我们该怎么办 查徳雷 What do we do, Chadley?
我以为他们已经死了 I thought they were dead.
比那还糟 崔西安达 Far wor, Trixandra.
他们快死了但还没完全死透 They're nearly almost dead but not quite!
天啊 和真正的僵尸较量过之后再看这类电影真是越来越不恐怖了
Man, the movies are a lot less scary when you've actually fought real zombies.
他们太慢了 They're slow.
快步走都能甩掉他们 Just power-walk away from them.
四级考试作文你愿意赌多少钱那个人先死 How much you want to bet that guy dies first?
啊 我的脸被啃了一大口 Aah! My face is being eaten a lot.
查徳雷不再帅气迷人了 Chadley ain't pretty no more.
稍等 One cond.
呃 脆皮香蕉的做法罗比又发来条短信 Ugh, another text from Robbie.
哦 对 罗比 Oh, yeah, Robbie.
这个 他是怎么个情况度娘 How's, uh, how's all that going?文化故事
我已经放下他了 Ugh, I'm over him.
真希望他也能早点放下我 I just wish he was over me.
你看这短信 Just look at the texts.
眨眼的哭脸 Winky frown?
这表情到底什么意思啊 What does that even mean?
你怎么不去 不去 找找别的男生 或者说 And you' like, eing any other
我当然有啊 Of cour I am.
见见我的新男友 伙计 Meet my new boyfriend, dude.
对 对 Right, right.余罪资源
所以说 So...
这个 你懂的 我好奇你是否想要 So, you know, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to,
我是说 你跟我有没有可能 I mean, if--if you and me would ever,
我想说的是 你会不会 I mean, if
想要参加明天我和梅宝的探秘之旅 Hmm, wanted to join me and Mabel on this mystery hunt tomorrow.
那些阴谋的东西什么的 Conspiracy stuff and all that.
就这些 That's all.
当然了 伙计 Yeah, dude.
我喜欢跟朋友一起混 I love doing junk with friends.
哟 查徳雷 小心点 Yo, Chadley, watch out!
对 因为我们就是这样嘛 Yeah. 'Cau that's what we are.
我们一直都只是 It's all we'll
朋友 Friends.
伙计 你躺在我胸罩上了 Dude, you're lying on my bra.
嘿 当心点 Hey, easy with that.
那全是用塑料做的 It's genuine plastic.
顺便把这个停车场上的裂缝也重新填一下吧And re-pave the cracks in the parking lot while you're at it.
我可不想让我的车掉到中国去 I don't want my car falling into China.
派恩斯先生 到底是由什么引起的损坏 Mr. Pines, what exactly caud all this damage?
我要写份报告 I need to write a report.
呃 一个超大啄木鸟 Uh, a big woodpecker.
钱拿好 Keep the change.
我在眼罩下对你使眼色 I'm winking under my eye patch.
对我很有效哦 Works for me.
话说那些熊孩子跑哪里去了 Now where'd tho kids run off to?
感谢各位的到来 Thank you all for coming.
嘿 哪里有神秘 Hey, when there's a mystery,
哪里就有你姐 解密 you can count on your sister-ee.
好厉害的押韵 That's an amazing rhyme.
当你想要些好 "When you want some good--
当你需要苏斯时 When, when you need "
你 神啊 就是押不了韵 You've-- Oh, gosh. I don't know.
我们来这儿是为了解决重力泉头号神秘事件We're here to solve the number one mystery in Gravity Falls.
是谁写的这本日志 Who wrote this journal?
三十年前作者就销声匿迹 Thirty years ago the author vanished without a trace,
但根据新的线索 but according to this new clue,
我们也许会找到他秘密的藏身地点 we may have found his cret hiding place.
岗前培训心得体会总结只要找到作者 我们就能解答所有的谜题 We find that author, we learn the answers to everything.
意大利留学指南我们只需找到下去的路 We just need to figure out a way to get
悠着点 们 Chop it down, dudes.
温蒂 Wendy.
噢 嘿 你来啦 Oh, hey. You came.
伙计 我已经迫不及待了 Dude, I'm so stoked about this.
我一直期盼着和你们一起探险呢 I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys.
肯定比在家给老爸收拾烂摊子好玩 Sure beats picking up after my dad at home.
是谁把墙放那儿的 Who put that wall there?
感谢邀请 伙计 Thanks for the invite, man.
那当然了 无论何时你想要 我 我们总会 我们Of cour! Any time you want to-- I'm-- We're always-- Us.
哎哟喂 Uh-oh.