能读懂英语句子He popped the question什么意思吗?
He popped the question用英语怎么说?
你学习和读懂英语句子:He popped the question to her last night时,究竟是为了把这句学过的英语在今后有机会使用呢,还是为了通过这句英语的学习训练自己把英语学成英语的能力?
1) 用中文学英语
英语:He popped the question to her last night
你只会把英语pop the question理解成中文“求婚”吗?中进
2) 把学过的英语用起来,用英语学英语
英语:He popped the question to her last night
英语1:Okay.I got you. When you say:He popped the question (to a girl),you mean:He asked the girl to marry him.
Ask someone to marry you,学过吗?
英语2:Okay.I got you. When you say:He popped the question (to a girl),you mean:He propod marriage to her.
To ask a girl to marry you means To propo marriage to your girl学过吗?
尥To propo marriage,不是propo A marriage哟!
3) 轮到你把下面的英语pop the question说成英语升国旗时间
1.I'm planning on popping the question just before the fireworks start.
2. He popped the question in a text message? That's the worst proposal I've ever heard of.
3.She waited for years for him to pop the question. Finally she popped the question.