Brusls, 24.10.2006
COM(2006) 632 final
Accompanying COM(2006) 631 final: Clor Partners, Growing Responsibilities
A policy paper on EU-China trade and investment:
去美国留学安全吗Competition and Partnership
{COM(2006) 631 final}
1. China's economic revival (4)
2. The EU-China trade and economic relationship (5)
2.1. The benefits of openness (5)
2.2. The impact of competition (7)
access (8)
2.3. Obstacles
competition (9)
2.4. Conditions
3. The EU's respon and priorities for action (11)
openness (11)
3.1. Insisting
3.2. Levelling the playing field (11)
3.3. Supporting
companies (12)
3.4. Defending the EU's interests: dialogue first (13)
3.5. Building a stronger global relationship (14)
Conclusion (15)
Competition and Partnership
A policy for EU-China trade and investment
Executive summary
China is the single most important challenge for EU trade policy. EU-China trade has incread dramatically in the past few years, doubling between 2000 and 2005. Europe is China's largest export market; China is Europe's largest source of imports. This trade policy paper address the economic and competitive challenges that flow from this change and the respons the EU should adopt in the area of trade and investment. It is part of the broader partnership with China and the approach t out by the Commission in its Communication on relations with China: "Clor Partners, Growing Responsibilities".
The EU's open market has been a large contributor to China’s export-led growth. The EU has also benefited from the growth of the Chine market: EU exports to China have more than doubled in the past five years. Competitively priced Chine products have helped keep inflation and interest rates in Europe lower. European companies have gained from their investments in China. But competition from China has raid rious challenges for Europe in some important manufacturing ctors.
If we strike the right balance, there is ample scope for a continued mutually beneficial trade partners
hip between Europe and China. Political leaders on both sides should continue to argue for open economic engagement. Europe should continue to offer open and fair access to China's exports and to adjust to the competitive challenge, while pursuing policies to support tho bearing the burden of economic adjustment at home. China itlf should reciprocate by strengthening its commitment to economic openness and market reform. It should strengthen legal protection for foreign companies and the enforcement of this protection and reject anti-competitive trading practices and policies.
In pursuing this relationship the European Commission will strongly defend openness in European trade with China. But it will also ek to ensure that China meets its WTO obligations and continues to liberali access to its goods, rvices, investment and public procurement markets. It will ek the end of forced technology transfers for European investors and impod export requirements. The EU will ek tougher protection of the legal rights of EU companies, especially in the area of intellectual property and urge China to end the unfair subsidisation or protection of strategic industries. It will ek to ensure that the issues are taken forward within the overall process of dialogue and co-operation between Europe and China and are clearly and comprehensively covered in the new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement including the updating of the 1985 Trade and Co-operation Agreement. To assist European business in China, the Commission will overe the
陶渊明的饮酒establishment of new commercial resources in China and Europe to support European business and promote language learning.
China's economic
return Two hundred years ago, China was the largest economy in the world. But, by 1978, its share of global GDP had fallen to 0.5%. Since then, China's policy of reform and economic openness has unlocked unprecedented levels of growth and development. Reforms incread the role of the private ctor, channelled high levels of savings into investment, incread the level of education, favoured a move away from agriculture into manufacturing and unlocked the potential of China's large pool of 700 million workers. Since 1980 China has enjoyed annual average growth of 9% and has en its share of world GDP expand tenfold to reach 5% of global GDP.
The benefits of growth China’s growth has resulted in the steepest recorded drop in poverty in world history. Per capita income has doubled; doubled and then doubled again reaching a fifth of current EU level in purchasing power parity. China reduced by 170 million the number of people living on a dollar per day between 1990 and 2000. At the same time, a large middle class with rising purchasing
标书是什么工作power has emerged.
A new trading
power The progressive integration of China into the international trading system - spurred by its membership of the WTO in 2001 - has provided China with cure, open and predictable export markets. China has become the world’s third largest exporter. Its total external trade is now more than three times the combined trade of India and Brazil. Exports reprent more than one third of China’s economy. However, the majority of China’s exports focus on procesd goods with limited added value.
A major recipient of
foreign investment China is one of the world’s largest recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI) and operates incentives for foreign investment. In 2005, foreign invested companies accounted for more than half of total Chine exports.
A stable, growing China is in Europe’s
interest Europe has a critical interest in China’s transition to a stable, prosperous and open economy.
It recognis that the openness of the EU market to Chine exports will be a key factor in China’s further development. But Europe also stands to benefit from China’s growing market for advanced technology, high-value goods and complex rvices. European consumers will continue to benefit from competitively priced imports from China. The macro-economic benefits of China's export strength for European competitiveness and growth are significant. The gains outweigh the loss suffered in particular areas.
The only sustainable approach for Europe is to welcome China's growth and ek to benefit from it through open trade. To build and maintain political support in Europe for this policy and the adjustment it requires, the benefits of openness and change must be fully realid. This means China must show that it is committed to embracing globalisation as a two way street. China should u its growing influence to champion open markets and fair competition.
The challenges of sustainable
growth Moreover, despite its economic success, China faces rious challenges. Its competitiveness as an exporter cannot hide the structural problems it faces. Rapid growth has been accompanied by environmental costs, social inequalities and human health challenges. For growth to continue, China
will need to maintain the momentum of domestic reform and rebalance its pattern of growth away from the export ctor and towards domestic demand. China should continue its efforts to develop a more sustainable approach to the exploitation of natural resources. In the areas Europe should offer recognition of the challenges and support for reform in China to balance legitimate demands on China's behaviour towards its trading partners and the international system.
2.1. The benefits of openness
Mutual benefits China's integration into the global trading and investment system has been beneficial for both Europe and for China. The EU reprents more than 19%
of China’s external trade. European companies trading in China have
brought capital goods, knowledge and technology that have helped China
develop its productive capacity. Reciprocally, trade with China helps to
promote growth and jobs in Europe through increasing exports, continuing
specialisation in high-value products and rvices and strengthening the
global competitiveness of EU companies.
小于90度的角是锐角对吗EU exports EU exports to China incread by more than 100% between 2000 and 2005, much faster than its exports in the rest of the world. In the rvices ctor
EU exports to China expanded six fold in the period 1994-2004, bad
particularly on its strengths in the financial, construction, distribution and
educational rvices ctors.