一、Chine-English Translation(总题数:4,分数:100.00)
解析:When it comes to cutting back study load, it may sound plausible to single out English exam as an ice-breaker for the propod Gaokao reform/to take English out of the Gaokao system/fabric/architecture/configuration in the first place. After all, learning E
nglish is truly time-consuming.
On top of that, a sizable portion/an inordinate amount of study time is currently devoted to English learning. Gaokao reform is designed either to reduce study load or reorient its functionality with a more balanced mix of subjects. That being said/That said/Having said that, for that to happen, it takes more than simply axing/removing/delisting English, the allegedly most time-intensive subject.
A reduced study load is widely applauded by college candidates and their otherwi anxious parents. But if the reform looks at exactly how to relieve the burden of students/make Gaokao less burdensome/more student-friendly, then mathematics might as well be given less weight, if not the next to go. Admittedly for many students, math takes no less time than English, but might be less productive. Learning by rote, which many Chine students feel perfectly comfortable with, doesn"t do the trick when it comes to math, a subject that dictates more thinking and method.
The yawning/expanding divide in English scores between urban students and their rural peers/counterparts, however, shall be attributed to the acute urban-rural disparities in acc
ess to educational resources. I have been to rural schools twice as a volunteer teacher and am fully aware of the state of rural English teaching. In rural schools, there is an acute scarcity/ shortage of English-teaching faculty. Among tho who teach English, many haven"t learned English systematically themlves. For rural students, English is not within their reach, and most of what is taught in English is even further from their real life. That, coupled with the abnce of audio-visual equipment, extra-curricular reading materials and Internet access, means many rural college candidates have to brush English aside/dismiss/disregard English.
As we ek to narrow the urban-rural divide in English scores to make Gaokao more fair and equitable, we must make more English teaching resources available to rural schools rather than simply make English less weighty in urban schools. To level the playing field, we might draw on Affirmative Action, a policy adopted by American universities when admitting students of ethnic minorities. In China"s ca, a pro-rural policy can be developed so that rural candidates will be exempted from English exam when sitting for Gaokao. At the next level, rural undergraduates may entail more support in English teachi
百闻不如一见的意思ng so as to make up for/catch up on what they have misd in English learning back in high school.
Vision and Mission/Purpo
At CNOOC, we are guided by/follow a path to sustainability and stay committed to win-win development/growth, accountability, integrity, innovation and caring practices in everything we do. We work to achieve balanced growth, ek to grow and thrive by building the pipeline of future talent/building a strong talent pool. We strive to stay ahead as a technological innovator and cost-effective producer. We identify and pursue distinctive growth opportunities in ways that help build a world-class energy producer with
safe, efficient and strong operations.
We give equal prominence to/lay equal stress on economic opportunities for all, business growth, social performance and stewardship of the environment. We aim to be recognized as an integrated energy producer that delivers long-term value, credibility and satisfaction to employees, shareholders, partners, policymakers and communities where we operate.
Business Philosophy/Ways to Deliver on Commitments
People First/People-oriented/People-focud/People-centered
We are a caring employer. We recognize and respect the potential of each and every employee, make training opportunities available for skills development and bring out the best in all. We cure due rights and interests of a motivated workforce that stands ready to be part of our success story.
Accountability for all Actions We Take
We strive to power/feed/fuel national development with premium energy sources and deli
ver on our strong commitments to social well-being/progress. We remain committed to balanced and sustainable growth in ways that deliver/foster/cure/promote/bring about/generate/improve economic, social and environmental benefits/promote economic growth, social progress and environmental care.
Synergy for Win-win Results
We take long-term approaches to issues that ari from growth and build partnerships for mutual benefit. We look to pool resources, leverage/leverage on/synergize respective strengths and tap into potentials of all stakeholders for the best possible results for all.
We value integrity in everything we do. We honor commitments, cure transparency and live honesty/follow honest practices. We ek to maximize value creation for the organization while refraining from any action that may/threatens to undermine/jeopardize public good and interests of other stakeholders. We work to build a workforce of integrity that rejects deceptive and fraudulent practices. At CNOOC, we instill positive professional ethics and n of honor.
关公是谁We foster creativity and value ingenuity. We embrace latest information, up-to-date knowledge and fresh ideas and encourage the practice of thinking out of the box rather than treading the same old path/following a beaten track. We employ/embrace forward-looking ways and measures, identify advanced ideas and systems, and develop state-of-the-art technologies and process that help build one of the world"s leading industry players.
Core Strategies to Grow Business
Balanced Development
前列腺炎的危害We ek to make all business arms more competitive globally by pooling resources for best synergy and balanced growth.
Commitment to R&D
We look to build up R&D capacity/capabilities by modernizing innovation mechanisms and fostering a strong pool of R&D professionals. We aim to keep business growing/sustain business growth/cure long-term viability with a growing wealth of state-
of-the-art/cutting-edge technologies/technological experti.
HR Development
We work to improve ways we recruit, foster and incentivi talents and invest more in HR development. We strive to achieve excellence in ways that help build a well-structured pool of talents who are equipped with strong ethics and diver skills.
We are committed to cost control and management in ways that shape a cost-conscious culture and engage employees in our endeavor to remain one of the leading industry players in cost control worldwide.
A Green, Low-carbon Path
We follow a green, clean and low-carbon path by working hard to save energy and cut emissions/minimizing energy consumption and emissions. We aim to gain a new competitive edge by going green and help foster/shape a truly sustainable industry.
以日本为例,使用WeChat(微信的海外版本)的人大多数是华人。据报道,在日本工作的华人做了调研,结论是“不接地气”:比如日本人非常警惕通过“搜索”找上门来的“朋友”,对于Look Around功能,也就是在国内微信中类似“附近的人”这一功能十分排斥;比如,日本人没有QQ情节,对于WeChat从QQ移植过来的表情感觉非常奇怪:再比如,WeChat没有游戏一说,在游戏产业风靡的日本,只能靠边站了。
韩国有Kakao Talk、日本有LINE,微信发力东南亚市场,劲敌强大。而微信国际化的关键在于能否进入欧美市场尤其是美国市场。
美国作为全球互联网科技创新的发源地,WhatsApp、Facebook Mesnger都是十分成熟的产品,尤其是面对拥有超过10亿用户的Facebook,微信如何建立先进的产品认知?微信在产品功能上的新鲜价值如何复制到美国市场?还有,微信在国内有QQ的庞大用户群“背书”,但在美国显然没有背后的用户群,人口问题实在紧迫。
互联网的兴盛促成了地球村时代的到来,尽管沟通再无地理上的障碍,但是隔阂仍然存在,包括文化差异、用户沟通交流习惯不同、数据安全等一系列问题。Google败走亚洲:在日本不及雅虎、在韩国输给Naver;Facebook席卷世界,却在巴西惨败给Google旗下几近放弃的社交网站Orkut;盛大在纳斯达克上市8年,最终选择黯然退市……这些都是扩张型互联网企业在全球化视角下的战略困局。 水的名言