市委常委会Standing Committee of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委办公厅General Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委督察室Superintendent Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委群众工作协调办公室Mass Work Coordination Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
奇形怪状近义词市委台湾工作办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委研究室Policy Rearch Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委党史研究室Party History Rearch Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委组织部Organizational Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委宣传部Publicity Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委对外宣传局International Communication Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Commit
市委统战部United Front Work Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委保密局Secrets Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee终生难忘
市委机要局Confidential Affairs Bureau of the CPC Handan Committee
市委直属机关工作委员会Work Commission for Offices Directly Under the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委农村工作委员会Rural Affairs Commission of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委政法委Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委纪律检查委员会Commission for Discipline and Inspection of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委老干部局Bureau for Retired Professionals of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委机关事务管理局Logistics Management Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
市委党校Party School of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会办公厅General Office of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会机关党委Party Committee for the Organs of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大法制委员会LegislativeCommittee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会法制工作委员会Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大内务司法委员会Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大财政经济委员会Finance and Economic Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大农村经济委员会Rural Economic Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大城乡建设和环境保护委员会Committee for Urban and Rural Constructionand Environmental Protection of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大教育科学文化卫生委员会Committee for Education, Science, Culture and Public Health of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大民族华侨外事委员会Committee for Ethnic, Overas Chine and Foreign Affairs of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会研究室Legislative Rearch Office of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会选举任免代表工作委员会Committee for Elections, Appointments, Removals and Deputies Affairs of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会培训中心Training Center of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
Handan Municipal People’s Government and
the Units Managed directly by the Departments of Hebei Provincial Government in Handan City
什么千什么万市政府办公厅 General Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
钢琴指法口诀市人民政府督促检查办公室Superintendent Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府新闻办公室 Information Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市政府研究室Rearch Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府法制办公室Legislative Affairs Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府外事侨务办公室Foreign and Overas Chine Affairs Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市优化经济发展环境办公室Handan Municipal Office for Promoting Socio-economic Development
市人民政府行政审批综合服务中心Multiple Service Center for Administrative Approvaland
Examinations of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市行政审批制度改革工作领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for Reforming in Administrative Examinations and Approval Systems荆轲刺秦小品
市发展和改革委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Development and Reform
邯郸市信息化工作办公室Handan Municipal Informatization Office
邯郸市信息产业局Handan Municipal Information Industry Bureau
邯郸市信息中心Handan Municipal Information Center
市人口和计划生育委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Population and Family Planning
市爱国卫生运动委员会Handan Municipal Committee for Patriotic Sanitation Campaign
市政府国有资产监督管理委员会Commission for Supervision and Management of State Property of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府机关事务管理局Government Supply Bureau of Handan Municipal People’s Government