Mi Fu,as one of the four schools in Song Dynasty,plays an important role in the history of calligraphy.From Song Dynasty to Ming and Qing dynasties,or to modern times, Mi Fu has always been the focus of later generations,and the related rearch results are remarkable.However,the study of Mi Fu mainly focus on his writing,calligraphy thought and textual rearch on his life experience,but few people study Mi Fu al script.In this paper,the study of al script in Mi Fu makes up for the weak links in the study of Mi Fu, and enriches the overall study of Mi Fu calligraphy.Be able to understand Mi Fu's calligraphy thought more comprehensively and deeply,and feel the expression of his calligraphy thought in his calligraphy art more deeply.For Mi Fu,he can understand Mi Fu's calligraphy thought more comprehensively and deeply,and feel more deeply about the expression of his calligraphy thought in his calligraphy art.Can have a more comprehensive understanding of calligraphy.In this paper,literature rearch method,comparative rearch method and other methods are ud.First of all,starting from the development of al script in the Northern Song Dynasty and its caus,this paper analyzes the background of the development of al script in Mi Fu,and then analyzes the origin of the style of al script in Mi Fu.Th
irdly,this paper studies the different al script works of Mi Fu,determines the authenticity of his al script writing works,classifies his different al script works according to the different styles,analyzes the commonness among their different styles,and makes a comparative study with other al script works of the same era to find out the uniqueness of Mi Fu's al script style.Finally,the Mi Fu al script works and his writing works are related to explore Mi Fu al script and al script works.The mutual influence of running books and the enlightenment of Mi Fu's al script to later generations and modern al script creation.Mi Fu's al script works handed down not much,with the standard view of al script,is not very uful,but better than new ideas.From Mi Fu's al script works,its al script style is different,including big al type,small al type,simple silk type,hanging needle al type.The creation of al script has opened up new ideas.
Key words Mi Fu Seal character Beisong Style
绪论 (1)
第一章北宋篆书发展状况及原因 (5)
1.1北宋篆书的发展状况 (5)
1.2北宋篆书发展的原因 (6)
浙江实用医学第二章米芾篆书风格形成原因 (9)
2.1生活经历对米芾篆书风格的影响 (9)
2.1.1交游的影响 (9)
2.1.2为官经历的影响 (10)真语文
索隆经典语录2.2取法的影响 (11)
2.2.1溯源《史籀》 (11)
2.2.2宗法《诅楚文》、《石鼓文》及鼎器铭文 (12)
2.2.3师法时人 (14)
2.3米芾书学主张对其篆书风格的影响 (14)
2.3.1追古溯源的崇古观 (14)
2.3.2崇尚意趣自然的书法审美观 (15)
2.3.3八面出锋的书法技法观 (16)
第三章米芾篆书作品探析 (18)
3.1米芾篆书作品真伪考证 (18)
3.2米芾篆书作品风格分类及鉴赏 (18)
edta3.2.1大篆类作品 (19)
3.2.2简帛、悬针篆类作品 (23)
3.2.3小篆类作品 (25)
3.3米芾篆书技法形态的共性阐释 (27)
3.4米芾篆书与同期篆书作品的比较分析 (28)
3.4.1米芾与同期篆书墓志盖、碑额比较 (28)
3.4.2米芾篆书与徐铉篆书比较 (31)
3.4.3米芾篆书与黄庭坚篆书比较 (33)
第四章米芾篆书对自身创作以及对后世的影响 (35)
4.1米芾篆书对其自身艺术创作的影响 (35)
qq技巧4.1.1米芾对“篆籀气”的认识 (35)
4.1.2米芾行书作品中篆籀笔意的表现 (36)
4.1.3米芾篆书和行书的相互影响 (37)
4.2米芾篆书对明代草篆的影响 (38)
4.3米芾的篆书创作思想对当代篆书创作的启示 (41)
结论 (43)
参考文献 (44)
附录 (47)
致谢 (49)
攻读学位期间取得的研究成果 (50)