《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》指出“‘综合与实践’内容设置的目的在于培养学生综合运用有关的知识与方法解决实际问题,培养学生的问题意识、应用意识和创新意识,积累学生的活动经验,提高学生解决现实问题的能力。”PBL(Problem-bad Learning)是以问题为中心的教学模式。在这种教学模式下,教师引导学生自主查阅资料、组织学生开展小组合作学习,分析和探究问题,不断提高学生解决问题能力。因此,在深化新课改的背景下,从数学素养养成和实践能力培养的视角,基于PBL教学模式的基本理念,构建符合时代精神,彰显中国特色的小学数学“综合与实践”教学模式,具有积极的现实价值和一定的理论意义。
(3)为了证明 PBL教学模式在小学数学“综合与实践”中应用的可行性与必要性,以厦门市某小学三年级学生为研究对象,开展了PBL教学模式下小学数学“综合与实践”的实验研究。运用自制的综合学习能力测试量表,对实验班和控制班进行前后测,所得的问卷数据均采用SPSS25.0统计软件进行数据处理与分析。结果显示,PBL 教学模式下小学数学“综合与实践”有利于培养学生的发现问题能力、自主学习能力、小组合作能力、解决问题能力。根据研究结论,并提出相关教学建议。
关键词: PBL教学模式;小学数学;综合与实践;数学教学
Rearch on the Application of PBL Teaching Mode in "Comprehensive and Practice" of Primary School
Mathematics Curriculum Standard in Compulsory Education (2011) points out that the content of "Comprehensive and Practice" is designed to train students to comprehensively u relevant knowledge and methods to solve practical problems, cultivate students' consciousness of problems, application and innovation, help students accumulate experience of activities and improve students' ability to solve practical problems. PBL (Problem-bad Learning) is a teaching mode which focus on problems. Under this mode, teachers guide students to independently arch information, organize students to cooperate in groups, andthe discuss and analysis of problems,hence it aims to continuously develop students’ problem-solving ability. Therefore, in the context of deepening the new curriculum reform, from the perspective of mathematical literacy and practical ability training, bad on the basic concept of PBL teaching mode, to build a "comprehensive and practical" teaching mode of primary school mathematics that conforms to the spirit of the times and highlights Chine characteristics has a positive practical value and a certain theoretical significance.
This rearch mainly focus on the teaching of PBL mode in "Comprehensive and Practice" of primary school mathematics. Bad on literature investigation and theoretical discussion, this rearch investigates the teaching status of "Comprehensive and Practice" of primary school mathematics, constructs the PBL teaching mode of "Comprehensive and Practice" in primary school
mathematics, carries out teaching experimental rearch. We will adopt rearch methods such as literature rearch method, questionnaire survey method, interview survey method, experimental rearch method, etc. The rearch mainly includes:
(1) To investigate the current situation of "Comprehensive and Practice" of primary school mathematics from the perspectives of teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching implementation and teaching evaluation, and to summarize the existing problems: the teaching objectives are not really implemented; the teaching contents are limited to textbooks;subjectivity was ignored in the teaching process; the teaching evaluation is one-sided and not in place.
(2) Bad on the existing problems in the teaching of "Comprehensive and Practice" in primary school mathematics, this paper builds model of "Comprehensive and Practice" in primary school mathematics from the perspectives of theoretical basis, teaching objectives, teaching elements, teaching procedures, evaluation criteria, etc, and elaborates in detail the
teaching design which combines the PBL teaching mode with the "Comprehensive and Practice" in primary school mathematics by taking typical teaching topics as examples.
(3) In order to prove the feasibility and necessity of the application of PBL teaching mode in the "Co
mprehensive and Practice" teaching of primary school mathematics, a one-mester experimental study on "Comprehensive and Practice" of primary school mathematics under PBL teaching mode was carried out with the third-grade students of a primary school as the rearch object. The experimental class and the control class were measured before and after by using the lf-made comprehensive ability measurement table of "Comprehensive and Practice" teaching of primary school under the PBL teaching mode. SPSS25.0 statistical software was ud to process and analyze the data from all questionnaires. The results show that the teaching application of "Comprehensive and Practice" in primary school mathematics under PBL teaching mode can promote students' ability of problems finding, autonomous learning, group cooperation and problem solving.According to the conclusion of the study, some teaching suggestions are put forward.
Keywords:PBL Teaching Mode;Primary school mathematics;Comprehensive and Pratice;Mathematics teaching
目 录
第1章 绪论 (1)
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 研究意义 (2)
1.3 研究方法 (2)
1.4 研究内容 (3)
1.5 研究思路 (4)
第2章 理论概述 (5)
2.1 概念界定 (5)
2.1.1 教学模式 (5)
于灵溪2.1.2 PBL教学模式 (6)
2.1.3 小学数学“综合与实践” (7)
2.2 研究综述 (8)
2.2.1 PBL教学模式的研究综述 (8)
2.2.2 小学数学“综合与实践”的研究综述 (9)
2.3 理论基础 (16)
2.3.1 建构主义学习理论 (16)
2.3.2 人本主义学习理论 (17)大学班级活动
2.3.3 杜威实用主义理论 (17)
薛丁山三娶樊梨花第3章 小学数学“综合与实践”教学现状的调查与分析 (18)
3.1 调查设计概述 (18)
3.1.1 调查框架 (18)
3.1.2 调查过程 (19)
3.2 基于师生问卷的小学数学“综合与实践”调查分析 (20)
3.2.1 调查问卷的设计与编制 (20)
3.2.2 调查问卷的信度与效度的检验 (22)
3.2.3 调查问卷结果的数据分析 (27)
3.3 基于教师访谈的小学数学“综合与实践”调查分析 (34)
3.4 调查结论 (36)
第4章 PBL教学模式在小学数学“综合与实践”中的构建 (37)
4.1 PBL教学模式下小学数学“综合与实践”的教学目标 (37)
4.2 PBL教学模式下小学数学“综合与实践”的教学要素 (38)
4.2.1 教学主客体的角色定位 (38)
4.2.2 教学内容 (39)
4.2.3 教学用具 (44)
生牛肉怎么煮4.3 PBL教学模式下小学数学“综合与实践”的教学程序 (47)
4.3.1 教学程序的设计过程 (47)
4.3.2 教学程序的准备阶段 (49)
4.3.3 教学程序的实施阶段 (51)
4.3.4 教学程序的评价阶段 (53)
4.4 PBL教学模式下小学数学“综合与实践”的教学设计 (56)
第5章 PBL教学模式在小学数学“综合与实践”的实验研究 (61)
5.1 实验研究设计框架 (61)
5.2 实验目的 (62)
5.3 实验假设 (62)
5.4 实验设计及过程 (62)
5.4.1 实验设计 (62)
5.4.2 实验过程 (66)
5.5实验结果统计与分析 (66)
5.5.1 实验班与控制班前测独立样本T检验 (67)
5.5.2 实验班与控制班后测独立样本T检验 (68)
5.5.3 控制班前后测配对样本T检验 (69)