Does Official Development Assistance Promote Foreign Policy Cooperation from its Recipients? The致富光盘
Ca of South Korea
期刊名称: Pacific Focus
作者: Jung, Changkuk,Cho, Wonbin,Hwang, Wonjae
年份: 2018年理财产品有风险吗
家常焖面的做法感人小故事期号: 第1期
关键词: official development assistance;UN General Asmbly;vote
congruence;South Korea
摘要:This paper examines whether South Korea's official development assistance (ODA) has promoted foreign policy cooperation from its recipients. To
我不在乎英文this end, vote congruence between South Korea and its ODA recipients over important issues in the UN General Asmbly is analyzed. The results show that, as the size of South Korea's ODA increas, its recipients are likely to vote alongside South Korea on issues important to South Korea, such as nuclear issues, human rights, and resolutions on human rights abus in North Korea, in the UN General Asmbly.