Name (Plea u Characters and Pinyin):
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth (Plea u Characters and Pinyin):
Current Passport Number:
Preferred Mailing Address (Plea u Chine):
Home Address(Plea u Chine):
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Purpo of Travel (1-2 ntences explaining your reason for going to the United States):
Short Itinerary: (list your Itinerary in order and your expected date of arrival)
Beijing-Chicago-New York-Beijing
林冲的绰号是什么Date of Arrival to USA: 25-Jun-2011
US Contact:
Phone Number:
Accompanying Travelers
Name (Plea u Characters and Pinyin):
Relationship (Plea u Characters and Pinyin):
(List with most recent at the top. Include dates, field of study, degree earned, school name and location)
Sep. 2001 to Jun. 2004: PH.D, Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China.
Sep. 1998 TO Jun. 2001: M.S., Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China.
恐龙化石简笔画Sep. 1994 TO Jul. 1998: B.S., Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China.
(Plea list all work experience starting with the most recent job and listing backwards. Plea include dates of employment, position title, company name, location, and 1-2 ntences on your job duties.)
Jun. 2010 to Prent: Head of Rearch and Development, China Chemical Company, Beijing, China
Managed the rearch and development team in a large chemical company. Rearch is primarily focud on polymer rearch.
Sep. 2006 to Jun. 2010: Chemical Engineer, China Chemical Company, Beijing, China
Worked developing new polymers and chemicals for a large chemical company.
Jul. 2004 to Sep. 2006: Associate Professor, Qingdao University, Qingdao, China
Taught graduate level college cours including Organic Chemistry, Catalysts, Chemical
Analysis. Conducted rearch on chemical interaction with organic metals.
Publications 红酒排行榜– plea list all publications, if any
Previous US Visa:
(List type of visa and date issued for all previous US visas)
J2, 29-JUN-2006
Passport Numbers:
(Plea list all passports you have held, include the passport number, passport type, and expiration date.)
P8888888, Private passport, June 2014
郭家街小学G8888888, Service Passport, July 2011手机铃声推荐
Previous Travel:
(Plea list all travel in last 10 years with dates, place of travel, and reason for travel.)
腼腆怎么读July 2009, England, Tourism
Feb. 2009, Japan, Chemistry Conference
June 2008, Singapore, Chemical Conference