Le a rn a b o ut t he mo s t c e le b ra t e d a nnua l o c c a s io ns in t he Unit e St. Pa t ric k's Da y is c e le b ra t e d in Ire la nd a nd o t he r p a rt s o f t he UK wit h p a ra d e s, p a rt ie s, a nd g e ne ra l re ve lry.
In O xf o rd s hire
T he p ro c e s s io n p e rf o rme d d uring t he T ro o p ing t he Co lo ur c e re mo ny o rig ina t Swa n up p ing is t he a nnua l p ro c e s s b y whic h t he Q ue e n's up p e rs t a k e a c e ns O n Bo nf ire Nig ht, re ve le rs c e le b ra t e in t he s t re e t s, wa t c h f ire wo rk s, lig ht b o
Thank you for reading. If you know of additional holidays and celebrations obrved in the UK, plea let me know in the comments below, and I'll add them to the list.
© 2010 Holiday Girl龟兔赛跑动画片
Ur72892q661 on April 26, 2020:
Im looking for things for school
Rahul Sharma from Manchester, UK on April 06, 2020:
WOW its nice to read about Great Britain holidays. People from other countries also joining UK to celebrate their
Wasumarawuasu on February 19, 2020:
手机绳There are lots of festivals, I need to put 3/4/5, and I don't now which 3/4/5 can I put.
Can you tell me?
momn on February 09, 2020:
birthdays they forgot
Owain Hale on February 07, 2020:
Also Dydd Santes Dwynwen which is basically welsh valentines day, celebrated on January the 25th.
Owain Hale on February 07, 2020:
You have forgotten fathers day (third Sunday of June) and the national eisteddfod (First week of August)
Zuhayr Abbasi on November 30, 2019:
I am from England and I am shocked that we celebrate Christmas
lucy on November 14, 2019:
i am part British and i live in the united states i do not know much about my family history but i wish i knew more about my family history. But i do have my British accent and that i have a very high temper and i am MYIA on November 14, 2019:
this app helped me a lot
Ruben on November 09, 2019:
so christmas means we can eat ham and minced pies? haha nice
i think real christmas is a celebration in Christ's honour, about him and his birth.
christmas = santa
easter = bunny
silly-blonde on October 16, 2019:
So like then i was like OMG NO WAYYYY- oh this isn' sorry everyone nice holidays
melissa cook on October 09, 2019:
oh my god theyre cool thanks for information
水浒传晁盖Nuha on June 21, 2019:
It’s about kids
Ash kitsune on February 21, 2019:
You have taken alot of time to find figure out and detailed descripted all of the holidays im very surprud and thank you very much for theaching me the national holidays
LIZ on December 08, 2018:
nice holidays
Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on June 22, 2018:
Thanks, uful information. great article. The U.K. is rich in holidays,
bh on May 29, 2018:
why are there so many?
AHeartyFAAAAART on April 26, 2018:
This was uful
pooop on April 24, 2018:
so gooooooooood
Bro on April 12, 2018:
Good.Very good!
吧女Boi on February 23, 2018:
To many adds
Cyan on February 13, 2018:
Happy new year old. Man
Andrew on February 13, 2018:
Awesome. so thankful for the updates
Dakota on December 13, 2017:
helped me on my progect
nathalie on December 13, 2017:
cake on December 10, 2017:
hi on December 06, 2017:
plea give me more information for British celebrations
Jukedude on December 04, 2017:
This did help a LOT with my project
AMIRI on October 06, 2017:
Celina Martin on August 04, 2017:
Could you give me more lists of celebrations?当红男明星
Leah on July 10, 2017:
I love this website it gives you all the information about what the holiday is and its laprated. #BestWebsiteEver!