摘要:北斗三号作为我国自主建设的全球卫星导航系统,其本身性能水平以及与其他卫星导航系统的性能对比情况,对后续推广应用具有重要影响。为此,本文以空间信号测距误差(signal-in-space range error,SISRE)作为系统关键性能指标,以GFZ提供的多系统精密轨道钟差作为标准,给出了卫星轨道、卫星钟差、SISRE的比对评估方法,并以2020年1—3月共3个月的实测数据,验证了北斗三号相对北斗二号的精度改进情况,并重点分析了北斗三号与GPS、Galileo、GLONASS之间的性能对比关系。结果表明:无论是卫星轨道还是卫星钟差,北斗三号的精度水平相对北斗二号都有了明显提高;北斗三号卫星轨道在R、T、N方向精度分别达到0.07、0.30、0.26 m,在4个全球系统中处于最优水平;卫星钟差精度达到1.83 ns,基本与GPS系统持平,优于GLONASS,但还略差于Galileo;在空间信号测距误差方面,如果仅考虑轨道误差,北斗三号SISRE(orb)平均达到0.08 m,紧随其后,Galileo达到0.26 m,GPS达到0.57 m,GLONASS达到0.98 m。如果综合考虑轨道和钟差误差,北斗三号SISRE平均达到0.50 m,稍逊于Galileo的0.38 m,略优于GPS的0.58 m,明显好于GLONASS的2.35 m。
关键词:北斗三号 广播星历 r大空间信号测距误差我的承诺 卫星钟差 精度评估
Evaluation and comparative analysis of BDS-3 signal-in-space range error
Abstract: BDS-3 is a global satellite navigation system independently built by China. Its performance level and performance comparison with other satellite navigation systems have an important impact on the follow-up promotion and application. In this paper, the signal in space range error (SISRE) is ud as a key performance index of the system. Taking the multi-system preci orbit and clock offt provided by GFZ as the standard, the comparison and evaluation method of satellite orbit, satellite clock offt and SISRE is given. Bad on the measured data of three months from January to March 2020, the accuracy improvement of BDS-3 relative to BDS-2 is verified, and the performance comparison between BDS-3, GPS, Galileo and GLONASS is analyzed emphatically. The results show that the accuracy level of BDS-3 is significantly higher than that of BDS-2 both in satellite orbit and in satellite clock offt. The orbit accuracy of BDS-3 in the R, T and N direction is 0.07 m, 0.30 m and 0.26 m respectively, which is at the optimal level among the four global systems. The satellite clock offt accuracy is 1.83 ns, which is basically the same as that of GPS, superior to GLONASS, but slightly wor than Galileo. In terms of the signal in space range error, if only orbit error is considered, BDS-3 SISRE(
orb) is averagely 0.08 m. Next, Galileo SISRE(orb) is 0.26 m, GPS SISRE(orb) is 0.57 m, and GLONASS SISRE(orb) is 0.98 m. If the orbit and clock error are considered comprehensively, the average SISRE of BDS-3 is 0.50 m, which is slightly lower than 0.38 m of Galileo, better than 0.58 m of GPS, and significantly better than 2.35 m of GLONASS.
Key words: BDS-3 十大必看经典日剧broadcast ephemeris signal-in-space range error satellite clock offt accuracy evaluation
北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou navigation satellite system, BDS)按照“三步走”战略稳步推进冬至夜[1-2]。继北斗一号之后,2012年底,北斗二号区域系统建成,其后,北斗三号全球系统开始部署建设[3]自我成长分析报告,2018年12月27日,系统建成由18颗中圆轨道卫星(medium circle orbit, MEO)卫星构成的基本星座,开始向全球用户提供初始服务。随着2020年6月23日最后一颗卫星发射升空,北斗三号已成功完成全星座部署任务,目前在轨24颗MEO卫星,3颗倾斜同步轨道(inclined geostationary orbit, IGSO)卫星和3颗静止轨道(geostationary orbit, GEO)卫星,2020年7月31日,系统正式开通运行。与此同时,其他全球卫星导航系统的建设也已
进入新的发展阶段[4]。GPS自2018年12月19日开始陆续发射新一代导航卫星Block 泰狮金鱼Ⅲ,系统性能不断提升;GLONASS在经过一段萧条期后,目前在轨卫星数持续维持在24颗左右,同时积极从FDMA向CDMA体制过渡;Galileo不断加快建设步伐,2016年12月15日在轨卫星达到18颗,宣布提供初始服务,其后继续向全工作能力快速进发。在此条件下,北斗三号系统本身性能如何以及与其他卫星导航系统的性能对比情况,直接影响系统后续在应用领域的竞争力,有必要进行一定的分析比对,同时,北斗三号性能情况也将为我国日后综合PNT[5]以及弹性PNT[6]的研究奠定基础。
卫星导航基本定位性能通常通过精度衰减因子(dilution of precision, DOP)和用户等效测距误差(ur equivalent range error, UERE)来表征。前者反映定位几何构型,与星座结构和用户所处位置有关。后者可细分为用户设备误差(ur equipment error, UEE)和空间信号测距误差(signal-in-space range error, SISRE)[7]。UEE反映与用户接收相关的误差,例如观测噪声、多路径以及未修正的大气延迟误差等,SISRE则主要反映广播星历轨道和钟差的误差,集中体现了空间段和地面段的性能,因此,文献[8—9]指出可将SISRE作为系统关键指标,用于分析对比不同系统性能。随着北斗系统建设,许多学者对北斗空间信号精度