READING AND WRITING 1hour 30 minutes
脂肪豆Don’t forget- Flight BA692 6.45 pm欧式橱柜效果图 | | Example:0 The plane arrive at A quarter to ven in the morning. B quarter to past six in the evening. C quarter to ven in the evening. The correct answer is C,so mark your Answer Sheet like this: |
1 Plea inform the supervisor if this photocopier runs out of ink.
The supervisor
A needs to know if there is no in l in the photocopier.
B should repair the photocopier if it prints badly.
C will tell you how to load the photocopier with ink.为下文做铺垫
2 All deliveries – plea report to Reception immediately upon arrival for authority to unload.
Drivers should
A speak to Reception after delivering goods.
B unload vehicles at Reception.
C call in at Reception before unloading.
3 Jane, I’d like to meet on Tuesday, but if my plane’s delayed I’ll e you at Friday’s meet
A John has to postpone his meeting until Friday.
B John will be late for his meeting on Tuesday.
C John hopes to e Jane on Tuesday.
4Company staff must advi Personnel of any change of home address, to keep files up to date 可望而不可及的意思
A All staff must update their company files regularly.
B Staff must keep Personnel informed if they move hou.
C Staff must inform Personnel of any company which changes address.
Insurance Dircet phoned: re your call’ could you return form by 28 September.
A Plea ring Insurance Direct back about the form before 28 September.
B Send back the insurance form that you phoned about before 28 September.
C Insurance Direct have acknowledged receipt of your form dated 28 September.
Questions 6-10
● Look at the advertiment below . It shows the training cours which are offered by a company called Merton Training.
For questions 6-10’decide which cour (A-H) is the most suitable for each person below to attend.
For each question’ mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
Do not u any letter more than once.
A Advanced Prentation Skills
B Better Time Management
C Esntial Team-Building in the Office
D Updating your Selling Skills
F Making the Most of Computers.
G Successful Telephoning
H Developing your Understanding of Accounts
6 The office manager needs to become more efficient in order to meet deadlines at work.
7 This member of staff has to make veral calls a day but is not confident when ringing strangers.
8 The information Technology Manager wants to improve the speech she has prepared for a conference next month.
9 An experienced sales executive needs to update his knowledge of finance before he st
arts work as Assistant Sales Manager.
10 Anew member of the team needs to learn how to u the office software more efficiently.
Questions 11-15
Look at the charts below. They show the income from sales and the income from advertiments in eight different newspapers over a three-month period in 2001.
Which chart does each ntence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?
For each ntence , mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet。
Do not u any letter more than once.
Income from advertiments Income from sales
11 While income from advertiments ro steadily throughout the period, income from sales incread in June but then fell to below the May level.
12 Income from advertiment fell slightly in June and by a larger amount in July, whereas income from sales remained steady in the final month.
带爱字的成语13 Although income from sales overtook income from advertiments in June, it then dropped back again at the end of the period.
14 Income from sales reached a low point in June while income from advertiments leveled off at the end of the period.
15 Income from advertiments reached a peak in July and income from sales was at its lowest point in June.
Question 16-22
● Read this part of the letter of application below.
● Are ntences 16-22 on the opposite page ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’?
If there is not enough information to answer ’Right’ or ‘wrong’, choo ‘Doesn’t say’.
● For each ntence 16-22, mark one letter<A, B or C> on your Answer Sheet.
I would like to apply for the post of Personnel Officer with Anglia Bank, as advertid in the Daily News on 19 October.
I have a BA in French from the University of London. I am following a part-time cour in Personnel Management at the Oxford College of Management, and I hope to pass the Diploma in Personnel Management at the end of December