弃;
cherish—v alue—treasure :重视,珍视;
ea---a lleviate—relieve—lesn—loon—s oothe : 松弛,放松;缓解;
architecture—building—erecti on : 建筑物;
charg e---pay : 收费—付款;buy/purcha –s ell: 买—卖;
demol ish---tear down---abolish
hist orical---for a l ong time—traditi onal ---conventi onal –ancient :久远的,历史的,古代的;
ima ge—look :面貌
sme ll—scent ---odor—frangrance ---a roma : 气味儿,芳香;
flavor ---tune—t one—taste—style--feature –air--a tomosphere: 品味,调子,风格,特点,氛围
prote ct---prerve—co nrve :保护;
ru in—destroy---dam age—hurt –affect/impact–break –undermine—crush:破坏,影响
what ‗s missing is that—fail to do –did n't do :没有做;
app eal –attract : 吸引
imperial ---ro yal : 皇室的
remind–recall—recolle ct –remember –me morize---reminde r—souvenire ;记住,纪念;
as long as–if—on conditio n that ---provid ed: 只要,如果;
waste d –unwanted—ul ess ---rubbish—g abbage –junk : 垃圾,无用之物
symbol—ma rk—reprentativ e—stand for : 象征,
unique and spe cial : 独特的
注意:u ni—mono –sol : ―一个,单一‖;
Be prou d of ---take pri de in : 自豪;
Won der—miracle—myst ery—surpri :奇迹, 惊奇;
Dignity–respect –estee m : 尊严;
Integrat e –merge—mix—con nect—link : 结合;
Vision –dreaam–hope—prospect—e xpectation--anti cipation : 展望,梦想,前景,期待;
Fall a part—tear apart–demolish : 拆除;
Nostalgic---ret rospective---rem inicent
Tap wat er ---running wa ter ;
Rare---ha rdly—ldom---ba re---few/little: 否定意义的词;
heate r ---radiator :暖气;正笔顺
Heat—warm ;使暖和;
Warm up (热身)---cool down (冷却)
trend ---ten dency : 趋势
ident ical ---similar/similarity ---i n commmon—analog y—alike—remble : 类似,相似的
reside ntent/residentia l/reside---inhab it/inhabitant—dw ell/dweller—live/life—ttle dow n : 居住,定居;
crea tivity ---unique ness /special –i ndividuality—dis tinction/differe nce: 个性,不同,独特
ad jacent –nearby –clo : 附近的;
re ver—change : 扭转,改变
availabilit y/available—acce ss—having/therebe /with –possib lity—exist/exist ent/existence—ob tainable : 有,能得到;attributes –f eatures—characte ristics –traits—agents: 属性;特征;
actual ---virtu al : 实际的,事实的;
v entilation –aircirculation : 通风;
choosy—picky---capcious—insat iable : 挑剔的;难满足的;
affect—impa ct—influence—eff ect : 影响;
outer—exterior—extern al –outside: 外部的
inner—interior–internal –insid e : 内部的
temperat e –mild—moderate : 温和的
matter –c ount : 其作用,有效果,有关系—work; be effe ctive ---
it dos e matter/ does c ount –it is uf ul/effective ….;
harmony /harmo nious---compatia ble /compatibili ty—concordant/co ncordance –consi stence—match: 匹配;surrounding ---enviornment—si tuation—circumst ance—atmosphere—climate--landsca pe : 环境,境遇;
ent ertaiment –amuse ment : 娱乐
entert ainment –hospita lity : 招待,款待;
s tudy room ---lib rary : 书房,学习房间;
schoolwork –ass ignment –task :作业
balcony –plat form :平台,阳台;
v acation –holiday : 假期
quiet—peac eful –tranquile/ tranquility :安静;
siblings –b rothers and sist ers : 兄弟姐妹;
boo kca—book shelf : 书架;
get alon g well with ---b e on good termswith –be in harm ony with …: 与。。相处融洽;
lonely/lonl iness—solitary/s olitude –isolate d/isolation—estr ange/estrangemen t—alienation—c lusion/clude:孤独的;clo frie nd---intimate :好朋友;
be benefic ial to –be contr ibutory to –be c onducive to : 对。。有好处;
privacy:隐私,私人—piracy ; 盗版; private:私人的—p irate:海盗
excha nge ---inter/acr oss : 跨度,交换。。。;
worthless—value less—meangingles s—uless : 无用的,无价值的;
flamboyan t –fancy—flashy: 华丽的
make a st atement –convey—show—express—com municate—prent : 表达;
social s tatus—class –hie rachy/hierachica l : 等级,地位;
show y –boastful : 炫耀的;
on the partof ---on behalfof –as far as…be concerned—fromone‘s perspectiv e: 代表…; 就。。而言;decoration—decor—ornament—trim :
layout –arrang ment : 布局,安排;
m an-made ---artif icial ha nd: 人造的;
