ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 2
Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards
Règles de structure et de
rédaction des Normes internationales
Fifth edition, 2004
International Organization for Standardization
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© ISO/IEC 2004
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Corrected 2004-12-21
CONTENTS Foreword (5)
Introduction (6)
1Scope (7)
2Normative references (7)
3Terms and definitions (8)
4General principles (10)
机器人分类4.1Objective (10)
4.2Performance approach (10)
4.3Homogeneity (10)
4.4Consistency of documents (11)
4.5Equivalence of official language versions (11)
蚂蚱的种类4.6Fitness for implementation as a regional or national standard (12)
4.7Planning (12)
5Structure (12)
5.1Subdivision of the subject matter (12)
5.2Description and numbering of divisions and subdivisions (15)
6Drafting (17)
6.1Preliminary informative elements (17)
6.2General normative elements (19)
除夕是春节吗6.3Technical normative elements (20)
6.4Supplementary informative elements (25)
6.5Other informative elements (25)
6.6Common rules and elements (26)
6.7Aspects of conformity asssment (40)
6.8Aspects of quality management systems, reliability and sampling (40)
7Preparation and prentation of documents (41)
Annex A (informative) Principles for drafting (42)
A.1General principles (42)
A.2The aim-oriented approach (42)
A.3The performance approach (43)
A.4The principle of verifiability (44)
A.5Choice of values (44)
A.6Accommodation of more than one product size (45)
A.7Avoidance of repetition (45)
Annex B (informative) Basic reference works (46)
B.1Introduction (46)
B.2Reference works for language (46)
B.3Standardized terminology (46)
B.4Principles and methods of terminology (46)
B.5Quantities, units and their symbols (46)
B.6Abbreviated terms (47)
B.7Bibliographic references (47)
B.8Technical drawings (47)
B.9Technical documentation (47)
B.10Graphical symbols (47)
B.11Limits, fits and surface properties (48)
B.12Preferred numbers (48)
作业规程B.13Statistical methods (48)
B.14Environmental conditions and associated tests (48)
B.15Safety (48)
B.16Chemistry (48)
B.17EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) (48)
B.18Conformity and quality (49)
B.19Adoption of International Standards (49)
B.20Environmental management (49)
Annex C (informative) Example of numbering of divisions and subdivisions (50)
Annex D (normative) Drafting and prentation of terms and definitions (51)
D.1General principles (51)
D.2Independent terminology standards (52)
D.3Prentation (53)
Annex E (normative) Drafting of the title of a document (56)
E.1Elements of the title (56)
E.2Avoidance of unintentional limitation of the scope (57)
E.3Wording (57)
Annex F (normative) Patent rights (58)
Annex G (normative) Designation of internationally standardized items (59)
G.1General (59)
G.2Applicability (59)
G.3Designation system (60)
G.4U of characters (60)
G.5Description block (61)
G.6Identity block (61)
G.7Examples (62)
G.8National implementation (63)
Annex H (normative) Verbal forms for the expression of provisions (65)
Annex I (informative) Quantities and units (67)
Table 1 — Names of divisions and subdivisions (13)
Table 2 — Example of a typical arrangement of elements in a document (14)
Table H.1 — Requirement (65)
Table H.2 — Recommendation (65)
Table H.3 — Permission (66)
Table H.4 — Possibility and capability (66)嘴唇图片
The ISO/IEC Directives are published as two parts:
•Part 1: Procedures for the technical work
•Part 2: Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards
They have been approved by the ISO Technical Management Board and the IEC Standardization Management Board.
This fifth edition incorporates changes agreed by both organizations. Changes which have been adopted in only one of the organizations are being published parately in the ISO Supplement and the IEC Supplement, respectively, which are to be ud in conjunction with the Directives.
This fifth edition of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, is prented in such a way that it rves as an example of the rules that it provides. In addition to a number of editorial improvements, the following main changes have been made with respect to the previous edition:
•the definition of “guides” has been changed (e 3.6);
•addition of a new Annex A, Principles for drafting;
•Annex E, dealing with product sizes, has been incorporated into A.6;
梦回大唐•Annex H, dealing with patent rights, has become Annex F, and the subquent annexes renumbered.
This fifth edition of the ISO/IEC Directives is applicable to all enquiry drafts registered after 2005-01-01 and to all final drafts registered after 2005-04-01.
Both ISO and IEC have published guides on the u of templates and other tools for the preparation of documents prepared in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives. The guides are available on the ISO web site () and IEC web site (