natura l –genuine—spont aneous –automati c : 自动的,自发的,自然的,纯粹的;
stylish—fa shionable –in fa shion –updated –popular: 流行的;时尚的
outfashioned—ou t-dated—obsolete—conventional/co nrvativ/ordina ry/normal/usual:过时的, 保守的;普通的
be siedes---in addi tion –other than—apart from : 除了。。之外还包括。。。;
exc ept—but---otherthan---apart fro m ;除了。。之外不包括。。。;
except for /e xcept that….:总体可以,局部有问题;
strol l around—walk ar ound—wander arou nd : 散步;
keep t he track of ---k eep the trace of ---pay attentio n to : 关注;追踪
sa fe /safety ---se cure /curity :安全;
grow-ups---adults : 成人
you ng---juvenile ---adolescent ;年轻的;
unkempt—mess y –chaos—untidy—dirty and litter ed : 脏乱的;
leisu re –relaxation---recreation/recr eational—pastime : 休闲;
bowlingalley : 保龄球道
shu ffleboard table:洗牌桌
Karaoke : 卡拉ok
Massage : 按摩
Jacuzzi : 冲浪浴
Sauna : 桑拿
Tread mill :跑步机
stress—press—pressure—tension—strain—b urden : 压力,紧张;
Too –particular---excessive—extr eme—exceptional–very –over : 过度,相当
Sophisticate d –well-designed—smart—advanced–delicate : 前进的,设计精巧的;
Outstand ing –distiguishe d—noticeable—not able—conspicuous—remarkable—prom inent :突出的,明显的,显著的;Productivit y –efficiency :效率;
Stamina—per sistence—perve rance—endurance–energy :精力,耐力;
Weary—worn out—exhausted—very t iried : 极度疲惫的;
Interest –benefi t---good : 利益;
lift the spirit/ morale ; encou rage; inspire; m otivate ;incent ive; arou : 鼓励,激励;
add insult to injury –to m ake something wo r—worn –aggr avate—exacerbate—deteriorate : 恶化;
of one‘s ownaccord ---automa tically---lf-m otivated :自觉的;
utilities –equi pments—facilitie s :设施,设备;
entir e—totall—complet e : 完全的;
cheerf ul—friendly –ent husiastic : 热情的;
profit—income—revenue—interest---turnover : 收入;
economic—fina ncial –fisical :财政的;经济的;
aware/awareness—consc ious/consciousne ss—realize/reali zation—n—und erstand –knowlde ge—recognize : 认知,感知,意识。。。;
eff ort---endeavor –strive –hard-wor k : 努力;
hostel:招待所,旅店---hotel: 宾馆;
cater to–satisfy ---grat ify –plea—meet one‘s request/d emand/need : 满足,迎合;
catering –f ood—diet –eating :饮食
accommodati on –living—lodgi ng –boarding :住宿;
rapid—fast –quick –accelerat ed: 快速的;
force–encourage ---ma ke –compel—impel–drive :迫使,驱使
force—power—cap acity—ability :力量;
out of the question ---imp ossible : 不可能
ou t of question –n o problem –a pie ce of cake : 没有问题;
out of work—unemployment –jo bless—be laid of–be made redund ant : 失业,裁员;
mo ney-saving---ine xpensive—cheap—e conomical –fruga l/frugality—thri ft/thrifty : 不浪费,便宜;
waste/waste ful—lavish—extra vagant/extravaga nce—luxury—dissi pate –squander –profu: 浪费
Dist ribute—allocate---assign
Relocat e—migrate—remove
Option—alternat ive—choice
Utili ty—facility –ava il—effect--effic acy
Recreation—l eisure—pastime—d istractions
Occu py—take up
Deco rate—ornament—de cor—trim
Interio r—inner—inside
E xterior—outside
Consideration—ho spitality—entert ainment—enthusia sim—courtesy
En vironmetal-frien dly
Urban—city; rural—coutrysid e
Particularly—e specially
Groun d—floor
酒会Purchase/buy—ll; charg e—pay; extinct/d ie out –survive/exist;
Generate–produce—lead t o—cau –make
At mosphere—air—cli mate—c ircumstanc e—situation
Be c onducive to =bebeneficial to=be contributory to
Access ible—available—o btainable—approa chable
Mea sure—calculate—e valuate—balance
Establish—t up–bulid up—found
Free—off---awa y—out of –no--no n (否定概念—没有,无)
ex orbitant—excessi ve
deposit/cost/charge/expendit ure/expen/pric e/fine---与钱有关系;20dollars
appreci ate—value—cheris h
unreasonable—ridiculous—absur d—illogical
sub sidize—sponsor—s upport..financia lly ;
subsidy—a llowance—pension